JoinedPosts by johnny_was_good
KM Dec. 2003 Song #
by sandy in.
does anybody have the december 2003 kingdom ministry?.
i need the following: please enter the first song number of the service meeting as listed in the december 2003 kingdom ministry for the week of the 29th.
You Aussies, Is this true?
by rekless ini met some friends from austrailia and we were talking politics.
they said that everybody in austrailia had to vote.
if you did not vote you are fined.
The same thing can be said for Belgium. We also have to go to the polling station.
JW cannots........
by Nan ini couldn't believe this list of cannots that jws have to adhere to!
i already knew about the holidays, blood tranfusions, the pledge, etc.
there's maybe one or two that i would agree are for your own good, but the rest are ridiculous!!
You cannot have a drink after the fieldservice.
You cannot be involved in a fightsport (e.g. boxing, karate, judo, Tai-Bo.......)
USA - Service Report Nov 2003 (Feb KM)
by truthseeker inlooking at jan and feb's km, the field service reports for the months of oct and nov 2003 are surprising.. october 2003 november 2003. sp'l pios 186 sp'l pios 202. pubs 94,550 pubs 92,570. aux pios 24,600 aux pios 21,838. pubs 870,300 pubs 867,299. baptized 2,650 baptized 2,715. total 989,636 total 981,909. we are happy to report a new peak.
in regular pioneers!
the total of.
Mayby some of them filed in late because of the holidays
The Rainbow and the Flood?
by Blueblades inthere is evidence that the flood of noah's day was local.why then does the account mention that the rainbow is a visible sign from jehovah,a covenant promise that no more would "all flesh" be cut off by waters of a deluge,and no more would there occur a deluge to bring the earth ( land ) to ruin.
( genesis 9:11 - 16 ).. some commentators say that the rainbow had been seen before this and that the flood was only local.that being the case and from all the evidence presented here and on the internet,i believe that it was a local flood.
.why then this rainbow covenant,that never again would man be cut off and the earth, ( land ) be brought to ruin,when we see so much local flooding around the world and man being cut off and the land being ruined today?.
Well......I always had a problem with the global flood story anyways. Noah lets a bird out and it can't find anywhere to land - 7 days later he lets it out again and it comes back with a branch from a tree that has miraculously grown from seedling to leaf production and large enough for the bird to find.....in 7 days!
According to WT 1/1 some trees may have survived under water. (!)
Comments You Won't Hear at the 01-18-04 WT Study
by blondie in"show yourselves thankful".
(psalm 133:1)(c ).
in what practical ways can we demonstrate that we are truly thankful?.
$$$$$$$$ Give more $$$$$$$$$$$$$
lets compare the account report from Dec and Jan with each other and see if the pub listened to what the WT is saying.
Society to become only ISP for Witnesses?
by dannyboy injanuary 4, 2004
to: all congregations and traveling overseers
dear brothers,
Is this an early April Fools?
Is it true?????
by little witch ini read on a jw only site today, that the back cover of the december 23 03 awake shows a picture of a man wrapping a publication as a gift to send.
is this true?
Yeah he is sending out Greatest Man-books. Should this mean that JW can give X-mas gifts, as long as they are WT-literature?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-28-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 12-28-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ()
wt quotes will be in
On the word Persuade
In the WT is states
"persuade" means to "win over" or bring about "a change of mind by the influence of reason or moral considerations," states Vine?s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Vine's gives the explanation in voices
The active and passive of course the WT uses the wrong one
in the Active Voice, signifies "to apply persuasion, to prevail upon or win over, to persuade," bringing about a change of mind by the influence of reason or moral considerations, e.g., in Matt. 27:20; 28:14; Acts 13:43; 19:8; in the Passive Voice, "to be persuaded, believe" (see BELIEVE, No. 2, and OBEY), e.g., Luke 16:31; 20:6; Acts 17:4; RV (AV, "believed"); Acts 21:14; 26:26; Rom. 8:38; 14:14; 15:14; 2 Tim. 1:5,12; Heb. 6:9; 11:13, in some mss.; Heb. 13:18, RV (AV, "trust").
How much of the bible do JW's really use?
by blindfool ini've noticed over the last several weeks how often the same scriptures are used in meetings at the kingdom hall.. anytime galatians is mentioned you can just about be sure you are going to look up chapter 5 ver.
19.. 2 timothy is going to be 3: 16. i can't remember considering any addional text to get the context of the verse, just reading the same verses over and over.
i'm sure most of you can name lots more scriptures used by jw's.. i think i'm going to start taking notes at meetings and listing which verses are used, then i can look from week to week and see how often the same old verses are considered.
Bible text in the Ministry School (that was established around the time of the Commentary on James). The result was some people found interest in understanding the Bible itself and began using "worldly" commentaries.
that problem is solved for the number 2 talk. Because they are not allow to give any commentary. Just reading that's all.