final count ever get resolved?
I thought it was, but then I started getting all these "mail-in" votes! And I thought internet voting would make this easier!
Why ? ... you believe or not ? if you do not believe there must be a reason (that's what you have check ... NO ?)
This thread started because of a discussion with a person very close to me that became tremendously bothered by my unwillingness to believe in a god. I was accused of not listening to the arguments, explaining them away, wanting "not" to believe. So I wanted to give it the best shot it could get. I know many of you are believers, and moreover, you're a diverse group of believers. So I thought if there was any chance that somebody would strike a chord with me, it would be one of you.
The impression I'm left with is that for the most part, the people that "found" God actually say they were found by him. Searching didn't help, at least not for the majority. So I'm basically dropping the idea until God reveals himself to me. There's no way to prove that he doesn't exist, so I won't bother trying. And it seems impossible to prove (to me) that he does exist, so again no point in bothering there. Like the Magic-Eye pictures, I'll just think about something else and see what happens. (I'm reminded of the time I stared cross-eyed at some random pattern, only to realize that it was not meant to be a magic eye picture. I was trying so hard to see what I thought was there, but it simply wasn't there to be seen.)
BTW, I think an atheist is a person that doesn't believe in a god, not one that believes there is no god. It is an absence of belief, not a belief. So I think at this point I qualify as an atheist. (Don't I get a card, or something?)
Let me say again, thank you all for your heartfelt, helpful, informative responses.