Sound advice, Lady Lee. As you pointed out, the eyes of those who are searching for truth WILL be opened, but only to that information which can be verified as factual. Innuendo, accusations and circumstantial evidence just doesn't cut it.
Posts by Kaput
Follow the Money Trail...sniff, sniff, sniff
by SWALKER ini feel that so many wrongs of the wtbs have been outed especially with the internet age...such as u.n. scandal, child abuse scandal, wrongful dfing, etc.
does anyone here find it strange that we can not find 1 person to out them on the money, their holdings, their spending?
where does all that money go, where is it kept, who has control over it?
Follow the Money Trail...sniff, sniff, sniff
by SWALKER ini feel that so many wrongs of the wtbs have been outed especially with the internet age...such as u.n. scandal, child abuse scandal, wrongful dfing, etc.
does anyone here find it strange that we can not find 1 person to out them on the money, their holdings, their spending?
where does all that money go, where is it kept, who has control over it?
Just as in the real world, power counts more than money. Of course you DO have to have the green stuff to toss around, but a real tight (hermetically sealed, I might add) lid is being kept on the financial end of things. Control of the finances is in the hands of non-JW lawyers and accountants, as well it should be to protect them from just what has been said, "spilling the beans". The "power trip" begins among the rank & file in the form of pioneer, ministerial servant and elder designations, and continues up from there. The circuit/district overseers have their health & car insurance paid for as well as frequently replaced "wheels" (can't have 'em breakin' down in Bed-Stuy or East L.A. now can we). Plus the extra change that gets slipped into their suit pockets by adoring fandom helps 'em stay flush. But the real upper is power. Those "at the top" (GB) are living gods as can be seen from the reaction to announcements of their presence at various district and international functions. They don't need money when all their needs are provided for and their indulgences are catered to on this basal earthly plane. Yes, they "walk on water" amongst their minions...and isn't that all that matters when they are the elite who oversee Jehovah's/Jesus' earthly possessions while awaiting their heavenly glory?Sorry I couldn't help you find the money. I just had to rant.
Minimus Is Demonized
by minimus ini posted this on a different thread regarding my mother but her sister (my aunt) told her that because i left the "truth" and am living my life outside of bible principles, that the "demons" are affecting her.
she told my mom that twice last week, "the demons pushed her" and caused her to fall.
because my mother associates with me and my mom associates with her sister----therefore the "contact" is made thru my mother to her.
He said it's because of people like me doing good deeds and not allowing the world to get worse by helping people who need help that God had not ended the world.
Wow! Talk about pretzel logic! I think your brother's really been assimilated, Gary!
Minimus Is Demonized
by minimus ini posted this on a different thread regarding my mother but her sister (my aunt) told her that because i left the "truth" and am living my life outside of bible principles, that the "demons" are affecting her.
she told my mom that twice last week, "the demons pushed her" and caused her to fall.
because my mother associates with me and my mom associates with her sister----therefore the "contact" is made thru my mother to her.
He must be a JW.
Minimus Is Demonized
by minimus ini posted this on a different thread regarding my mother but her sister (my aunt) told her that because i left the "truth" and am living my life outside of bible principles, that the "demons" are affecting her.
she told my mom that twice last week, "the demons pushed her" and caused her to fall.
because my mother associates with me and my mom associates with her sister----therefore the "contact" is made thru my mother to her.
Hmmmmm the whole buring things to prove or disprove demons starting to draw a clear picture now
Sad story from the book, Witnesses of Jehovah, written by former Witnesses Leonard & Marjorie Chretien:
"Psychologist Jerry Bergman, for many years a Jehovah's Witness, has written a book titled The Mental Health of Jehovah's Witnesses. While interviewing him for the film Witnesses of Jehovah, he told us this tragic story. It was about a Witness who was very active in his congregation for many years. When he started to behave very strangely, the elders thought that the furniture in his house was demonized, since he had bought it from the Salvation Army. So they began to burn pieces of his furniture in order to destroy this demon influence. Eventually they burned nearly every piece of furniture in his house, but the man showed no improvement. In fact he was getting worse. The elders then started to burn the man's clothing and other possessions, including family portraits. Through Dr. Bergman's encouragement, the elders finally took the man to a medical doctor. The doctor ordered tests at a hospital, where it was diagnosed that the patient had a brain tumor and would require immediate surgery. However, the man died before the operation could be performed."
Douglas Walsh Case
by Bluegrass Tom in.
i am trying to obtain a copy of the douglas walsh case -scotland 1954, or other court transcripts where gb members took the stand and testimony was given pertaining to being the "channel", "1914", the ability to translate ancient languages or other salient topics.
i think there was a trial in nyc about the same period where some of these topics were covered.. if any one can direct me where i can obtain copies of these i would appreciat it.
Does anyone have a complete copy of the Douglas Walsh trial that I might obtain a copy of? (I need the copy which has the phrase "worthy of death" on page 348.)
highlights from the annual bethel meeting...?
by in a new york bethel minute inmy mom came home with some wonderful experiences from the annual meeting at bethel, related by bethelites in her hall.
unfortunately she couldn't remember any of them... any details on this???.
unfortunately she couldn't remember any of them
experiences or bethelites?
Witnesses.....will they REALLY be any different in the New System?
by gumby inin talking to a fellow ex-dub buddy of mine the other day, it occured to me that in many ways....witnesses could be living the life they expect to live in the new system.......but they don't.. in the publications we see picture after picture of smiling brothers helping each other frame each others new houses ....for free.
we also never see in the publications poor african people walking through aligator/ piranna infested swamps to get to a kingdom hall either in the new system.. .
the fact is......brothers hire brothers in this system to help build their new homes and are taught not to expect free labor, but to pay them as you would the next guy.. with regards to the poor africans.....and others...., the jehovahs witness organisation has enough money to see that fellow believers in poorer countries should not go hungry or be without a meeting place to worship in.
WHAT New System?
by SWALKER ineveryone please go to this website:.
on oct.19, 2005 the senate passed the bill to drill in this artic wildlife area!
Now look what is happening to our coastlines, the pollution we are dealing with...where does it stop?
It doesn't.
This oil drilling profit is going into the hands of the big oil one else.
That's why it doesn't stop.
by SWALKER ineveryone please go to this website:.
on oct.19, 2005 the senate passed the bill to drill in this artic wildlife area!
Please call your Sentors and Congressman and get this stopped before it's too late!!!
It's already too late. Money talks.