I'm pooping it all out though.
Thank you for sharing.
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
I'm pooping it all out though.
Thank you for sharing.
i got the boot and so didm\ many others..anyone know for sure what his problem is
He does appear to be a very emotional gentleman however.
Jehovah Himself Has Become "King" .....if you get my drift.
i am looking for links, websites, and ideas of a good form letter to send to the local congregation to request that they stop calling.
Just tell 'em you've got a "roaring lion seeking to devour someone". That should keep 'em away.
i got the boot and so didm\ many others..anyone know for sure what his problem is
'ewatchman' is Exhibit A as to why true reform of the WTBTS can never happen.
Reform to what???? The WTBTS is just another example of "Third Great Awakening" BS that, unfortunately for millions, outlived its time!
who is the 'lord' as mentioned in romans 10:12-16.
1903 - 'lord' refers to jesus.1940 - 'lord' refers to jehovah.1978 - 'lord' refers to jesus.1980 - 'lord' refers to jehovah.
Atlantis --
as usual!
we i read about jesus' trail, it appears he had more compassion than the jews.
jesus practicly told he powerless in the matter, that's when pilate washed his hands and disavowed responabilty for jesus' death.
a clergyman said he had read that pilate later became a christian.
Except for the writings of Josephus, there is scant secular information about Pilate. Interestingly, Pilate is considered a saint in the Coptic and Ethiopian churches because of his alleged conversion to Christianity. Read Pontius Pilate -- The Biography of an Invented Man by Ann Wroe.
ok... something strange is going on here - what is it?
i just stepped down as an elder back in early november - and basically have a wife who has her hooks so far in the organization that i thought she would never bend... you know the drill - many family members in the truth - raised in the truth, etc..... well... last night we had a heart to heart about the doubts that i have been having, why i stepped down, and what i think will be a fair an equitable solution to the handling of our two kids.
it was like my coming our party - she completely bent on everything... she was completely understanding about my stance on everything, and although she does not agree - she does agree to not fight me on everything.
BTW, have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year (even if your wife won't)!
Don't wear a suit & tie anymore.
ok... something strange is going on here - what is it?
i just stepped down as an elder back in early november - and basically have a wife who has her hooks so far in the organization that i thought she would never bend... you know the drill - many family members in the truth - raised in the truth, etc..... well... last night we had a heart to heart about the doubts that i have been having, why i stepped down, and what i think will be a fair an equitable solution to the handling of our two kids.
it was like my coming our party - she completely bent on everything... she was completely understanding about my stance on everything, and although she does not agree - she does agree to not fight me on everything.
ok... something strange is going on here - what is it?
i just stepped down as an elder back in early november - and basically have a wife who has her hooks so far in the organization that i thought she would never bend... you know the drill - many family members in the truth - raised in the truth, etc..... well... last night we had a heart to heart about the doubts that i have been having, why i stepped down, and what i think will be a fair an equitable solution to the handling of our two kids.
it was like my coming our party - she completely bent on everything... she was completely understanding about my stance on everything, and although she does not agree - she does agree to not fight me on everything.
I agree with moshe. Adopt the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared. Aside from that, I'm happy for ya. I'm not happy you're a Billzfan, tho'.