JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
DESPERATELY LOOKING for the WT internet quotes!!!!
by TTBoy ini've been looking for over an hour to find the thread on wt views on internet usage or the km insert on the internet.
any help would be appreciated.
ty .
Class Action Lawsuit based on misinformation*
by biblexaminer ini have long considered a lawsuit against the watchtower organization.
i realize that i am not the only one.
there are now presently many who are seriously considering it, and some who are actively pursuing it.
I don't think it would be difficult to show that the WTS lied and continues to lie. Using the Watchtower publications, I could prove that they distorted the truth and yes LIED.
In so doing, they caused me to believe things that were false, things that in turn caused me to take action that I would not have otherwise have taken.
If, for instance, I knew the truth about Russell and Maria, then I would never have entertained the notion of them being "God's organization". Hence, I would not have sacrificed my time spreading those same lies to yet other people.
If I had known of their failed false prophecies, then I wouldn't have wasted years of my life spreading another false prophecy about 1994 (generation 1914+80)
For my sacrifice, I was promised everlasting life. They cannot deliver in their "bankrupt" state. Hence, I was offered a return on investment that they could not make good on.
I was provided false and misleading information which casued me to invest my resources chasing a return that they offered, yes they have, yet cannot provide.
Class Action Lawsuit based on misinformation*
by biblexaminer ini have long considered a lawsuit against the watchtower organization.
i realize that i am not the only one.
there are now presently many who are seriously considering it, and some who are actively pursuing it.
Thanks all for your comments. I think though that most of you have missed the point.
The point is, the Watchtower lied. Nobody has the right to lie to someone, giving false information, which causes harm.
I don't want to prove that they had a responsibility to me, but rather that we entered into a mutual agreement, an agreement which they beagn in bad faith by giving false information intending to mislead me into actions that I would not otherwise have committed.
This is a different angle.
I want to prove that they lied to me, and I hence "invested" in the WTS my funds, my time and resources. I was misled.
Buyer beware is recognized, but only to a point. There are laws against con artists. If you tell an old lady a big 'ol lie and she hands over her cash, can you just say "buyer beware"?
You can say it, but you will be saying it from behind bars.
Class Action Lawsuit based on misinformation*
by biblexaminer ini have long considered a lawsuit against the watchtower organization.
i realize that i am not the only one.
there are now presently many who are seriously considering it, and some who are actively pursuing it.
I have long considered a lawsuit against the Watchtower organization.
I realize that I am not the only one.
There are now presently many who are seriously considering it, and some who are actively pursuing it. Others have tried and failed.
The big question is, what can one sue for?
I am not a mamby-pamby kind of guy. I look for the right key to fit the lock, and I am not about wasting my time chasing after something that won't work. I need something that works, really works.
In light of all that has gone wrong lately with corporate America, it suddenly comes to me that we are "investors" of a type. We have "invested" years of our lives, and not a small part of our personal fortunes, in this institution. We effectively bought "Watchtower stock".
Only to find out later thought our stock was worthless.
As time went by, and we did "equity research", we gradually came to realize that our stock was a crock. So how can we "sell"? We cannot, because there are no "buyers". The stock is worthless, the company bankrupt, -the victim of "the mother of all frauds" (to quote a news writer on CBS Marketwatch) and we are stuck looking up at a corporation, which has deceived us into pouring our life-savings into their hands. Funds, which they then embezzled!
Are you out there who are also investor types following me?
There are investment houses, (ie: Merrill Lynch) prominent ones, who have been successfully sued for providing misinformation to investors, investors who bought stock believing something false. We, as Jehovah's Witnesses, were "members" of the Corporation in a manner of speaking, and we have been hoodwinked.
Think of all the lies that the Watchtower told us, lies about their history. Had we known the truth about the early years of the WTS, would we ever have wasted so much time investing in them?
Would we have ever believed, even for a minute, that they are a special "class", the "slave" of MT.24:45, had we known the truth about their history?
Had we not been fed "revisionist history" lessons, and if we had known the truth about the early years, or had we know of so many of the things that we later found out, things that the WTS hid from us, WOULD WE EVER HAVE WASTED SO MUCH OF OUR LIVES?
I tell you the truth this day, that if I end up in court pursuing the WTS for damages, this is the angle I will work.
I was deceived, in a thoroughgoing manner, into sacrificing my years, my health, my education, my family, my employment, and almost my life. The Watchtower hid from me information that was necessary in order for me to make an informed decision as to whether or not I would become involved with this "society" and invest.
Further, they distorted information on many aspects of the organization in order to get me to join, to contribute funds, and to spend my precious time in the confines of this "society". They are guilty of providing me with false information in order to maneuver me into buying what they were selling, a worthless equity!
In the investment world, if an advisor provides false information to a client and the client loses money, -the advisor will pay or damn it he will go to prison! Thats the law.
Can this be applied to our situation? I believe it can.
The Watchtower Society is a legal corporation. It, in a sense, has shares. We all bought some when we got baptized, UNDER FALSE PRETENSES. I am convinced that they can and will most certainly be sued.
Maybe by me.
Looking into this further. BX
The Watchtower's Conspiracy to hide ...
by biblexaminer inthe watchtower's conspiracy to hide child molestation and many other appalling facts from their membership.
the material quoted herein is taken directly from the watchtower's main publication "the watchtower" magazine, and her sister magazine the awake.
it is intended to demonstrate that the watchtower bible and tract society has in the past, and continues to today, to vilify the media whenever the media reports negatively concerning the watchtower, while choosing to offer accolades when the media presents positively of them.
As far as the Watchtower library on CD rom goes, I ahve one 1999 original. There will be more 1999 originals available soon, and I can make copies, BUT if a media outlet were to do a serios story, then I could provide an ORIGINAL.
That way, they know the issue of tampering is gone.
Serious media only
NEWS - VICKI BOER CASE - Canadian Press - Sep 22
by hawkaw inthis was article is also found in the toronto star internet site.
i am unclear if or when it will be in the toronto star paper.
you should find this article in numerous papers canada wide today.
This has got alot of dubs disturbed.
The Watchtower's Conspiracy to hide ...
by biblexaminer inthe watchtower's conspiracy to hide child molestation and many other appalling facts from their membership.
the material quoted herein is taken directly from the watchtower's main publication "the watchtower" magazine, and her sister magazine the awake.
it is intended to demonstrate that the watchtower bible and tract society has in the past, and continues to today, to vilify the media whenever the media reports negatively concerning the watchtower, while choosing to offer accolades when the media presents positively of them.
If you know of anyone in the media who might benefit from this information, pass it along.
The Watchtower's Conspiracy to hide ...
by biblexaminer inthe watchtower's conspiracy to hide child molestation and many other appalling facts from their membership.
the material quoted herein is taken directly from the watchtower's main publication "the watchtower" magazine, and her sister magazine the awake.
it is intended to demonstrate that the watchtower bible and tract society has in the past, and continues to today, to vilify the media whenever the media reports negatively concerning the watchtower, while choosing to offer accolades when the media presents positively of them.
The Watchtower's Conspiracy to hide child molestation and many other appalling facts from their membership.
The material quoted herein is taken directly from the Watchtower's main publication "The Watchtower" magazine, and her sister magazine the Awake. It is intended to demonstrate that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has in the past, and continues to today, to vilify the media whenever the media reports negatively concerning the Watchtower, while choosing to offer accolades when the media presents positively of them.
The publication "The Watchtower", is its chief journal and what is printed in it is viewed by members as no less than the word of God. It has better than equal weighting as the Bible (Holy Scriptures) No Jehovah's Witness can express doubts concerning what is in it. If an individual would suggest that the Watchtower is saying something different than is found in Holy Scripture, then the member is told to accept what the Watchtower says over and above the Bible on pain of excommunication and shunning. Make no mistake in this.
I have here taken excerpts from dozens of Watchtower articles showing that the Watchtower has historically, and continues to, bias members against the press in such a way, as to dissuade them from paying any attention to things the press has to offer. Anything that presents the Watchtower in a poor light is classed as lies and from the "Devil". In this way, the conspiracy to shield child molesters is carried world-wide in an effort to further prevent all Jehovah's Witness members from assimilating correct information, information that would help them to make good and proper life choices. As well, there are dozens of things that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is diligently working to prevent rank & file members from finding out.
The bottom line is that members are effectively told NOT to read newspaper articles and to avoid television programs that reveal the truth about goings on within the Watchtower society. This goes ten-fold for internet sites. As a result, those who have gone public with accusations of molestation are shunned and rebuffed by all friends and relatives in this closed society, cut off completely so that they cannot tell of their experience. They experience complete social abandonment.
For the Media, upon request, I will send you an ORIGINAL copy of the Watchtower's own 1999 version of Watchtower Library on CDROM. From this original source material you can verify all quotes and view their context in order to see the brainwashing techniques used. Every one of these articles has been discussed like 'gospel' in the weekly meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world and has been taken door to door and offered to the pubic.
In the below quote, the Watchtower society works to brainwash members against anything the media has to offer, because there is negative news involved. The Watchtower of January 15, 1998 pages 27-28 is reviewing a public speech given in front of tens of thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses at a convention.
*** w98 1/15 27-8 Strengthening Our Faith in God's Word *** The last talk of the day was The Quality of Your FaithTested Now. Faith that is untested has no proven worth, and its quality remains unknown. It is like a check that has not yet been cashed. Is it really worth the amount that appears on it? Similarly, our faith must be tested to prove that it has substance and real quality. (1 Peter 1:6, 7) The speaker said: At times, the news media as well as the authorities are duped by clergymen and apostates into pinning false labels on us, misrepresenting our Christian beliefs and way of life. . . . Will we allow those who are blinded by Satan to intimidate and dishearten us and make us feel ashamed of the good news? Will we permit lies about the truth to affect our regular meeting attendance and our preaching activity? Or will we stand fast and be courageous and more determined than ever to continue declaring the truth about Jehovah and his Kingdom?
Later in the year, the Watchtower of May 15 reminded Witnesses of the above.
*** w98 5/15 20 The Quality of Your Faith-Tested Now *** 16 At times, the news media and secular authorities pin false labels on Gods people, misrepresenting our Christian beliefs and way of life. This should not surprise us, for Jesus clearly shows that the world would hate us because we are no part of it.
Later again in July, the reminders came.
*** w98 7/1 27 An Unforgettable Event in France *** It was thus with great joy that a happy throng of 1,187, including the 300 members of the France Bethel family, and 329 delegates from 42 other branches, gathered on Saturday, November 15, 1997, to listen to the dedication talk given by Brother Lloyd Barry, member of the Governing Body. However, in view of the fact that this dedication was taking place in the face of hostility and a prolonged, slanderous media campaign against Jehovahs Witnesses throughout France, it was felt that all French Witnesses should be able to share in celebrating this victory.
This is however not a new technique as shown in the April 1, 1995 edition.
*** w95 4/1 26 How Christians Cope With Public Reproach *** HOW do you feel when someone reproaches you or spreads lies about you? Naturally you are deeply hurt. Jehovahs Witnesses experience something similar whenever they become the target of incorrect or distorted information in the media.
The contrast is shown when the media says something they can use -they hype it up.
*** w95 8/1 29 The Rewards of Persistence *** In modern times, Jehovahs Witnesses as a whole have displayed Christian persistence in doing Jehovahs will. For example, their persistent house-to-house work and other public preaching have brought them and their message worldwide attention. The media have made numerous references to their zeal and determination to preach the good news despite opposition and trials. One of these even featured the punch line Nobody escapes Jehovahs Witnesses!Matthew 5:16.
*** w94 1/1 8-9 East and West, Jehovah Strengthens His People ***
An amazing total of 1,489 new Witnesses were baptized. The baptism was given great publicity by the media around the world, including a fine picture on the front page of The New York Times. As thunderous as was the applause during the baptism, it was exceeded during the final talk when, after the speaker thanked the 4,752 volunteers and officials who had helped make such a success of the convention, he said: Above all, we thank Jehovah! Yes, Jehovahs spirit had held back strong opposition from the Orthodox religionists and provided the vital energy that made the convention a thrilling reality.
*** w94 8/15 10 Why Do the Witnesses Keep Calling? *** The Impact of Their Witnessing
Do the house-to-house ministry and the Witnesses informal preaching have an impact on the public consciousness? The evidence in the media gives a resounding yes to that question. Jehovahs Witnesses have been mentioned in the course of TV programs and movies when someone is shown knocking on a door. Cartoon strips have mentioned the Witnesses. Their zealous activity is so well-known that cartoonists around the world have included references to Jehovahs Witnesses. These may appear to be satirical, but they are usually based on a positive fundamental factthat the Witnesses are known for their persistent house-to-house preaching.
And if the media should say something negative about the Watchtower's competitors, the Watchtower is quick to capitalize on it, as seen here in the Watchtower of March 1, 1998 which highlights no other than the Catholic Church's pedophile problem.
*** w98 3/1 3 The Churches Confess *** The Churches Confess
Pope Puts the Church on Trial. Inquisition and Anti-Semitism The Church Is Preparing Her Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa for the Holocaust. Methodists Apologize to the Indians of the Far West.
HAVE you read headlines like these? It seems that with increasing frequency, churches are accepting blame and are apologizing for what they have done over the centuries. The media are constantly highlighting new mea culpas by the pope.
When the Pope Asks Forgiveness
Between 1980 and 1996, John Paul II recognized the Churchs historic faults or asked forgiveness at least 94 times, says Vatican commentator Luigi Accattoli in his book Quando il papa chiede perdono (When the Pope Asks Forgiveness). According to Accattoli, in the Catholic Church, only the pope can rightly make a mea culpa. And this he has done, referring to the most controversial pages of Catholic historythe Crusades, wars, support of dictatorships, division in the churches, anti-Semitism, the Inquisitions, the Mafia, and racism. In a memorandum sent in 1994 to the cardinals (which is considered by some to be the most important document of the pontificate), John Paul II proposed a general and millennial confession of sins.
Several prelates have followed the popes example. In December 1994 the Italian newspaper Il Giornale reported: Many American bishops appeared on television and publicly asked forgiveness. For what? For underestimating the problem of pedophile priests, to the detriment of many young victims.
Or when the media talks about other groups, they again capitalize.
*** w91 6/1 31 Questions From Readers *** Not long ago the United States news media bannered a scandal of a TV evangelist, while his costar wife drew almost as much attention. According to news reports, she grew up believing that both makeup and movies were sinful, yet later she changed her opinion and came to be noted for outrageous makeup so thick it looked sculpted.
*** w93 1/1 31 Questions From Readers ***
The extent to which a Christian will go in this direction, however, is a personal matter unless required by law. It is plain from the news media that imperfect humans easily fall into the trap of being extremists. Jesus advice is certainly pertinent: Stop judging that you may not be judged . . .
*** w90 2/1 25 Exposing "the Man of Lawlessness" *** 19 The worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some TV clergymen.
On the one hand, when the media may label other groups "extremists" they accept it as truth, yet on the other hand, when the media highlights the Watchtower's questionable activities, they write the below.
*** w97 6/1 15 A Secret Christians Dare Not Keep! *** 14 In many places Jehovahs Witnesses are becoming more and more the center of media attention. Similar to what happened to the early Christians, they are often misrepresented and placed in the same category as questionable religious cults and secret organizations.
*** w94 7/1 21 The Christian View of Authority *** 13 It has been found that many secular authorities have the oddest misconceptions about Jehovahs Witnesses. This is usually because they have been misinformed by malicious enemies of Gods people. Or it may be that all they know about us they learned from the mass media, which are not always impartial in their coverage.
In this article, Jehovah's Witnesses were not so subtly being warned against listening to the media.
*** w93 7/1 18 Walking in Wisdom with Regard to the World *** 2 Today, Jehovahs Witnesses meet up with similar wrong practices, and even more. They also, therefore, need to exercise wisdom in their relationship with those outside the true Christian congregation. Many in religious and political establishments as well as in the media are opposed to them. Some of these, either by outright attack or, more often, by innuendo, try to sully the reputation of Jehovahs Witnesses and arouse prejudice against them.
*** w89 11/1 25 Ingathering Brings Rejoicing in Japan *** Evidently, Satan was not happy with this growth among Jehovahs servants because the month after reaching the hundred thousand publishers mark, a serious blood transfusion case came up in Japan. A ten-year-old boy died afterbut not becausehis parents refused a blood transfusion for him. (Acts 15:29) As a result, the media raged against the Witnesses.
Here is another quote showing the Watchtower's hypocritical use of the media, where the media is used as an 'accurate' source of information. It suits their 'end-of-the-world' prophecies.
*** w88 11/1 5 The War to End Wars *** Now note another Bible prophecy: And because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off. (Matthew 24:12) Is this being fulfilled? Surely! Daily, the media expose worldwide lawlessness: murders, muggings, and general mayhem. Furthermore, a political forecast concerning World War II was that it would bring freedom from fear. In contrast, the Bible accurately foretold that men would become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth. (Luke 21:26) Once again human predictions were wrong, and Gods prophetic words true.
*** w84 5/1 29 Come to the 1984 "Kingdom Increase" District Conventions! *** Year after year the temptations and pressures increase to turn us away from performing these holy acts of conduct. It might even be said that daily the world is getting more violent, more wicked, more depraved, more corrupt, more degraded and more immoral. And the media on every hand give proof of it, the newspapers, the magazines, the radio, the movies and the TV. Especially those of us who have to associate with worldlings to earn a living or to get an education find our spirituality continually under attack.
(note: worldlings are non-JWs)
Again the Watchtower makes use of the media when it suits their purposes.(good PR)
*** w85 1/15 22 "Kingdom Increase" Conventions-What Rich Spiritual Feasts! *** These conventions also served to advertise Jehovahs name and Kingdom. For instance, this was done when many Kingdom proclaimers shared in the field ministry on Friday afternoon. Then, too, there was much good coverage by the media. Newspaper, radio, and television reports focused on convention activities and the beliefs of Jehovahs Witnesses.
*** w85 7/15 27 Kingdom Truth Blossoms in 'the Flowered Island' ***
The news media responded enthusiastically. Coverage by television brought the event before the public. The newspaper France-Antilles observed that the high quality of workmanship seen in the structure reflected a great love for work well done and called the building an architectural masterpiece worthy of close inspection by experts in the field.
The kicker is the internet. There is a virtual explosion of information exposing the Watchtower as liars. It has caused her to loose tens of thousands of paying members. The quotes below are but a few of many used to influence the common member away from the internet, lest they should find out the truth.
*** g98 1/8 12 How You Can Cope With the Information Age *** We have to realize that many Web sites have been created by people with immoral or dishonest intent. And many sites that may not be immoral or dishonest, such as chat groups, are a plain waste of time. From all such, stay away!
*** g98 1/8 10 How You Can Cope With the Information Age *** In other words, be careful not to spend inordinate amounts of time talking about trivialities or even harmful information.
*** g98 1/8 11 How You Can Cope With the Information Age *** Do We Need So Much Trivia?
The perception of our needs is often distorted by what others think we need or by what the advertising skills of the media lead us to believe we need. To cut through this confusing information labyrinth, apply this basic rule: Keep it simple! Richard S. Wurman puts it this way: The secret to processing information is narrowing your field of information to that which is relevant to your life
*** g98 1/8 11 How You Can Cope With the Information Age *** So when it comes to reading or watching TV, it is good to examine your habits. Ask yourself: Is this necessary for my work or my life? Do I really need to know all the trivia and gossip about the famous and so-called beautiful people in the world? How would my life change if I did not watch this TV program, read this book or that magazine, or spend so much time with the newspaper? Some have been able to take stock of their reading and TV intake and have eliminated material that cluttered their minds and also their homes.
*** g98 1/8 12 How You Can Cope With the Information Age *** Beware of the Internet
Immoral individuals use the Internet to pursue their sex perversions and to try to contact willing partners or innocent victims. Others use the Internet to promote their own personal agendas. Apostates also create Web sites to catch the naive.
Extreme caution is necessary when the Internet is used, and certainly parents should closely supervise any of their children who may be using it. It is true that there are many useful sources to be found, such as research libraries, bookstores, and news channels. For example, the Watchtower Society recently announced its own Web site (, which serves to give factual information about Jehovahs Witnesses. Still, one has to recognize that there are some extremely harmful influences out there, including pornography and apostasy.
Note: "apostates" and "apostasy" refer to former members. These ones try to warn their former friends and family, as well as possible converts. The Watchtower does not want members to find out what they know. Not from the internet, not from the newspapers, and certainly not from television.
Elder LIES to Downey, California Reporter
by Brymichmom indungbeetle and brymichmom delivered a stuffed lamb to the downey, ca kingdom hall at 12116 woodruff avenue today.
present were a reporter and a photographer from the downey patriot newspaper.
while we were placing the lamb at the front door, an elder approached us and asked us why we were there.
WOWser.... I bet that elder isn't going to sleep well tonight.
It never ceases to amaze me, the level of self-blinding and arrogance in my fellow dubs.
It's going to get harder and harder to remain a dub. With all that will be coming out, the denial on the part of jDubs will have to reach new heights. That will mean they will do all sorts of crazy stuff, 'cause it MUST affect all aspects of their personality/life.
I know many don't believe it, but I see suicides increasing, as this option becomes more viable as a solution for them. The will have nothing left for their little psyche, and it will begin to die. Therefore, it will seem reasonable, against the jDub backdrop, to take one's own life in order to maintain what is left of your paradigm.
When your world is shrinking around you, you begin to formulate an exit plan. However, there is none left to jDubs, save the notion that death will end it and usher them into paradise 'instantly'.
As the TOWER comes crashing down around their ears, they will, most certainly, scramble like rats when their nest is disturbed. Over the precipice they go, as this is the FINAL SOLUTION.
WTS effort ...
by biblexaminer in.
do you remember the articles on the inet?edited by - biblexaminer on 15 september 2002 8:15:40.
Edited by - biblexaminer on 15 September 2002 8:18:39