Abbreviate, abbreviate, abbreviate.
How about G D Woman? LOL
belbab, just fluffin up the fluff
i have decided to start the new year with a new jw.com username.. my "compelling" reasons:.
1. i often get confused with that sweet, adorable, and extremely funny, texan, "andi" (billygoat).
however, when i get thanked for .
Abbreviate, abbreviate, abbreviate.
How about G D Woman? LOL
belbab, just fluffin up the fluff
not been posting on this board too long, but started my ex jw internet excursion with the philia group back in 1995 (thanx alanf:-)).. not wishing to poke anybody in the eye but i'm curious at those mails i've read where some of you guys are hanging in on there (from where i sit) under the jw tag.
by that i mean you've clearly identified you've not attended meetings, have no intention of going to meetings, maybe (albeit under the jw rules)in a d/a or d/f situation, but laying low.. geniunely interested in why - i got d/f by banging on the elders door (metaphysically speaking) and sitting through a judicial to get out properly.. maybe 33 years as jw straight off (18 years under hillary step formula:-))skewed my thinking, but just curious....
If you read Josephus' account of the destruction of Jerusalem, during the lenghthy siege there was one man who constantly went about and cried, Woe, Woe to Jerusalem. He was constantly caught and beaten and imprisoned, but he never stopped crying out his message. Why did he do it? Why did he not previously heed the message of Jesus to flee to mountains?
Why do some JWs hang on when they see the abominations seated in the holy place? Why do some choose like yourself choose to go out kicking
and get disfellowshipped? And why do some just fade away quietly?
Each one chooses his own way, and whatever way he chooses he is publishing his message by his actions. Your question shows that you are listening and paying heed to the different messages.
i frequently read on this board that somebody has 'been a jw for over 25 years' and then learn that they are in fact 25 years and three days old.. i am very easily confused, in fact i actually got inside a car of similar color to my own recently and spent at least five minutes with a furrowed brow trying to force my car key into its ignition, fortunately, i realised my error before i was arrested.
so, just to humor me, can you all post how long you were/are baptised jw's?.
thank you -- hs.
baptized Jan 1954
Gilead [big deal] 1959
Woke up, Nov, 1967
Marked about 1970
Hunted down, shot and pissed on about Sept 1973
Very lonely, 1973 to spring of 1975
Received communication from long time Jehovah's Witnesses sister, special pioneer, married in summer of 1975. Son born, l976, second son born 1980. Been living ever since under our own vine and fig tree, but waited about ten to fifteen years til we finally found others we could communicate with. Year 2000 finally got on the internet, Oh happy day!
just noticed effective tonight he's pulling the site!
wow--did someone else post about this?.
* http://www.witnessesonline.com/.
Lisa, in case you missed this thread, belbab
Go to: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=18159&site=3#222896
so witnesses online is going offline, and yet another incarnation is coming.
the pure language network.
I am just testing to see if their messages can be pasted here.
Dances with wife
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Michigan
Posts: 2
Funny Book Study Story
When I was about 8 years old, we had the book study in my parents home. One night during the "Christmas" season, we had a visit by "Carolers" during the book study. My mom answered the door and they started singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas". My mom point blank said, that "Were having a Bible study and don't have time to listen to Christmas singing" I wish I could have seen the look on those singers faces!
Anyway, mom returns to the group and there is silence and then everyone starts laughing at what my mother just said.
Are lonesome, Phil Bott? I am far away, all I can give you is a words, and tell you my thoughts are with you, and I wish you were here and share with me and my family.
the ageold question that i'm sure we have all given some degree of thought to...what is the purpose of life?
anyone have a theory/opinion they would like to share?.
my personal opinion on this is not solid enough yet to be considered a belief.
My age long purpose in life question has always been, What's it all for?. So far the answer has been another question, Does it have to have a purpose? May be life just is.
If you are into reading books, you may want to find the book, Saviours of God by Nikos Kazaantzakis, the author of The Last Temptation of Christ and Zorba the Greek. His answer to the question is that the purpose of life is to Save God , to turn inert matter into to spirit, to preserve life itself. Or if you choose, choose the opposite, destroy life, or come to the realization That Even This One Does Not Exist . Take your pick.
recently a survey was conducted by the u.n. worldwide.. the question asked was, "would you please give your opinion about the food.
shortage in the rest of the world?".
the survey was a huge failure.. in africa they did not know what 'food' meant.. in western europe, they did not know what 'shortage' meant.. in eastern europe they did not know what 'opinion' meant.. in south america they did not know what 'please' meant.. and in the u.s. they did not know what 'the rest of the world' meant.
Oh and one more thing, the Jay dubs, think that REST, of the world means the paradise way off in the future, no one eats til then, except the carnivors , eagles and buzzards.
recently a survey was conducted by the u.n. worldwide.. the question asked was, "would you please give your opinion about the food.
shortage in the rest of the world?".
the survey was a huge failure.. in africa they did not know what 'food' meant.. in western europe, they did not know what 'shortage' meant.. in eastern europe they did not know what 'opinion' meant.. in south america they did not know what 'please' meant.. and in the u.s. they did not know what 'the rest of the world' meant.
and Jehovah;s witlesses didn't know the meaning of the word give
it seems that a disproportionate percentage of us were involved in the fulltime service at some point.. does this have something to do with us being exes?.
take care.
joel (7 months bethelite, 2 years pioneer)
I don't believe it is only because they saw and heard more in the full time work, which no doubt is true. I believe they were more gung ho, more conscientious, and devoted to serving "god" aka organization. They thought, observed and read more.
One thing though I have not seen much on the boards and that is Gilead graduates. Did a lot of them really die in their assignments, like Pappy Knorr said, Go to your assigments and die there if necessary?
Another instructor said, [Jack Redford] 'A' students crack up first!
I would like to hear of any other ex-glads especially from South Lansing origin.
belbab, clazz of thirty four.