You do not know the scriptures, don't you remember Daniel saying thatthat they will run to and fro in the last days and knowledge shall be increased?
i like the society never apologize anymore!
if i say something wrong or do something incorrect i merely say excuse me the light just got brighter.
most people look confused when i say this, as do the people in the watchtower bible tract society, but i felt it works for them,------------ its good enough for me.. excuse me the light just got brighter yes i like the sound of that.. one member of the writing department said to another we really got this disfollewshipping thing wrong-------- first we say we cant talk to them.
You do not know the scriptures, don't you remember Daniel saying thatthat they will run to and fro in the last days and knowledge shall be increased?
belbab .
from: elsamu (original message) sent: 23/01/2002 11:23 .
hello, brothers&sisters.. .
Scully, Scully, you are a sly one.
The writing style in that last orange colored post sure seems familiar. Where have I read that style before?
I wonder how many readers of that post will agree what is said in their minds before the post gets a hammering and deleted. Let's hope the seed will grow before that happens.
Another point, from one of the posts. We know that we must be deep in the last days . Where have I heard this expression before? Well it's the same expression that Ciro Aucilino used in his talk last fall. Something like, We know, brothers, we are deep deep into the time of the end....
Except for the orange post, all the others sound like straight from an assembly drama, yes, we are deep deep deep in doggy doo and there is no end in sight.
what happened when the polak locked his keys in the car?
it took him two hours to get his family out with a coat hanger!.
did you hear in the news that a cessna recently crashed in a cemetery in poland?
What does the Polish JW elder tell his wife to keep her in subjection:
Told to me years ago by a Polish elder, now an exjw polish elder.
this 3d illustration is something i did as a part of a face lift for randy waters site i have been working on.
i hope all you bethel spies like it.
you are more than welcome to use it for the next watchtower cover, you have my permission.
Fig leaves certainly would not convey the mindset of the dubs sexuality prohibitions. After all, Adam and Eve posted the fig leaves of their own volition.
Now, cast iron medieval chastity belts, that would be more like it.
55 year old woman gets disfellowshipped for having sex with a 15 year old boy.
isn't that child abuse?
does society in general see this different if the abuser is a woman?
Was there two creditable, adult eyewitnesses to the event?
If not then the fifteen year old should get disfellowshipped for committing the offense or for lying. The woman goes free, no evidence.
check your e-mail
bel .
"some pedophiles get pass from - media" by carl limbacher discusses how some pedophiles are off limits to mass media.. which brings up the dateline program on jw pedophiles, which maybe is at the bottom of atlantic ocean as you read this.
last i heard it was ready to go, so what happened?.
I am glad to see you are giving voice to some misgivings I have also.
The time has never been riper than right now for Dateline to let her rip, with a full salvo. I know that we are constantly reassured that it is just a few days away. It will be like that until we wake up one morning, and find out it is suddenly a NO SHOW.
Already there has been rumblings that the WT has been manoeuvering behind the scenes, putting up barricades, moving the furniture, and massaging their adepts. I am sure they have been holding out two hands towards Dateline, one holding the club of litigation threats, the other sweetening up the pot a little. I am curious, how much is the Pedophile expose worth for Dateline. Could the WT do better for them in the fat envelope?
Those of us who are concerned about pedophile paradise in the WT had better be thinking of backup scenarios, looking to see if this could go in other countries like Great Britain, France or Australia, hey even Canada. Maybe a few other news programs should be told to ask why Dateline is delaying
belbab, waving a red flag
i gotta wonder if the organization will be forced.
to make big changes because of 'reaping what they've.
sown'.. witness kids get critical thought beaten out of them.. new converts have dried up.
In Canada there is always discussion about the brain drainwhich is the emmigration from Canada of the most intelligent, creative and educated professionals who go to the US drawn by higher wages and better working conditions.
I have considered the same brain drain from the ranks of not only Bethel members but also the rank and file of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is not only a drain of brains, but also a drain of the most compassionate, non=judgemental, discerning, open-minded, non-biggoted.
Jesus spoke of the separation of sheep and goats. The WT says this separation is yet in the future or is it already past? For me, this separation is taking place right now as far as looking at JWs goes. Paul exhorts Christians to go to Him, outside the camp.. There are words in the Bible where it says that the weeds are gathered together in bundles and burnt Jesus also said that two would be in one bed (eg. Bethel) one would be taken along and the other left. He doesn't say which one is the righteous. It could go either way. He says two will be in the field {eg. pioneer service)again one taken, one left. Even on this discussion board, we see polarizations. Atheist versus fundies, Bible searcher versus scientist and many more. Puritans verse libertines, smokers versus non-smokers.
If you are within this JW organization , the time of the end is NOW, all the texts in the Bible that talk of the end time are applicable to us now. Just as there are stages in a man's life, birth, childhood, youth, adulthood and old age. This organization is in its old age, let her die and be renewed. Each individual faces a choice,
stick with her and die with her, or abandon her and be renewed.
belbab, winging it, on the fly.
today i need two things.
1. robert calvert is named in the news as lawyer for the jw father in calgary who decided to have his 16 year old daughter treated with blood transfusion to save her life.
i need to get in touch with this attorney.
Kismet's e-mail addy taken from H20 board is: [email protected] < [email protected]>
Hope this helps.
got a call late this afternoon: "your daughter was in a car accident along with four other girls.
you need to come to the emergency room.".
daughter not there yet.
My thoughts are with you Allan, Julie and daughter.
Life on the hairy edge, this too shall pass, pass on to the better, I pray,