Looks an awful lot like "Moonlight Cottage" from the Kinkade gallery.
Posts by Kaput
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by Honesty in.
that is, if you are able to without the prospect of facing a three-man kangaroo court appointed by jerhover to keep the congregation clean from apostate influences.. i'll go first: .
Show us your picture
by Honesty in.
that is, if you are able to without the prospect of facing a three-man kangaroo court appointed by jerhover to keep the congregation clean from apostate influences.. i'll go first: .
JH --- Don't tell me you're into Thomas Kinkade?!?!?
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by Honesty in.
that is, if you are able to without the prospect of facing a three-man kangaroo court appointed by jerhover to keep the congregation clean from apostate influences.. i'll go first: .
Should I make a stink about this or not?
by merfi ini've been working at the same hospital since 1991. a jw chick is hired this past january.
the hospital friends have been and are my support system as well as my 'team'.. a nurse friend played stupid last week and talked to the jw girl.
the jw asked her what religion she was.
I'm with Scully.
Do the GB REALLY get their "Food" from Jehovah?
by gumby inwe were taught that the "faithful and discreet slave" are led/fed by jehovah/jesus/ spirit.
think about it though for a minute.
when the "writing dept.
Here's some earlier nutritious grub from Joe Hobah as provided to the GB for the R&F found on page 16, paragraph 8, of the October 1, 1978 WT:
We clearly see militaristic elements of that "disgusting thing," the UN organization, poised to wreak havoc on the realm of Christendom. The socialistic powers make no secret about their hatred for religion --- "the opium of the people" as they call it. Make no mistake! At God's due time, the "horns" of the scarlet-colored wild beast, the UN, will turn on the empire of false religion --- that longtime blasphemer of Jehovah's name --- to devastate and destroy her.
Hmmmm...if the UN hated religions that much, why has it allowed them to become associated as NGO's? Guess "the beast" is just gonna wait 'til the time's right to pull the ol' rug out from under 'em. Good thing Joe Hobah's holy spirit "moved" the WBTS to vacate just in time, eh?
Just finished reading "The Discoveries of Barbara Anderson"
by under_believer inwhat an eye-opener this book was.
go to this thread to read it yourself.
what an amazing experience!
All of that changed because of my going public.
Way to go, Barbara!!!
Is the WTS still an NGO? 2005 OSCE Conference
by blondie insupposedly the wts withdrew as an ngo associated with the un in 2001.. .
june 8 and 9, 2005. list of ngos attending osce conference (cordoba).
From paragraphs 9, 10 & 11 from the June 1, 1991 WT article "Their Refuge -- A Lie!":
9 Today, Jehovah's Witnesses warn that a flood of executional armies will soon sweep over Christendom. Moreover, they point to the true place of refuge from that flood. They quote Isaiah 28:16, which says: "This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: 'Here I am laying as a foundation in Zion a stone, a tried stone, the precious corner of a sure foundation. No one exercising faith will get panicky.'" Who is this 'precious cornerstone'? The apostle Peter quoted these words and applied them to Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:6) If Christendom had sought peace with Jehovah's King, Jesus Christ, then she would have avoided the coming flash flood. -- Compare Luke 19:42-44.
10 However, she has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations -- this despite the Bible's warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as man's best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization?
11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: "No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world's religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths."
What the WT paragraph conveniently omits when it quotes from this "recent book" is the portion which immediately precedes the quoted excerpt, the portion which states: "Prayer, meditation and spirituality at the UN are fascinating subjects. All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations. For example, no less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world's religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths."
It appears as if the WBTS, which was in the process of becoming associated with the UN/DPI as an NGO, decided to keep up the ruse for the R&F.
More legerdemain from the sleezeballs at Bethel.
Is the WTS still an NGO? 2005 OSCE Conference
by blondie insupposedly the wts withdrew as an ngo associated with the un in 2001.. .
june 8 and 9, 2005. list of ngos attending osce conference (cordoba).
New light . . . We're a part of the world!
That's right, Gary! Always were, too! We r&f dubs just never knew it!
It is finished, or is it just beginning?
by IP_SEC inwell i am no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.
i had fully intentioned to disassociate myself from the platform today, but i decided that if i wanted a chance to save my marriage that i'd better tell my wife.
she immediately went to to one of the elders.
Happy Anniversary!
I've got $500 on Taylor Hicks to win American Idol ( 10 to 1 odds ) : )
by a Christian ini've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
Hey, a Christian!
Ya didn't bet on Barbaro to win the Preakness, didja?
BTW, I still think there's something neurologically wrong with Hicks. Guess the handicapped have come a long way.