The elders in this area are getting burned out. I have overheard comments that demonstrate this, but in my dealings with them, I clearly see it. They are getting 'used up'. They can't keep it straight. They have so many letters and rules and policies that they are getting confused and forgetting everything. They don't seem to know which end is up anymore.
I had one elder here issuing instructions as per a recent letter, and then later inquiring about the same policies that he himself was responsible for disseminating information about. He asked about it, after he himself did the groundwork a month ago, then tells me "it's the first I've heard about it"... whoa!
I was aghast.
Another elder couldn't do the closing prayer. He said "I'm not prepared... I have to prepare". Damn, I thought, the meeting is not even started and it's the closing prayer, and you can't freaking do it 'cause you're 'not prepared ' ... WTH.
The COBE is burnt. You can see him slowly losing it and his wife was telling other sisters about how he is burnt.
Another elder was required do do something simple ...and openly, in front of the Congo, made a 'disgusted face' and refused. Same elder, emailed me about an issue, I emailed him back. In his next reply, he contradicted himself in the same response. I thought, 'bro... you gotta look better at your lies before you hit SEND'. WTH
Its a weekly thing. Everyday a new surprise. But all pointing to the same conclusion, elders getting burnt out. Too many balls to juggle.