<HTML> This is <B>very</B> interesting...
<I> I wonder what the eventual effect will be</I>
<U> I don't think it's a first though.</U>
< > We'll keep watchting..:)
baby gets five transfusions while in the womb .
a baby is doing well after undergoing five blood transfusions while still in the womb.. doctors carried out the transfusions after discovering toby panther's blood group was incompatible with his mother.. tina panther had started to produce antibodies which slowly attacked toby's red blood cells, turning him anaemic.. experts put a needle through tina's womb and through toby's tummy into a vein in his liver at london's university college hospital.. each transfusion, which used an ultrasound to guide the needle, risked miscarriage.. miss panther, 39, didn't know until she was five months pregnant that she was going to have a baby.
toby was born in january weighing 5lb.. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_270303.html?menu=
<HTML> This is <B>very</B> interesting...
<I> I wonder what the eventual effect will be</I>
<U> I don't think it's a first though.</U>
< > We'll keep watchting..:)
i thought, perhaps, that the link to the court case in missouri where a brother allegedly confessed the rape of his two stepdaughters to two elders in the cabool, missouri se congregation, and where the said elders are refusing to testify due to "minister-communicant confidentiality" should be posted here: http://www.ky3.com.
(coming on the heels of the memorial non-partaking for the vast majority of witnesses and friends "minister-communicant" seems a rather out of place term, doesn't it?).
since i am still an active jw, or at least appearing to be, i still have my tubules in place and i am quite capable of assimilating a human.
the question is, should i?.
since i have to remain in this org.
Since I am still an active JW, or at least appearing to be, I still have my tubules in place and I am quite capable of assimilating a human. The question is, should I?
Since I have to remain in this org. until certain familiy members have their eyes opened to the truth, I must keep up a front, and there is this 'brother' who wants me to assimilate his fleshly brother. I am quite capable of inserting my little tubules into his neck and pumping puss into his system. And I need cover since suspicion lurks under every rock.
Should I thrust in my tubules. Shall I infect his very mind with GB dicta?
god i hated it..every living breathing minute of it.
it was pure hell for me, and based on the pace i see the jws all over the world moving, they aint so fond of it neither.
the persecution that the jws feel they get is from irritated householders who know nothing about their religion except that they hit people over the head with it and then judge them because they dont like being hit over the head with it.
I got you all beat. I still go out. That's right, come this weekend, I will be out 'sellin the wurd'.
I am hoping I will be involved in a huge automobile accident between now and the weekend. If I am in a coma, then I won't have to deal with it.
I guess that sums it up for me.
this is an excerpt from the bookstudy tonight.
the creator book, page 84 says.... *** ct 84 5 the handiwork-what is behind it?
it would even be possible to misunderstand him if we did not gain a complete picture of him!
This is an excerpt from the bookstudy tonight. The Creator book, page 84 says...
*** ct 84 5 The Handiwork-What Is Behind It? ***
It would even be possible to misunderstand him if we did not gain a complete picture of him! And if that person has been misrepresented or maligned, would it not be good to meet him and hear his side? We might converse with him to find out how he reacts under different circumstances and what qualities he displays.
Imagine the crap. Why doesn't freddie tell us how it is. Tell us freddie. how hypocritical is the watchtower?
I don't need to say anything about what the creator book here says. It speaks for itself.
tomorrow's washtower is a sick load of trash.
the wt claims to fulfill the restoration prophecies.
in those prophecies, israel is said to 'not use lies or a tricky tounge'.... imagine the level of hypocrisy!.
Tomorrow's washtower is a sick load of trash. The wt claims to fulfill the restoration prophecies. In those prophecies, Israel is said to 'not use lies or a tricky tounge'...
Imagine the level of hypocrisy!
The whole world knows that the washtower's dogma concerning salvation is that "only Jehovah's Witnesses will survive", and many ask about this. So many in fact, that the washtower found it necessary to put this in with other Q's on their FAQ page on their site.
Go and read the answer and tell me again about how the washtower doesn't lie or use a tricky tounge!
can anybody tell me what parts of these 3 bible study books are considered "old light"?:.
* "the bible - gods word or man's?".
* "true peace and security - how can you find it?".
The offer for the month, last month, was the "Live Forever" book. Many were place. With who I don't know, but so I'm told. In this book, the generation of 1914 doctrine, as well as the 'sheep and goats since 1914' being judged by JW's as the angels helpers/reapers is still there.
Now, I wonder what a JW does if they find a person stupid enough to take part in a conversation based on this book. What to do when you get to that part in the book. "Oh!.. actually.... (bending over and ripping out that page(s) that's old light".
"Then why give it to me?" they might inquire.
Well, an honest answer is that there was still 70 skids of the damnable books at the headquarters, and they wanted to make room for the new books(light) to be released at the District convention this year. And, as is good business practice, put the old product out on the front of the shelf to move old stock first.
WOW. Isn't Jesus wise so as to give such insight to the Governing Boobs?
to all those who have in some way left the organization (be it disfellowshipping, disassociating, dis-whatever):.
come now, i know the amount of people who "realized that wt doctrine was in serious error" and politely handed in their letter of resignation has to be very small.
the level of bitterness and hostility towards the closest-to-what's-biblical organization has to develop some other way.. what did you do?
...as the Bible puts it.
my husband and i would like to get our kids (my step kids) out of this religion and we don't know where to.
we hardly see them anymore, neither of them are baptisted and we don't know where to begin.
The fact is, the 'Easy come - easy go' scenario doesn't work with JWism. 'Easy come, tough to go' would be more apt.
If you can get them over your house, and explain that you have been reading an old WT publication, the TRUTH BOOK, and do so in an honest appearing fashion, then you might explain that this book tells us that we should examine our religion in an honest light.
If you can get that far, then you can mention that you have heard that 'JWs won't take their own advice'.
Assuming they have not run out the door, at this point you can lay on them some facts about, well.... for instance the false prophecies galore or that the Wathctower supported Jimmy Swaggart's appeal for tax exemtion in California. Or some other goodie from the iNet.
It might be good to hunt around for somebody xJW in your area who can tutor you on the proper technique. If you aren't 'good', then it will certainly backfire, and you will never see them again. Of this I assure you.
i am settling in here after a long stay on anoter site.
well, that's the nice thing with cyberspace.
you can be in two places at one time.. i see many faithful christians here.
I am settling in here after a long stay on anoter site. Well, that's the nice thing with cyberspace. You CAN be in two places at one time.
I see many faithful Christians here. More so than at my kingdom hall. Good ol' <I>"give me the truth or give me death"</I> Christians.
I will be one more voice of dissent here. Cheerio!