Recently I got back in touch with a DA'd friend that I grew up with. I'm going to focus on one part of her email because I think it's relevant to this board. When I mentioned that I had been on an ex-JW website, she writes:
"Outside the organization, if you ask former JW's who are fixated on deriding the organization and spend their waking hours telling stories of how false the religion and it's people are, you will only get distracted and confused. I stay away from those sad people. My heart goes out to them though, but they seem to be stuck in their own misery."
Really though, I feel like being on this board has been more of a healing for me. There are a few posters here who may fit her description, but overall I feel like this site is a place of positive support to people who really need it and can relate to each other.
What do you think of her statement?