Very interesting!I'm in the same boat as many guys here.I'm trying my best to just fade away but my wife is making it very hard.
She called one of her so-called jw friends last night who gave her a hard time because she doesn't attend all her meetings and is thinking of sending our little boy to a catholic school.Anyways,she was quite upset after and gave me a call at work.We ended up having a long chat about the WTS.
I told I love her and I'm not leaving her,I'm not looking to have an affair because I don't want to got to the meetings(that seems to be a jw mentality),I just want to be left alone.I told her about all her jw friends who have turned their backs on her and that she seems happier working,volunteering and doing group hobbies with "worldly people".
She says she just wants the man she married back,and I keep telling her,I'm still ME,I haven't changed.The religion makes me literally sick,mentally and emotionally and just drains me of happiness.
Then we talked of a lot of wrong things in the WTS.I brought up about love,she had to agree.We discussed 1975 and I told how wrong it was to mislead people in such a way the blame them when they were disappointed.I mentioned how some thruths change(1914 generation)and it's ok for the WTS to do that,but if I change my mind I'm an apostate.We talked about a lot of other things and she could see my point.
The next day she didn't bring it up,she just wants to feel bad because she's not doing what she should be!!!!I'm hoping in time she'll open her eyes,I'm working hard on the love thing,or the lack of it in the org.
Hang in there buddy,we're in this together.