I've have been looking for the books you were talking about. Do all those books have to be ordered? No library or book store seem to carry them. I would love to read them and then give them to my bf.
JoinedPosts by MM090503
My Story
by DocHayes inactually i posted my story here one time before... but under a different screen name.
since then i have forgotten my former screen name, and password.
the limits of my laziness meant that i would rather create another screen name, and tell my sad, pathetic and uninteresting, story over again.
My Thomas : Why did Jesus not rebuke him ?
by Lampokey injw doctrine teaches that jesus was not god.i do not know if is doctrime , but i also get the idea that jws believe the bible to be completely and literally correct.. luke 18:19 : jesus asks a ruler "why do you call me good?
nobody is good , except one , god".. how , then , do jws explain john 20:28 , where thomas says "my lord and my god!".
if jesus was not god , he would certainly rebuke a disciple for blasphemy.so , why did he not set thomas straight ?
I know you can't exactly look at the properties of water and come pair them equally, but it is a way to help some people make some kind of sense out of it. I'm very new to all of this and still learning. So I apologize if my ideas aren't exactly that great, but I know what helps me. I'm also very open to suggestions.
My Thomas : Why did Jesus not rebuke him ?
by Lampokey injw doctrine teaches that jesus was not god.i do not know if is doctrime , but i also get the idea that jws believe the bible to be completely and literally correct.. luke 18:19 : jesus asks a ruler "why do you call me good?
nobody is good , except one , god".. how , then , do jws explain john 20:28 , where thomas says "my lord and my god!".
if jesus was not god , he would certainly rebuke a disciple for blasphemy.so , why did he not set thomas straight ?
WOW, everybody has some great thoughts on this. In respect to all. I was raised Catholic and knew about the trinity, but not sure if I really belived in it till now. My bf has been studying with JW's and we are trying to do a lot of research on religion (it's not going that great, he still believes all the crap JW's have told him even if I can show him concrete evidence). His biggest thing is not believing in the Trinity. If he can't see how 3 can be in one, there's no chance (I don't think). We have talked about this quite a bit. The last thing my bf said he needed to get straight was how is Jesus "a god"? I tried to tell him thats only a watchtower thing but he ignores it. We've read several passages where Jesus is reffered to as God. I think in reading numerous passages this has helped me in understanding the trinity and believe in it. They best way I can explain the trinity is this way:
Think about the properties of water: Water can be a solid (ice) a liquid (water itself) or it can be a gas or vapor ( steam). Is that not 3 in one??? Put it into a frying pan and you will see all three. If we want ice we freeze water, If we want water from ice we melt it and if we want steam we will make it really hot.
Now think about God. We have God who is ruler of all. We needed something to save us from our sins. God became a life form for us (Jesus). Then we have the Holy Spirit to come upon us. When you think of it in this prospective, God has taken these forms when the situation was most apropriate and when we needed him to be there. Just like when we need the different forms of water(not that you really do, but it's an example).
Maybe this will help and I'd like to hear other's thoughts on this.
Not love, not lust, but something in-between
by logansrun inon christmas eve i got the chance to get together with an old friend, also an ex-witness, who was visiting from new york.
his life has been something of a hedonic treadmill and only recently has gotten off of it to find, as i like to call him, the sensitive new age jesus.
well, anyway, we got on the subject of sex and relationships.
I'm not sure how many have ever been in "that" position. Let me tell you my own experience and story with a similar situation:
When I was 16 (now 22), I had the hugest crush on one of my coworkers at the store I worked at. For the longest time we never really talked and eventually we did become friends. I flirted with him like crazy, but nothing ever came of it. After about 2 1/2 years of working there for me, he moved to another state for a job (he's 4yrs older than me). We kept in touch through emails and im's. Almost 2yrs ago now he slyly suggested when he came home to visit his parents that him and I should "make out". I was really shocked and thought he was joking, because this was the guy I had always had the hugest crush on and also thought if I were to lose my virginity, it would be to him. So he came home, we made out, no big deal right? Wrong. We continued talking over IM and he was now flirting back to me and making comments here and there. Well we made plans to get together the next time he came home and go a little farther. I confesed to him that I had wanted to lose my virginity to him. He was surprised and excited by this. Well as time went on he met someone he really liked. I hadn't realized it but, my feelings got invovled somewhere along the line (we both said anything we did was just as friends). I was completely jelous over all of this but did not tell him. I actually tried to give him advice as to how to get this girl.
Well they didnt' work out so when he came home the next time we "got together". We went a little farther each time. We never ended up having sex though. I ended up meeting my bf that I'm with now (who I'm having problems with as a jw HE IS) Well my just as friends buddy, got pretty upset when I "cut him off". He never admitted feelings for me, but he said that if he were to move back here he'd want a chance with me. To this day I remain in contact with my friend and he still thinks one day him and I will have sex. I don't want to anymore because I have a bf and even if I didn't I wouldn't want to because I know old feelings would resurface.
From being in a similar situation as the one that has been described, I say no don't do that sort of thing because no matter how hard you try, feelings will eventually become involved on someone's part.
This is just my thoughts on the subject!!
The Org and my marriage
by Chloe inwell, it looks like the jehovah's witnesses are going to start intruding in my marriage again.. a little background, when i first met my husband he was going to meetings sporadically.
he has studied off and on for years but was never baptized so he's always been in the "love bombing" stage with them.
he believes most of the doctrines (no christmas although he lets me celebrate it, the trinity is wrong, etc.
I totally feel for you hun. I'm in a similar situation although, I'm not married to him. My bf started studying with his dad and people and became more and more involved about a year ago. I was really scared and still am. My bf and I are currently working on our "situation". We have done the Alpha Course, which was really good, but my bf became disconnected from it half way through because he was still attending JW book studies.
Recently, I asked him to quit it all together and he has, but I know he misses it. He is pressured all the time by his dad to attend book studies and know he is at least keeping up with the weekly lessons. We are trying to find a church and bible study that has what he is looking for. This will take a lot of time. My best advice for you is to not argue any topics with him, because you'll always be wrong and he'll find things in the bible to throw back at you. Next offer to go to a Christain church with him of any kind as long as it is Christian. Expose him to different religions and get yourself involved in it too. You'd be surprised, I was a pretty faithful Catholic before my bf and I started doing a "religion" search and now I have found that I am most happy being a plain old Christian, it may be good for you. And last keep praying. Praying is the best thing it will help you get through.
This board is a great place for support believe me. If it wasn't for this board, I would have gone crazy by now. The people here are great.
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Hey Everyone,
Sorry it has been so long since I last posted, school has really been busy. Here's an update on what's going on.-
This weekend coming up is the Alpha Retreat. They are doing it all in one day, on sat. from 9-5. I am going for sure, but not sure if my bf is going because of work. He said he'd try his best. I'm hoping he does because I think this weekend will be benefical.
A couple of things-
At the Alpha course this past weekend, they asked us to say one thing we were thankful for. My bf said for getting his life straigtned out. I'm hoping this was a good thing and he meant with this religious deal. I have yet to ask him, but will ask him soon. Then on Sweetest day he gave me a card and wrote in it he has realized what a wonderful person I am when it comes to our religious adventure, he thanked me for not giving up on him when I easily could and he also said we would get through this and later on wonder why we made such a big deal out of this. I also saw that my bf picked up at the library a world dictionary to the bible, so I think he may be starting to do his own research finally. These are all good things right?
He has yet to fully stop going to meetings and book studies, although I'm going to approach him with this again, this weekend. We have talked about attending the Christian church where we go to Alpha course on Suns. I told him I am giving up my religion to do this and he can give up his to do it with me. I told him we can always go back to both of our religions eventually, but I want to try it for atleast 6months. I try my best not to pressure him with this, I want it to be his decision. My friends and family memebers have all written letters to him which I plan to give him this weekend after the retreat.
His birthday is two weeks from today. I plan on telling him with the holidays coming up and all that he is spending them here with my family. I'm going to tell him he is not a witness yet and I will not let him forget his birthday or any holiday for that matter. I want him to be able to spend the holidays with a real loving family to see what they mean to me.
I am doing better. I try not to let this stuff get to me too much. I have stopped doing JW research for the time being because it scares me and depresses me to know what he is learning and getting into. It also affects my school work and I am trying my best to concentrate on that.
One thing I do have a question for is. What can he and I do after the Alpha Course? I want to find things we can get involved in and learn more about Christainity. I'm afraid if we dont' continue something, we won't have anything. We have been talking about reading the bible together and we got a couple of different "read the bible in a year forms" so we might do that. But I want to keep us in some kind of program where we can learn, any ideas?
Thanks MM
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Hey Everyone,
Things are fine. We are continuing with the Alpah Course. I am persuading my bf to move out of the farm and hopefully he will. I think he may also stop the JW thing for now because he is starting to get confused with both religions, so I have asked him to stop going until we finish the course.
People there have been really awsome to us both. Even though my bf has not revealed that he is studying with the Jw, which bothers me a little. I figure he has to do it in his own time. But I will keep you all posted on how it goes.
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Sadly getting him to read a book is hard. He doesn't have time (since he is a farmer he works literally sun up to sun down and then some) plus he really doesn't read. I tried to get him to read a 100pg easy book called "More than just a carpenter". It was a very good book about who Jesus was. I couldn't even get him to read that. I would like to read it but none of the bookstores seem to offer that book or libraries for that matter. Unfortuently my reading has been put on hold because of school, I have way too much reading to do as it is :(. Thanks for the idea anyways though!
I had a pretty good idea I think. I am going to have my friends, family memembers, and his friends write encouraging letters to him. The letters do not have to have anything about religion in them. I just want to show him there are good people who are not JWs who REALLY care for him. The alpha course has a retreat day halfway through and after that day is over Im going to give him the letters. So we will see how that goes.
Again I apperciate EVERYONE on this board. You guys have been so great and helpful to me.
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
The Alpah course is Awesome! I'm having a really good time. It is very informational, the videos are great and so are the people. I think it at least gives my bf some things to think about. He's still a little shy when it comes to talking in the groups but its getting better. I'm so glad jgnat suggested this course, even if he doesn't get anything out of it I am. So I just keep praying God's going to really strike him in the head sometime here and he'll wake up or something, but the emotional thing is what i'm going on now.
Dating a JW info
by Lady Lee inother than telling a person to run:what do you think a person (who knows nothing about the jws) needs to know if they are getting involved with a jw.what would be helpful to them to end things before they get further involved?what will help them if they decide to go further and marry this jw?what challenges would a non-jw woman have if she gets involved with the jw man?what about having children and the struggles that will develop from that?.
if you think of anything else that would be halpful please add it to the thread.
i would like to have a lot of this info in one thread besides some of the great "dating a jw" threads we already have in the best of section.
Thank you Lady Lee,
I think I have found a way to start reaching him. Tonight, after the Alpha course we started disscusing things on our way home. We began to get into the bible arguements again. Finally I told him I didn't want to argue the bible. I told him thats God's job not mine. So I began discussing stuff more from the heart. I told him he has so many people around him that love him and care for him and they are all worried. I told him God's calling out to him and it's up to him wether or not he listens. I went on from there just speaking to him from my heart instead of throwing things at him about the JW's or the bible. It seems to reach him a lot better. He'll listen instead of refuting. I think i gave him some food for thought tonite. Anyways thats just a little update.