The market has been swinging wildly from one day to the next for at least the last year. In the interest of intellectual honesty, Warlock, why did you fail to mention that the day AFTER the inauguration, the Dow gained back almost everything it had lost the day before?
I was speaking specifically about Inauguration Day, not the day before, nor the day after.
All righty then. Ill see your “one day drop when Obama was inaugurated” and see you two record drops while Republican presidents were in office.
October 19, 1987
The amount the market declined from peak to bottom : 508.32 points, 22.6%, or $500 billion lost in one day. The largest one-day percentage drop in history.
President at the time Regan (Republican)
September29, 2008
Dow slumping nearly 778 points, in the biggest single-day point loss ever.
President at the time Bush (Republican)
Wow, what do you know? Must be connected to Republicans having a president in charge. In both I am specifically speaking about record drops in the market while Republicans have a president in charge.
I just wanted to point these facts out and lead people to believe there is some sinister link to Republican presidents and record drops in the market.
What do the two cases above really say about Republican presidents? Nothing really. The markets make large movements at times; that's just how it works. There is a lot more going on than who is president or who is being sworn in that day. It really doesn't matter who is in charge at the time.