Reading this thread I realize how hard it is to believe the unbelievable... Bible-thumpers may convince themselves with the maybes. I would rather stick to the facts. And what I see as facts, right now, doesn't make me afraid of giants, or even of a bloodthirsty god...
JoinedPosts by melmac
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - new - The Long and the Short of It
by RunningMan inand there were giants in those days genesis 6:4
there is a simple principle of physics that has changed the way i look at the universe.
it has also prevented me from being taken in by a huge array of common legends and misconceptions.
He took a stick, and he put if far up.... (a parable for nice guys)
by SixofNine infrom: .
i also recommend the rest of the site.
there once was a man without a spine.. .
Man! I really needed to read that TODAY. Proper food at the appropriate time... lol.
This post is a keeper... hehe!
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - Ch. 9 - Righteousness
by RunningMan inrighteousness
throughout history, people have tried to live up to gods righteous standards, so as to gain his approval.
the bible holds up many shining examples of persons who pleased god.
This conjures up a disquieting mental image. Picture David, or one of his attendants slicing the foreskins off of 200 dead bodies. Better yet, imagine yourself as the person assigned by David to do this job. All of a sudden, cleaning tables at Burger King doesn’t look like such a bad job.
Paying for the pioneer
by Thegoodgirl inhi guys, let me get your opinion on this:.
my mom's a pioneer, so she scrapes by on little money, refuses to work overtime, and tries to even survive on part time entry level work.
she can survive, but when it comes to getting appliances fixed, going on vacation, buying new clothes, she has to rely on others gifts and donations to her.. i want her to come visit me, and i need to pay for her ticket.
I think the point is WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?
From there on, it's downhill.
If you really want to see her, go for it.
If you are more interested in showing who's right, don't pay.
Anyway, it bothers me that your husband doesn't approve of it. That's more important than enabling her lifestyle or not.
MHO, anyway.
Best Part of the DC
by RichieRich inyou are all well aware of the fact that i went to the dc last weekend.. most of you are also aware of a situation i have with a young kid my age who is in my circuit.
if not, here's the cliff notes on it.
he turned me in and got me put on reproof.
Great, Richie. Chalk up one more to our side...
When Jehovah's Witnesses do bad - Are criticisms of JW's valid? Part I
by rambaldi inwhen we see news reports of jehovahs witnesses who are reported to have done something bad, what do we think?
sometimes people ridicule us for that.
obey and become his special property, disobey and be rejected.
Rambaldi, I really like your... nick!!!
I am a fan of Alias, too...
Anyway, that`s all the worth I find in your posts...
2005 "Godly Obedience" District Convention Report
by CyrusThePersian ini don't post much and this is the first thread i've ever started so please bear with me.
i wanted to give my obsevations on the 2005 "godly obedience" district convention.if the things i say are redundant, i apologize.
anyways, i was coerced into going by my daughter.
... doctrianal issues ...
Was that a freudian slip? LOL! Their doctrine is really like sh*t!
Can you control your dreams?
by ButtLight infor years and years i have been able to wake up in the middle of a dream, and go back to it right where i left off.
if its a good one, that i didnt want to leave, i think about it, fall back asleep, and im back in!
or, like the other night, i was mad at my bf in my dream.
The classicist
I hate that sometimes when I'm starting to fall asleep, I feel like I'm falling and then wake up. Anyone get that?
I read once that this is a reflex from the times when our ancestors slept in trees. It was important to avoid falling from them.
I am able to lucid dream, provided I spend some days preparing myself to do it. Anyway, it doesn't mean CONTROL over dreams, because I can't elicit a dream whenever I feel like. What is possible (to me) is to randomly become aware in the middle of dreams, and then have some control over it (like flying or changing the subject of the dream, materializing objects...)
Now that you are out, do you have a WANDERING EYE?
by zagor inafter many years of repression do you now find hard to restrain you natural feelings?
it doesnt have to be wrong as one cousin told me, you admire beauty of the sunset, the song of birds; you appreciate exotic meal and equally you can now more appreciate the natural beauty of opposite sex.
reason why im asking is because today ive met a dub from my former congdubgration who immediately assumed i was "immoral".
Crumpet, nothing better than a couple who have similar taste!