STEALTH... you can email me at [email protected]
We seem to have something in common. I believe that I can help you.
BTW, did you read The Gentile Times Reconsidered
i have a question.
there's this friend who was df'd recently.
he has been snooping the inet.
STEALTH... you can email me at [email protected]
We seem to have something in common. I believe that I can help you.
BTW, did you read The Gentile Times Reconsidered
i have a question.
there's this friend who was df'd recently.
he has been snooping the inet.
His initials are not F.H.
i have a question.
there's this friend who was df'd recently.
he has been snooping the inet.
Going to see him would be a no no. Cause lotsa probs at home.
I must also say that it IS possible that he is the "YOUKNOW" type, possibly even YOUKNOW in person.
i have a question.
there's this friend who was df'd recently.
he has been snooping the inet.
Yeah! Anyone thinking about getting hitched to a dub needs to see the 'the day after'...
i have a question.
there's this friend who was df'd recently.
he has been snooping the inet.
I have a question. There's this friend who was DF'd recently. He has been snooping the iNet. I know, I caught him on the old H2O in 2000. I said nothing and played dumb like I didn't see him sweating.
Anyway, seems that his wife turned him in to the cyber cops in his hall and he got DF'd.
The question is this, Why the hell is he still attending meetings? I hear that he's going more now than when he was in good standing.
What's he trying to prove? Does he think that he can ever possibly be welcomed back? His wife left him. And seems she thinks herself pretty righteous for finking.
I will keep my ear to the ground and see what else I can find out from some I know in his hall.
I dunno. What's he thinking?
i had a little secret rebelion i kept up all the way through my jw time!
i refused to learn the books of the bible or to remember scriptures!!!
even when i was a genuine, super-zelous ms!!.
Knocking on the brick. That's cool. I am still doing it. Or how about a side entrance. You can just walk around the corner for a few minutes while the others finish the street.
How about this one. You go to the door with elder x, and you make it to the door before him and place your body so that he cannot see. Then you press beside the doorbell, so and say "Ding Dong". He then thinks you heard the bell and were repeating. (The fool)
You wait a few mins and talk to each other, then move on. He thinks you were so zealous that YOU had to go to the door first. He, on the other hand was trying NOT to go to the door and wanted YOU to take the door.
All is well, and it's off to the coffie shop, never having actually faced anyone. Mark down only the odd house as NOT HOME and nobody's the wiser.
february 2002 issue of the american lawyer .
supreme advocacy: church of free speech, by tony mauro.
god doesn't have an interest in that.
The bottom line is, the WTS will not honor the outcome if it is not in their favor.
The only proven way of keeping JWs from calling, is to so agitate the homeowner/renter/dweller that they call up the local KH and scream bloody murder.
This has been done. In my city, the CO barred all JWs from doing ANY and ALL preaching/mag distributing etc in any and all laundymats. It is a City Edict.
We will be working on all doctors offices in the spring of this year, and then perhaps government offices by summer.
How you ask? Oh! That's a good one. After the Letter to Stratton is in the mailbox, and I can breath again, I will post more.
no judgements, no issues, no point scoring.. nic'.
january 20, 2002 .
highway carnage: dad critical after crash kills wife, four children.
It's sad. I was at the funural talk. It was held at the Cleary auditorium on Riverside Dr. W. in Windsor. Lot's of JW's attended.
Interestingly, the father is NOT a JW but goes occasionally to the meeting. He was seen on public television two nights ago, channel 62, appearing on the downtown camera. He was drunk. The whole city saw and heard him thank the city of Windsor in his annebriated state. Then he stumbled away.
Poor guy. But he doesn't seem overly broken up about it. Knowing him and his past, he will have another girl pregnant in short order as was Jamie.
Poor jamie. And that little Seth. Storm was cute.
But Jamie's life was already ruined by the BORG. Her folkes pushed her away from reason and that's why she went out and got pregnant, and then they DF'd her.
She crawled back, poor thing. Only to have this happen. If she had been treated better in the first place, and not had stupid parents, then she wouldn't have had to ruin her life and run away to Coldwater.
And she would not have had to log all those highway miles.
God bless you Jamie.
on january 24, 2002 the interim head of the department of public information responded to my letter requesting disclosure of the watchtower file.
even though dpi still refuses to give me the file, they did present some more facts on criteria for association.
also dpi provides what their dpi committee alerted the wts too in the committee's 1992 letter of accreditation to the wts.. there was a delay in posting due to the fact that the dpi sent a wrong brochure to me that accompanied the letter.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank "Hawk" for all his hard work. As he posted above, I have been carefully using this info, dropping hints to my wife, and finally she got on the iNet and looked around. I have been reluctant to post anything as she is now 'sirfin' with the best of them and I wouldn't want to have her find something and realize that I had made comments to this site concerning her. I love her very much and wouldn't want her to think I was "doing things behind her back"... This should be far enough down the board to present my thoughts yet not be overly obvious since she's a newbie and also not a techie.
She is now seeing more clearly than she ever has. She is on the border of reading Crisis of Conscience, as today she said "I don't see anything wrong with learning what happened in the 80's" and also made a comment on "what they (GB) did to Franz and Dunlap ... just awfull".
Thank God ...and thanks to all the persons like Hawk who got involved. I am going to print off the new info on the UN and show it to my wife.
Since her blinders have come off, our relationship has improved dramatically. It's better now than at any point in out married life. This is what a little prayer, patience and hard work can accomplish.
And thanks to "Amazing" for the pointers on "how to"...
Cheers all!
it would be best to have read the article beforehand.
the governing body should take it to heart.. .
paragraph 18 relates that she was "'frightened and trembling'... doubtless because she knew that she had broken god's law.
It seems to me that all's not well at HQ. After all, this article smacks od self incrimination. I am coming to be of the opinion that some in the writing dept. have it in for the GB.