Hi Dave!
Long time No See. Just added up the years since I last saw you. Forty years to the month! Boy, how time flies!
So tomorrow, Saturday, October 4 is the big day. There is much speculation on thiis forum about what the 'big deal' is. Is this what it is? Was it a figureative little bird that told me, or was it a Stool pidgeon ? How about this as to what the big day is about:
A new Bible is in the works. Big bucks required to put it out there. Price of paper way up there. Ink is expensive. Machinery, hydro, maintenance very, very, expensive. Yadda, yadda, yadda! WE NEED MONEEE! We need it NOW! "To hasten the work in the Day of Jehovah (tm) Let all of God's people dig deep and ****CONTRIBUTE**** the funds in advance to get this great work underway. The local congegation elders are ready to take your orders for the book, credit cards OK. Pioneers will get special treatment, they will receive a copy at reduced prices and the congregation will over the expense.
As the congregation receives "donations" for the Bibles "that covers the cost of printing" (tm)and it is forwared to the Society, Bibles will be sent to congregations.
Smart move, Dave! What faster way exists to raise money, than to print Bible copies? Even Joe Public will be enticed to cough up funds. Imagine this! Even the dammed apostates will be a source of fund s. It's like the Egyptians paying the Israelites to leave Egypt. I spent twenty years of my younger days, mostly full time giving generously of my time and energy. I lost my wisdom teeth for Watchtower. But God is great!
I am now in a position to pay double for a copy of the New Bible. So if there is anyone out there who cannot afford the asking price and reads this needs a free copy, let me know.
If anyone wants to know how come I feel free to write dear brother Dave. Go here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/10619/1/David-Splane-and-THOSE-TAKING-LEAD
PS: Dave, I see you took a trip to High River, Alberta to visit the JW flood victims. Never heard any feed back. Did you establish insurance scam to raise funds or did you chicken out because of too much publicity?
Belbab, just had medical exam, still looking good at eighty two, born in a depression, can exit in one also, if necessary.
Amen, Lord Jesus.