Rule by Theo.
Hey, if it worked for the Red Sox, it should work for the Borg.
Rule by Theo.
Hey, if it worked for the Red Sox, it should work for the Borg.
using the wts's dates in the january 1.1965 page 29 : nabonidus= 17 years.
add 17 to 539=556, neriglissar==4 years, add 4 to 556=560, evil-marduk=2 years, add 2 to560=562, nebuchadnezzar=43 years, add 43 to 562 =605.
the bible at 2 kings 25: 8 and 9 says "in the 19th year of king nebuchadnezzar the servant of the king came to jerusallem and burned the house of jehovah.
Frankly, I cannot be bothered with your childish requests for something that you can already create with the data provided in WT publications. Any constructed chronology for the Neo-Babylonian period is fraught with problems because of numerous gaps and conflicting data when one compares it to carefully crafted biblical chronology by celebrated WT scholars.
I think scholar's choice of words speaks volumes.
using the wts's dates in the january 1.1965 page 29 : nabonidus= 17 years.
add 17 to 539=556, neriglissar==4 years, add 4 to 556=560, evil-marduk=2 years, add 2 to560=562, nebuchadnezzar=43 years, add 43 to 562 =605.
the bible at 2 kings 25: 8 and 9 says "in the 19th year of king nebuchadnezzar the servant of the king came to jerusallem and burned the house of jehovah.
If I have trouble sleeping, I just read this thread, starting at the beginning. It's better than counting sheep cuz I never get past the first page.
i would like to write to the wt and ask them about their former un status.
does anybody out there have a letter that they wrote and that i could kind of use as an outline or even copy, if you don't mind?
you can post it here or pm me or even email me at [email protected].
Me thinks they're confused.
They should've called it Babel, not Bethel.
i would like to write to the wt and ask them about their former un status.
does anybody out there have a letter that they wrote and that i could kind of use as an outline or even copy, if you don't mind?
you can post it here or pm me or even email me at [email protected].
He said some people think we are hiding this but we just do not want to "dignify" it by responding to it in writing.
I suppose he thinks that the Watchtower's attachment to the UN was dignified.
they were able to use the united nations to get access into countries where their literature had previously been banned or rejected.. i just wonder why they don't give the united nations a little credit in the publications when they announce that new doors have been opened up for the kingdom preaching work?
That poor fellow burned his brain with drugs once.
Yes Schizm, where is your proof that he burned his brain with drugs once? It could have been MORE than once!
whether it is god or the beginning of evolution, how did it come from nothing?
we are here, that is a fact, where did we come from?
belief systems are another thing, where is the proof of anything?.
hmmm... wonder if i am making sense now?
a few more of these and you will be.
i would like to write to the wt and ask them about their former un status.
does anybody out there have a letter that they wrote and that i could kind of use as an outline or even copy, if you don't mind?
you can post it here or pm me or even email me at [email protected].
Further discussions with our local elders resolved only the fact that they have no information at all regarding this. In fact they seem to have no desire to obtain the truth in this matter, but would rather we spearhead this effort, are not the elders to look after the flock and assist in clarifying issues? After insisting they contact the Circuit Overseer it came back that he too had heard nothing of this association.
The elders are not involved in this except to the extent that they are used by the Society to monitor your response to the information about the UN/NGO affair, and to find out if you are still loyal to the organization. The question that was continually hurled at me in discussions with the local body of elders was "do you still believe this to be God's organization for true worship?" Of course, if you say "no", then that's usually "it" for you. I was able to stave them off until I was ready to DA. This afforded me the opportunity to do a mailing to other JWs before it was announced at the KH that I had DA'd. Loyalty is paramount to the WBTS, and the thumbscrews on the JW R&F have been continually tightened since the big purge of the early eighties.
Slaving for the Slave
macmillan was a longtime watchtower official and family friend who went by the name "mack" around our house.
he could be trusted.
" franz then admitted that he did not receive the scholarship, but "measured up to the requirements," which is far removed from being "offered the privilege of going to oxford or cambridge in england under the rhodes plan," as macmillan had written.
The world really is run by idiots and beauracrats, you don't have to fear that evil masterminds have it all orchestrated.
Spoken like a true member of The Brotherhood.