30 Rock
NFL Football
The Simpsons
The Family Guy
The Cleveland Show
American Dad
there are some shows, past and present that i've always watched.
my all time fav is the sopranos.. i enjoy two men and a half and law & order svu..
what about the responsibility of being an elder did you dislike the most?
i served from september 2003 - june 2006. there were two things that bugged me the most the first was i got sick of the bickering amongst the body.
we had 7 elders and in nearly every situation, big or small, there was some division that got personal.
What about the responsibility of being an elder did you dislike the most? I served from September 2003 - June 2006. There were two things that bugged me the most The first was I got sick of the bickering amongst the Body. We had 7 elders and in nearly every situation, big or small, there was some division that got personal. Because one elder said "black", the other had to say "white". Then there was a struggle to pull the majority to one side or the other. It was almost like being in Congress. The other thing that I couldn't stand was knowing the personal and intimate details of the lives of families in the congregation. I didn't need to know about Brother and Sister Smith's sex life. Brother Smith: "My wife doesn't like to move during sex . She just lays there". Sister Smith " Well, he only lasts fo 30 seconds, what's the point of me getting into it? Plus I think he's gay." How was I supposed to look at either one of them in the same way after that? Plus I had my own marital problems. I burned out after about a year and a half (April 2005) and in July 2006 left the congregation for good, never to return. I still get pissed when I think about the nearly 3 years of hell "serving" the flock. Some enjoyed knowing all of that stuff but not me.
ok, i've been watching the show "inked" on a&e and i think it's a really cool show about tattoo artists in las vegas.
and lately i've been thinking about getting a tattoo somewhere on my body, possiblely my lower back.
my sister has one there and i think it's really cool.
I have two. One on my right shoulder, it's a basketball with my late brother's initials and his birth and death years. The other is on my shoulder blade. It's the MasterCard emblem with my daughter's name. Beneath it's it say's "Since 2002-Priceless". That's the year she was born. I'm going to get more, seems they're contagious. They didn't hurt that badly but the one on my shoulder blade hurt a little more.
i'll make this short and sweet as i've been napping all day and need to get some stuff done.
as you know, as of 2000 i am disfellowshipped.
well guess what.
My Mom and Dad have always been supportive of me as well. Been out since 1997 and nothing's really changed. We've gone on vacations together several times. We live in different states but I talk to them at least once a week. My Dad called me as he was passing through a few weeks back, on his way to seldom worked territory. I don't think that JW parents should ignore their ex-JW children anymore than I would ignore my parents if they were out of the organization and I were still in. Most reasonable JW's feel this way I'm sure.