When discussing the video with local dubs, I refer to the men/soldiers who come in to the room/bunker as FBI.
For instance I say "... and when the FBI came crashing into the compound where the brothers are holed up, I thought for sure the 'Angel of Death' that slew the 185,000 would appear to protect the brothers and I was disappointed that the brothers would not get saved"
I use as many 'Waco Texas' references as I can fit in to the conversation.
Good to note that the dubs around here DO NOT want to talk about how that video ended. They want to forget it and create a new fantasy in their mind to replace it.
I am of the belief that most dubs wanted to draw a parallel between the ancient and the modern day, as has been the case in the past.
Perhaps, as time progresses, I will have the opportunity to hear from local dubbers, and to see how they felt about the application of the ancient story of the 185k slaughter and the modern application.
I personally expected that when they showed the hallway at the end, with the local authorities getting ready to make their move, that the Watchtower would have been creative and 'Jehovahs mighty hand would swoop in to miraculously save the day'....
I personally sensed dissatisfaction and disappointment on the part of the audience. And this disappointment is carried forward in the way of not wanting to talk about the video.