Now, I am not a brain doctor, but I can read and learn like the next guy. A few things that the good brain doctors of the world have taught me show that there are different kinds of mindsets in folks.
They say that there are different "types" of personalities. Type "a" is so and so... etc. What affects one JW, so as to make him/her wake up, can prove insufficient for the next. What is ineffectual on one can prove to be a bullet for yet another.
What we would all like to see is something that is completely effective on all JWs. Something so henious that all personality "types" of JWs will awake to the truth.
So far, the UN thingy has come the closest. And I think the interfaith thing is right up there too.
For instance, I tell my Dad all things, and he is now an anti-orger like most informed ones. But when I sent him the link to the interfaith group in NYC where the WTS has asked to be part, well that hit and he even showed my Mom. He was very enthusiastic about it.
My wife, well she is on the edge. I am preparing things for the day I show her more, and I KNOW this, that the interfaith thing is going to hit her hard. Other things don't, but this will.
Reason, ...HYPOCRISY. Dubs can't stand it. The may not be aware of it, and so it can be ignored. Or perhaps it's a tiny hypocrisy the elders making a rule and breaking it themselves.... so they surpress. But when it's blatent hypocrisy, like going to a website for interfaith, which for all intents and purposes would be viewed by most dubs as an apostate site, and finding that the WTS was there 'participating' in online hyposrisy.
Well, I know that if I can get my wife to see, see see it then she would flip. It would affect her. Yet I am not ignorant. There are those dubs, usually newer ones, who would make excuse for this connection too.
I find that these things, Rays's books, the UN and interfaith thing, Mexico VS Malawi, these affect long-time dubs but do almost nothing for the new ones.
I believe that dubs need to chase the carrot for a while, whaste some years of their life, and have been pounded over the head with the WTS's self-righteousness for a good long while, before they appreciate the truth and see the HYPOCRISY.
My wife is almost there.