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Posts by mzliz
Has anyone read any Echart Tolle?
by new boy in"the power of now".
"a new earth".
i must say both books blew me away.......................life changing!
yes, changed my thinking.
If you own a big dog....merry Christmas from the neighbors!
by restrangled inat 8:30 this morning someone was banging at our front door, figured it was jw's.. there stood a large man with a clip board and i thought to myself, are they still delivering the tracts?
i opened the door ready to give him hell.
low and behold its a county employee telling me a neighbor reported that one of my dogs was roaming loose yesterday.. my dogs have never been loose, don't sit outside barking and i keep the back yard as clean as possible so no odors are wafting about for my neighbors.
what absolutely sucks besides the money is that its not so great to over vaccinate your dogs.I have a St. Bernard (my little love) and have been reading about DR. Jean Dodd's new shot protocol for dogs and cats, and vet schools are now changing their teachings because of this research. If anyones interested try googling the name, it was a bunch of info printed out for me so I'm not sure about the website. Basically it shows how rabies shot is mandatory every 1-3 years according to your state, but all other shots should be done the first year and actually aren't helpfull beyond that., can make your dog sick. If the antibodies are there from the first shots, they are still doing their job in protecting your dog, so instead you can get a titer done to check the levels of antibodies.some Old time vets have a problem with it, but the younger ones don't and I havent had a problem and she's super healthy. just wanted to pass this along, Liz
Question for Singles: Tired of hearing the "F" word?
by Elsewhere ini'm very much a home-body, so i don't go out much and meet a lot of people.
in recent months i've been trying to reverse that and meet more people.. so far the pattern is this:.
meet someone.start chatting and talking.notice a distinct chemistry.attempt to move things to the next level.now this is where things get frustrating.
Nosferatu, how do you know so much about the ladies?
Question for Singles: Tired of hearing the "F" word?
by Elsewhere ini'm very much a home-body, so i don't go out much and meet a lot of people.
in recent months i've been trying to reverse that and meet more people.. so far the pattern is this:.
meet someone.start chatting and talking.notice a distinct chemistry.attempt to move things to the next level.now this is where things get frustrating.
Bottom line,
"friend" means she isn't interested. I have talked to my girlfriends about this numerous times how we know if we would F(### a guy within a few minutes of meeting him. If we feel there is potential for that or a relationship of some sort in the future, we might exchange numbers etc. but would NOT use the friend word as we know that that is the ultimate let down word.
A woman usually knows if chemistry is there right away. I have found a lot of guys "THINK" there is chemistry there, just because you are attracted to her and feeling it DOES NOT MEAN that she feels the same way!! As you are finding out. Typically what attracts is questions about the woman,(asked sincerely) the guy being confident, and a little mysterious!!!!!!!! Look her in the eyes, and don't act desperate!
I have no idea what kind of guy you are, Or what you are doing out there. It doesn't all have to do with looks thank god. Dressing well, smelling great, and having a sense of humour can go far!
NEWBIES: Just curious how you all found this site??
by Lady Liberty inas you can see there are alot of you!
being such, it would be interesting to note how you all found this site??
or did you stumble across it by accident?
I left around 3 years ago and was looking for support, googled ex JWs and within a bunch of sites this one seemed my style. I posted once and never came back on till the past few months when my therapist suggested I try to get support from others in similar situations.
Back of the hall stragglers... were you one?
by Fleshybirdfodder inthere were mother's with babies, there were those suffering from vericose veins that had to stand up.
what about the rest of us?
in my cong there were only a few "gifted ones" who'd do sound and it was behind the literature counter (our hall was tiny).
my parents were up front sort of folk, and NO GETTING UP FOR THE BATHROOM.
So I peed on my moms winter jacket........oooooops.
It Never Ends
by Undecided ini had to put my dog to sleep today.
she was 12 years old and got beyound help last night.
it was sad.. my daughter and the dog, coco.. ken p..
I am so sorry about your sweet dog. Someone recently told me that humans have such a long time here on earth because we need practice getting it right, being good and kind.
Dogs don't need the practice, they are love.
Take care,
New baby pics
by Es inhey all.
hope everyone is well.
we are doing great, kaia is growing up so fast already.
she is so beautiful!!! I am due in 4 weeks!!! i hope you had a good labor and delivery. good luck,Liz
What effect does 'Apostate Pressure' have on the bOrg?
by AK - Jeff inwill increased pressure - pickets, websites, books, letters to fellow witnesses, have a positive or negative impact on the ultimate goal most apostates have - seeing the organization eventually crumble and fall?.
my take is that more pressure is good.
it makes the 'real personality' of the organization express itself in greater oppression, more demands, greater efforts to isolate the flock from education, career, family, reality.. eventual result of oppression is rebellion.
I don't think it makes a HUGE impact. I say this because I think if they feel any pressure it boosts the "oh good, sign of the times, end is close at hand keep doing what we are doing" mantra.
My sister just invited me to her assembly last week, she said i might hear something i liked. I told her I listened for about 20 years and heard nothing, so sorry no go. She said what she is really enjoying about assemblies these days is that the GB isn't leaving much to your conscience anymore, not a lot of grey areas, they are telling people exactly what to do in situations. She feels a great relief. less thinking for her. for those deep into it i think pressure is what they thrive on. I didn't leave beacuse of the internet, but the internet is helping me now find out a lot of reasons why my gut instinct was correct.