Is God responsible for earthquakes, wars, famine, plague, pestilence and starvation?
Watchtower has taught at people's doors, for 100 years, that all the negative things on this planet are God's "sign" he has sent us, a 'divine composite sign' to inform mankind that his Son is in 'in town' and we should sit up and take notice.
Watchtower arrives at this monstrosity by twisting 2 bible verses, Matthew 24:7,8.
In support of their erroneous teaching that the war in 1914, and subsequent diseases and suffering, was the beginning of Jesus visit to us, marked divinely by all the most negative this you can imagine, the New World Translation was used as a tool.
Matthew 24:7,8 were separated from the framework of the text using spaces, to introduce into the impressionable subconscious of weak minded listeners, that these verses are 'stand alone' and support Watchtower dogma.
Through false teaching, the idea was then introduced into the weak minds of would be converts, that the wording of verse 8 indicates that the "Nations" rising in war against other nations spoken of in verse 7 are different wars from the "wars and rumors of wars" spoken of in verse 6.
Foolish translators like those who translated the Youngs Literal Translation gave credibility to this demonic propaganda when they changed the words in their rendering, in verse 8, to refocus person's attention, using slight of hand, on a false aspect.
Jesus did NOT say "sorrows". That is a lie. Where YLT actually bastardized the text in their version, Watchtower bastardized their version using the Watchtower rag and false teaching.
Why is it that people today accept the objectionable factoid, that earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, floods, war, disease, starvation and, when you're finished, planes hitting tall buildings, are an "act of God"?
People today shell out loads of money for insurance that covers nothing. They have been duped by insurance companies into accepting this bullshit. And religion has been their biggest ally. Number 1 on the list is the door to door, God-did-its of Watchtower Fable and Tricks Society.
Ill bet Warren Buffet has read his share of Watchtowers and laughed, all the way to the bank.