I have always said that if the Society said that this had to be studied again that I would walk out and be done.
Guess I left before that happened! lol
Thank God, even with the "new light" it would be Hell to endure that again.
1. click on the link below and another page will appear.
2. scroll down to the bottom and look for this message to the right of the file name.. .
all download slots.
hi everybody sorry i just got so excited to be able to vent that i just jumped right on in replying and blabbing that i forgot to say hey!
thanks for this site and all of you.
just wondering if anyone here in jwd spent any time in the lorain area.. let me know...thanks.. brigido.
naperville, dekalb, joliet......... il.
i tried to bump an old thread on this topic, but i couldn't find it.. anyone?
just wondering if anyone here in jwd spent any time in the lorain area.. let me know...thanks.. brigido.
just wondering if anyone here in jwd spent any time in the lorain area.. let me know...thanks.. brigido.
someone asked if anyone had a post of one of the awake declarations of 1975 end of times i found this link:.
the wts promotes the idea that in the "new system" members of the great crowd, who are not resurrected, will be able to marry and have children.. but what about those that are resurrected?.
does the wts apply matt 22:23-30 to people resurrected on earth?
(the passage is obviously applied to people who were pre-new covenant).
Am I wrong on this because I STILL can't get a straight answer about this out of the Dubs
Isn't that how it always is? No one seems to have a straight answer about this. I have always had my doubts about this one as well.
It makes no sense. What I could never understand is the fact that you will know/remember the dearly departed once you saw them
after they were resurrected. But what never made sense is if this was your former spouse, how could you be able to remember them,
the life you had together, and knowing they would recognize you for the same; how could know all of this and yet be fine with the fact
that this is all you are ever going to have...just memories, nothing more. How is that loving? I have heard it explained away that one
should just be glad for the promise of a resurrection. I know older ones that continue to remain unmarried after their spouse died, just
in case this "JW Thought" was wrong. They all want a chance at getting back with their former love. Can't say I blame them. What is
paradise if you can't have the ones you love close to you? Everlasting life is nothing and worthless without having those close to you
to share it with. I know myself, if I wasn't able to reconnect/remarry the love of my life, I wouldn't want to be there.
someone asked if anyone had a post of one of the awake declarations of 1975 end of times i found this link:.
someone asked if anyone had a post of one of the awake declarations of 1975 end of times i found this link:.
Hey Penny
Thanks for the info on the exact article and many thanks to Atlantis for the link to rip the entire mag.
It just makes me sick to see how "sure" they were that it was coming then. As I said in the earlier post;
we're still here, 31 years later, and nothing...nothing has changed.
Thanks to all for their posts in this regard.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.