In talking to a fellow ex-dub buddy of mine the other day, it occured to me that in many ways....witnesses could be living the life they expect to live in the New System.......but they don't.
In the publications we see picture after picture of smiling brothers helping each other frame each others new houses ....for free. We also never see in the publications poor african people walking through aligator/ piranna infested swamps to get to a Kingdom Hall either in the New System.
The fact is......brothers HIRE brothers in THIS system to help build their new homes and are taught not to expect free labor, but to pay them as you would the next guy.
With regards to the poor Africans.....and others...., the Jehovahs Witness Organisation has enough money to see that fellow believers in poorer countries should not go hungry or be without a meeting place to worship in.
Why do you suppose that many aspects of the New System they are awaiting for.....cannot be realised right now in the present? Will it be any different in Paradise? Why?