For the better part of a year before any of this LOGO business started, I'd be pulling into the Kingdom Hall for da meetin' and say to my wife, referring to the big ass LOGO on the front of the hall... "That'll be coming down soon".
Ask my wife if she was getting annoyed. She's on here.
I kept it up. She didn't like it. (Sorry hun. enjoy the humour here)
Now, why I was saying it is probably different that what really happened, but I'l tell ya'z the story anyhowz'
There was a letter going around town here. A lot of them. Whole neighbourhoods. Now this letter arrived in an envelope with the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society's name and address in the return spot, and the official LOGO was on it.
I saw one. I saw the letter too.
At least one of the elders here got one. Not just him... his whole damned neighbourhood. This elder freaked. I mean he freaked.
The letter was saturated with every vile, bigoted, hateful, despicable, repulsive, self-righteous and derogatory statement ever made by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and was a run-on hate-filled rant demeaning every religion and non-JW all of whom, and their children, were subsequently condemned to die when the big A hits and this letter was the final warning to the damned of the world as "only Jehovah's Witnesses have any hope of surviving the coming end"
And it finished up by asking for money, can you believe it.
It even cited the "giving brochure". It asked for cash and jewels too.
Everything it said was a quote. Believe it or not. All the locations in the publications for the things said were given in the thing.
The elder went coo coo. He even announced in a service meeting from his seat that he had got this despicable thing and had to go door to door in his neighbourhood "to tell them we aren't like that". (I will never forget it.)
The letter had the LOGO at the top too. It all looked completely authentic.
At the circuit assembly, they had a discussion about it, telling everyone "if you get some apostate mail, DO NOT OPEN IT". Well, what the hell good does that do, I thought, all my freaking neighbours are reading it and they know I'm a dub!
So, I was talking to the Circuit Overlord in the hall, at the time, and he said... his words.... "and they stole the LOGO too"
He was freaking too.
By the way this elder is not an elder anymore. He's quit. I hear he has nothing to do with anything anymore.
And he moved.