crawdad two,
I started a thread before on two witnesses. There are cases in the Bible where there is only one human witness. The other witness is the Creator himself, or that which is namely facts of existance.
The thread is here:
When I wrote this thread I didn't want to make it any longer than it is. There are other references that also show what is to be done when there is only one witness.
For example the Bible speaks of persons taking an oath. Jesus said when opposers told him he was witnessing for himself. Said if you don't believe what I am telling you, then believe the works that I am doing. In other words, the works that he was doing attested or gave witness that he was doing God's work. The works that he was doing was the second witness. In Malachi it states that Jah would be a swift witness against adulterers and such.
In the courts of the land, today, one swears to tell the truth upon the Bible, they declare an oath. If a person is accused of child molestation and denies it. Why doesn't he agree to a lie detector test? Why don't the elders ask him to go before the congregation from the platform and say I have been accused of being a child molester, I hereby swear before you and by Jehovah God that I have not committed the crimes that I am accused off. That would be a powerful stimulous to tell the truth.
Many times we see on the news where a politician is accused of wrongdoing. He goes before the press, and makes a public denial of the charges. Why can't witnesses do the same.
I hope to go in more detail and explanations from the Bible that the Watchtower position is WRONG