Welcome Delilah,
Hope you enjoy it as much as i
my friend mary told me about this site.
she told me how much she enjoyed it, so i've finally taken the baptismal plunge, and here i am.
now mary can count this as a bible study.
Welcome Delilah,
Hope you enjoy it as much as i
april fool
Got me!
I clicked thinking there was going to be a 3 page reason.
what are some good methods for finding and making new friends after fading away?
i know this is critical to help myself and my wife to move on, and we both have suffered from depression partly because we are isolated to each other for now.
we are good friends, but we both feel the need for others also.
Greetings all!
Your situation sounds pretty simular to ours. I was brought up in it, and my wife came in around 15yo. Both 27 now, and have been out for around a year, but inconsistant before that.
We have our son, 7 months, so my wife is trying to get "in" with other mums in the street with simular aged kids. Its going ok, but friends arn't usually made overnight.
We both joined a tennis club, with monday evening fixtures and friday evening lessons. That was going ok, but we are pregnant again, so tennis is out for my wife.
One important thing we had to learn is to be comfortable by ourselves. We were always taught not to venture outside the cong for association. One reason for this is so we would feel alone if we ever tried to leave. Dont be afraid of alone. U still have your wife. Don't feel bad if you don't have a busy social calender. I found most of the guys i work with also have quiet weekends, just with the family. That made me see i didn't need to jon 10 clubs and charities just to be happy. Spend the time working on your family relationships, and new friends will come along in their own time.
is it available in main stream book stores?
This book is not available in stores, here in Australia. I got a copy at christmas time, but the book shop had to order it in from the US. Took about 3 weeks.
hope i can get some positive feedback., and i really mean it, don?t want to offend anyone but .. .
reflecting on your own experiences are people on this website mainly open to new points of views, new ideas, or is this mainly a site for criticizing even when there?s no concrete evidence just for the sake of it.
reason why i?m asking this is because i?ve been a member here for just under a week here and already had unpleasant experience of being dragged into pretty nasty argument just because i dared to disagree with someone.
First, fellow queenslander, welcome.
I have been away and missed your arrival here.
are people on this website mainly open to new points of views, new ideas, or is this mainly a site for criticizing
This site can be very enlightning. Unfortunately some have come away from the organisation with a bitter aftertaste. Attacking a people who really don't know any different serves no use. Its not helpful to anyone, and just adds fuel to the societys propoganda.
My wife joined me when we decided to leave together, and while i find discussing things here, or even just reading other threads helpful, my wife simply can't see the benefit.
I have had much help from a lot of people here, and for that i will be eternally greatfull.
There are some good honest people left behind, and some threads that are overly critical seem disrespectful to these ones. My wife won't even browse through the topics, as the critisizing tones are to much for her.
Are we really free?
Well, its a psycological issue, and once you come to terms with letting go and moving on, i think you will be close to your sought after freedom.
Do you feel free? I do. I get phone calls from the elders occasionally trying to set up shepherding calls, but i shut these down and keep moving forwards. We're not DF'd or DA'd, just leaving quietly.
I'm in Brisbane. You?
i wanted to ask questions about the organisation, but he looked me in the eye & ignored my questions to pursue his agenda.. he listed about 15 topics for us to study, to prove only jws are based on 1st century christianity.
i got him to agree not to attack other religions, (proving them false does not prove jws true) he agreed with this but then went on to criticise other religions!
next week i'll be firmer on this point!.
Why bother. Havent u got anything more interesting to do, like watch paint dry
how many of you bumped up your field service hours so you could keep the elders off your back?
our congo had a 10 hour "soft" target for guys.
however, if you didn't meet the 10 hours you got your "privledges" reduced or revoked.
We were never given a target to hit. I wasn't a ms or anything. I regularly put down 2-4 hours each for us, even when we hadn't been out.
steak and kidney meat pudding....... beefsteak cubed with kidney, wrapped in a suet dough with gravy and placed in a pudiing and boiled in a cloth tied at the top for 2-3 hours depending on size (be sure to top up the boiling water) .when done, undo the cloth and slice the pudding.
add english mustard (not that french crap) salt, pepper, and a dash of worcester sauce.
serve with new potatoes and mushy peas.
dont you drink your beer warm, and eat your pies cold?
how do i teach my kid about god?
its a question thats been rattling around my head for months.
he is only 5 months old now, and we left just a few months before he was born.
How do i teach my kid about God? Its a question thats been rattling around my head for months. He is only 5 months old now, and we left just a few months before he was born. Back in the old life, i would be reading to him from the Bible Story Book, but that seems a little pointless now.
The thing is, what's the normal thing to do. "Normal" as in, what would the average joe be doing to introduce his kids to the thought of religion and God? I can't just ignore the subject. He is going to learn it in school. He is going to have questions when he's older about what we used to do, and why we left. I just want to start on the right foot now.
i have been fading for over 2 yrs and recently visited my folks.
(see my first post at http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/81356/1.ashx ) i did tell them when i got there that i would not be attending any meetings.
and they accepted it at the moment and didn't say much.
A thoughtless word (spoken or read) from someone, a thoughtless act by someone, that's all it takes for weak ones to feel that Jehovah is not real and what they've learned about him is not the truth.
That is what has happened to us. P.O. dropped in to see us. I wasn't home, just my wife, who said i was out. He just said he would call around again later. (My wife obviously isn't important enough to warant her own visit) (not complaining, just commenting)
He then rang her parents to say he had called. He said he didn't know what was going on. He thought perhaps we had been stumbled, and did her mum know of anthing that might of happened. (Her mum recited this back to my wife later. She does this, just to drop hints that people are noticing our absence. She hopes we would talk to her about whats going on, but we are keeping it quiet and trying to lay low.)
Do they automatically think we have been stumbled?
Is it that they require a logical reason for someones leaving the org?
Can't comprehend that we could have thought for ourselves and made a decission for ourselves and are comfortable now with ourselves?
Take the blue pill, and believe whatever you want to believe.
Take the red pill, and we will show you how deep this rabbit hole goes?.