Does anyone have an effective illustration or experience for this talk?
Picture God in Vegas shootin' craps for the last gazillion years. There's your illustration.
special talk - is god still in control?
does anyone have an effective illustration or experience for this talk?
regards ajayboy
Does anyone have an effective illustration or experience for this talk?
Picture God in Vegas shootin' craps for the last gazillion years. There's your illustration.
i've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
Tayloy Hicks: the love child of Capt. Kangaroo???
....and Mr. Greenjeans, for the "hick" affectations. Takes 2 to tango, ya know!
bart began as a fundamentalist like ourselves but in time his studious nature led him to critical bible scholarship.
his books are viewed as authoritative.
in an interesting interview he recounts this transformation and hints that he has finally left the conviction that there ever was a historical jesus, or that personage/s whose lives are reflected in certain episodes in the legend served merely as sources for the jesus character.
There was not nearly enough time passage, it takes centuries for a legend to develop.
I beg to differ. People have actually become legends in their own lifetimes.
confessions of a "theocratic liar.
may 16th 1965. hampstead gardens primary school.
January, 2004 when I found out about the UN/NGO thingy.
You need to chill, man.
the 1 may 1957 at page 285 the watchtower states:.
16 with thankful hearts we acknowledge gods mercy and gratefully and willingly show our respect for jehovahs organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly father, jehovah god.. what on earth is jehovah's [visible] organisation???
If Jehovah's Organisation is us, then how can it be our mother and the wife of God? I do not presume to be God's wife. Moreover how can we show respect to an abstract idea, which was the whole point of the Watchtower article?
You're not actually trying to understand this, are you?
do you believe that the wts is being protected assisted and guided by demonic powers despite their claim that they are strictly associated only with god and his spirit?
i personally think it is not a coincidence that many things happen in their favour it is for example the demons that fight the "apostates" to prevent them from damaging the wts by exposing their wrong doing.
they also help blind and mislead ppl to enter this destructive cult.
Do you believe that the WTS is being protected assisted and guided by demonic powers despite their claim that they are strictly associated only with God and his Spirit?
Considering that Jehovah's Witnesses have never been, are not and will never be the TRUE religion, one may wonder what god they are actually worshipping and what spirit is directing them. If, in fact, they are following the dictates of an evil segment of spirit world entities, then evidently the ignorant R&F are being directed by powerful forces which they are completely unaware of and powerless to oppose. If, instead, they are blindly following the dictates of men, then the power over the R&F is wielded by those individuals who have had decades to perfect techniques of human control. Some of us have been able to extract ourselves from the religion, and this may demonstrate that the WBTS is just a human institution controlled solely by humans. Then again, there may be forces for good within the spirit realm that have assisted us in effecting our release, thus frustrating the efforts of the evil spirits who seek to keep us ensnared. I have yet to see the proof either way, so for me the jury is still out.
i've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man. worked for Joe Cocker!
Joe Cocker's an ORIGINAL.
i've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
I think about 80,000 of those on Taylor's are out of sympathy. They think he's got some kind of medical condition.
i've got $500.00 on taylor hicks to win american idol.
at 10 to one odds ( pinnacle sports ) !
normally i'm not a gambling man.
I think Ace is gonna take it.