More on the New World Translation REVISED ED.
Letter received.
Re: Pocket-Size New World Translation
Dear Brothers:
In October 2014, it was announced that the pocket-size edition of the New World Translation in English ... It was limited to congregation publishers... the pocket-size edition of the New World Translation in any language in which it is available may now be distributed in the ministry ...
Each of us treasures the valuable gift of the revised New World Translation ...Proper care and treatment of our personal copies reflect our high regard for God’s Word. For example, we endeavor to keep them neat, clean, and dry. By carefully keeping track of our personal copies,...
- The first paragraph is discussing the OLD NWT in pocket size, not the revised ed.
- The second paragraph is discussing the revised ed.
This is desperation. The WTS is trying to confuse elders and publishers, including in this letter a paragraph extolling the value of the revised edition along with the news of increased availability of the pocket sized OLD edition. They again are trying to make it appear that the NWT and Jah's chariot are moving ahead.
In reality, the letter has nothing to do with the revised edition. The second paragraph should be excluded. It's got nothing to do with the news in the letter.
The letter tells the congo that we can order more of the OLD NWT pocket sized and give them away at the doors AND that we can stock them as a stock item.
Further, they mention "in any language" in the first paragraph. There are no new languages introduced. And few have the pocket size in their language. But nothing is changed.
They plant seeds. And so pubs will run along to the literature dude and ask for the NWT revised in Polish, or Spanish or what the hell ever language and the guy will say it's not available.
And the gullible pub will run along, confused but still loving the GB.