He´s quite the opposite of his nickname.
And his new avatar rocks!
one of the most ironically named posters i've ever seen.
kind, strong, intelligent, patient with those who are intolerant.
within the few short mo.
i had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
may 22 1969 awake .
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old.
in this present system of things...... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
The best education for me was my vocabulary education. My thinking is limited to my vocabulary and my understanding of my thought language. I can't think of principles and concepts if I don't have the vocabulary to express those principles and concepts. Language and critical thought are my best rewards for my education.
That´s why the Party in 1984 created a new language, in which the vocabulary was progressively diminished... Those in command never want the rank and file to have too many tools for thinking.
it happened one year ago today.
june 4, 2004. they say these things take time and that recovery gets easier as time goes on, and i suppose that's true.
but then again, some things leave a hole in your heart that will never go away.
i may have mentioned this incident before.
please bear with me...but it's one of the things that really showed me the lack of love and concern.. shortly before my mom kicked me out of the house, someone that i had trusted (my foolish mistake) turned me in to the elders, saying i was "espousing apostate ideology".
never mind that this person constantly complained about the elders and went to less meetings than i did...but anyway...their "encouragement" consisted of telling me, "the reason why you're becoming so bitter and angry is because you're not doing enough in field service.
there was an article, i believe in the awake!, that talks about a hypothetical medical worker who in a hypothetical situation comes to find out that a jw has accepted a medical procedure that is not accepted by the wts.
this hypothetical worker must decide where or not she will report the hypothetical violation to the elders.
does anyone recall where i can find this article?
what if franz stated he found some seer stones and put them inside his tophat and was able to read them and they gave him a new gospel but god took the stones to heaven and now you just have to believe him?
i guees thats the right name in english.
"christian apologetic centre of research".
i know that blondie spends a lot of time on the wt review.
she does the best job.
the reviews are right on.