Matt 22:23-30--no sex for resurrected ones?

by M.J. 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • M.J.

    The WTS promotes the idea that in the "new system" members of the Great Crowd, who are not resurrected, will be able to marry and have children.

    But what about those that are resurrected?

    Does the WTS apply Matt 22:23-30 to people resurrected on earth? (the passage is obviously applied to people who were pre-new covenant)

    Does this mean that there will be two forms of humans dwelling on earth--one that is sexual, married, and raising families and the other that is non-marrying, non-sexual 'like the angels in heaven'?

    Doesn't that seem rather odd?

    Edited: had to add an attention grabber to the title.

  • Arthur

    Does this mean that there will be two forms of humans dwelling on earth--one that is sexual, married, and raising families and the other that is non-marrying, non-sexual 'like the angels in heaven'?

    Doesn't that seem rather odd?

    In short, the answer to your first question is Yes.

    The answer to your second question is also Yes.

  • M.J.

    "Great to see you again, uncle Henry! Uh, sorry about your, uh, omission there."

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Does this mean that there will be two forms of humans dwelling on earth--one that is sexual, married, and raising families and the other that is non-marrying, non-sexual 'like the angels in heaven'?

    Doesn't that seem rather odd?

    In short, the answer to your first question is Yes.

    The answer to your second question is also Yes.

    Bit of a bleak prospect for those jws getting on inyears, isn't it?

  • skyking

    I was involved in a conversation years ago. An Elder from Barthel said the GB member told him that they thought the people resurrected would have no sexual organs. NO BALLS, no PENIS, NO TITS, NO VIGINA. We had a field day with him over this boy did he get mad to the point of swearing he was correct because a GB member told him that, so of course it was true, LOL

    So if you make it through Armageddon you might have to spy on someone when they are peeing to see if you can have mate with that person.

  • plmkrzy

    According to the society last time I checked those resurrected will be like angels. I guess that would mean those that make it past the thousand-year reign and get to live forever.

    edited to add that either means they are resurected without balls or get them cut off in a thousand years.

  • grey matters
    grey matters

    Yeah, they are serious about this. I mentioned this experience in another thread, but I asked if my wife died and I remained unmarried until she was resurrected, could I remarry her. The answer, in print, was no. Resurrected ones cannot get married. If I recall correctly, it was covered in a "Questions From Readers". This was actually one of my bigger doubts. It just didn't make sense. After everyone who ever lived before the "Last Days" was resurrected, what percentage of the population would the "Great Crowd" who survive Armaggedon be? A pretty small percentage. So everyone is running around in perfect, youthful bodies. But if any but a very small percentage engage in sexual activity, God will kill them. Doesn't sound like "Paradise" to me. But it fits with their sadistic view of the nature of God.

  • TD
    Does the WTS apply Matt 22:23-30 to people resurrected on earth? (the passage is obviously applied to people who were pre-new covenant)

    LOL -- Yes they do.

    I remember when my JW wife told a Bethel elder to his face that she thought, "...the Society is wrong on this point." because the Lukan account states, "Neither can they die anymore for they are as the angels." (20:36) and to her, this was indicative of a heavenly ressurection.

    The fool got mad and glared at me like he thought I (of all people) was going to reprimand her.....

  • grey matters
    grey matters

    Sky King,

    That's hilarious. But they have to come up with something, because that belief just doesn't make sense. That, to me, is the main problem with this org. They are not on a search for truth. They are on a quest for rationalization of beliefs they already hold. Which explains why they are best at what I have heard called "rear-view mirror prophecy". The "Revelation" book is full of examples of that.

  • Flash


    I remember when my JW wife told a Bethel elder to his face that she thought, "...the Society is wrong on this point." because the Lukan account states, "Neither can they die anymore for they are as the angels." (20:36) and to her, this was indicative of a heavenly ressurection.

    I agree with her entirely!

    Those ressurected to heaven will become like the angels, they will not marry or procreate. They are a "new creation" in that, it was not part of God's original plan to have humans 'live' in heaven.

    2 Corinthians 5: 17, Galatians 6: 15

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