The poor terrorists. Their "just doing what they beleive to be right" the things "they have been taught"... etc..etc.. blah blah blah.
Do you all get the point?
from the gc.
desert rose knows what to do:.
at our meeting last night, we had quite a few more in attendance than usual.
The poor terrorists. Their "just doing what they beleive to be right" the things "they have been taught"... etc..etc.. blah blah blah.
Do you all get the point?
reports are coming from the united states that small flags and flag badges are being distributed at schools and other public places.. many are refusing to take a flag and this is causing resentment and hurt feelings.
not wishing to offend, witnesses are asking their elders what they should do.. cheers,.
Imagine being an American JW of Arabic descent. I know a few JWs of Arabic descent in Canada. I can't imagine what they will now endure.
hi folks!
i was this weeks guest on the norwegian radio today, in the broadcast for our county.
naturally they wanted to speak to me about many things, other than the jw related stuff, since im also running a small business magazine, and besides that im in fact a private person with my own interests.
Way to go Kent. The new KM for October will be on my bed scanner soon. Taslk later! :)
i just spoke to bryce at bethel information line (hopefully this was not just nytelecom1 himself).. this is what bethel has done:.
1. donated batteries and flashlights.
2. power equipment to cut through concrete.
I thought I saw a picture of some Bethel workers on the TV. They were picketing a blood donation center with big signs that read "Blood Kills -Stop the Flow"
okay, i know (or want to believe) that not all jehovah's witnesses are this calloused.
at least i hope not.
there are some good, caring people, but here are some stark contrasts i've observed today that remind me of how glad i am that i'm not part of such an overall unloving group of people.
Last night after the meeting ended, the "Bro" next to me said
"I can't wait to get home and check out the death toll!!"
He was smiling, glad and eager. I sternly reminded him that those were people in those buildings. He gave me the look of 'party pooper'.
i feel pretty sure about this, that the planes were just a diversion set to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the basement parking lot.
eye witnesses placed a large explosion just before the south building came down.
one thing is sure, the buildings did not come down as a result of the planes hitting them or any explosions due to that.
The "second explosion theory" was not something invented. AN eye-witness told about it as she was several hundred feet from the street in front of the WTC when the explosion occurred. The building then collapsed...
i feel pretty sure about this, that the planes were just a diversion set to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the basement parking lot.
eye witnesses placed a large explosion just before the south building came down.
one thing is sure, the buildings did not come down as a result of the planes hitting them or any explosions due to that.
It didn't collapse from the top. If you watch the replay, it might look like that to you because the top was on fire and as it collapsed from the bottom, the fire and smoke from the plane explosion carried down as the building sank into it's foundation.
i feel pretty sure about this, that the planes were just a diversion set to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the basement parking lot.
eye witnesses placed a large explosion just before the south building came down.
one thing is sure, the buildings did not come down as a result of the planes hitting them or any explosions due to that.
No. I didn't see that movie. Was it good?
Interesting too, that terrorists need only watch Hollywood movies to get ideas on how to punish the US.
i feel pretty sure about this, that the planes were just a diversion set to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the basement parking lot.
eye witnesses placed a large explosion just before the south building came down.
one thing is sure, the buildings did not come down as a result of the planes hitting them or any explosions due to that.
All good theories. But when examining the damage to the basement of the WTC from the last terrorist attack, and seeing that it handled it without too much difficulty, and also, taking into account an experts comments on a radio program that I listened to, well I don't think so.
The expert commented that he was warning the US Government for years that an attempt would be made, and being an expert in demolition of this sort, he went on to explain the ins and outs.
Basically, the WTC could not have been brought down except by a controlled explosion from beneath, as was tried last time.
The expert went on that, had the terrorists placed the explosives slightly differently, the WTC would have come down last time.
So, after watching the south tower come down LIVE on television, when the damage was up top, and the fire was minimal, I am not buying the "plane knocked down the building" stuff. AND NOT BOTH TOWERS!
i feel pretty sure about this, that the planes were just a diversion set to allow emergency vehicles easy access to the basement parking lot.
eye witnesses placed a large explosion just before the south building came down.
one thing is sure, the buildings did not come down as a result of the planes hitting them or any explosions due to that.
I am also sure that Hollywood people have been sent there to prepare for a movie that I would guess will be out by 2003. It is after all AMERICA, land of the capitalists.