Good one, Gary!
Posts by Kaput
Something I wonder.......
by DaveNwisconsin ina month ago my mother died.
she had been a witness for 40 years.
when she was sick she got me wondering if all the witnesses think that this system will come to an end in there lifetime and they won't have to go thru death?
Judge Rutherford on radio - God says, "Quit making Jackasses of yourselves"
by VM44 ina description of a recording of rutherford played on the radio:.
judge rutherford.
august 10, 1941. wbbr, new york city.
Desolation of Jerusalem
by Alwayshere inusing the wts's dates in the january 1.1965 page 29 : nabonidus= 17 years.
add 17 to 539=556, neriglissar==4 years, add 4 to 556=560, evil-marduk=2 years, add 2 to560=562, nebuchadnezzar=43 years, add 43 to 562 =605.
the bible at 2 kings 25: 8 and 9 says "in the 19th year of king nebuchadnezzar the servant of the king came to jerusallem and burned the house of jehovah.
(I am aware of the concept that it may seem I am wasting my time bothering with 'scholar' at all, and some may see that as 'foolish', however I do so for my amusement, to expose his lies to readers, and to keep up my typing speed.)
Ahhhh, Jeffro, you saved the truth for last!
Bethel Downsizing Again!
by zack ini do not know if any of you have heard.
no one in my congo.
other than one other elder on the body has heard:.
There is an industry making loaded tour bus runs to New York.
That's why they're booting the Bethelites. They need more room for the tourists. Hey, $150.00/night and you can actually sleep in a closet where a Bethelite has roomed. For an extra $10.00/day you can have burritos, puddings, and hoagies pulled from the freezer and experience the nostalgia of food service at the assemblies.
we have the truth there is no doubt
by PMJ injehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
Just wanted to apologize for PMJ's behavior. We were having a party here at Bethel for some departing Bethelites and he imbibed a bit too much. Don't worry, he'll be counseled tomorrow (as soon as his hangover passes) by Bro. Teddy "the Tiger" Jaracz.
A kindler, gentler, WTB&TS?
by FaithfulDoubter inok, i've looked 3 times now through the new study book: what the bible really teaches and i can't find 1 depection of armageddon in it.
(if i'm wrong, someone please point it out!
) is this the beginning of the society trying to create a more loving image?
From reading the current Magazines and hearing the meeting content, I'd say it's obvious Bethel has contempt for Jehovah's Witnesses.
The bully always has contempt for those he can intimidate.
Bethel Downsizing Again!
by zack ini do not know if any of you have heard.
no one in my congo.
other than one other elder on the body has heard:.
I'm sure that no lawyers will be sent home.
Sent home?!?!? Bethel IS their home!
Warning to the Watch Tower - Mirror of Truth
by phoibos_2 inthey will never prevent the truth about their satanic religion. .
keep cool .
You're a good man/woman! Thanx for the goodies!
Desolation of Jerusalem
by Alwayshere inusing the wts's dates in the january 1.1965 page 29 : nabonidus= 17 years.
add 17 to 539=556, neriglissar==4 years, add 4 to 556=560, evil-marduk=2 years, add 2 to560=562, nebuchadnezzar=43 years, add 43 to 562 =605.
the bible at 2 kings 25: 8 and 9 says "in the 19th year of king nebuchadnezzar the servant of the king came to jerusallem and burned the house of jehovah.
I think scholar means "celebrating" WT scholars
Warning to the Watch Tower - Mirror of Truth
by phoibos_2 inthey will never prevent the truth about their satanic religion. .
keep cool .
For he who hesitates, all is lost. Hope everyone got their copies.