JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Movement by the Australian Government
by no-zombie inin responce to the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse held in australia last year, the state government of new south wales has passed legislation that removes the time limit on civil claims for child sexual abuse.
while not applying to the whole of australia, its likely that the other state will follow nsw's example shortly.
for those living outside of australia, it may be interesting to note that nsw is australia's largest state (by population) and therefore should cover approximately 30% of the country's of child abuse victims..
The suffering ends when Watchtower is dead. But the salve of justice will help the wounds feel better. -
Trey Bundy: One Year of Reporting JW Child Abuse - Your comments please!
by AndersonsInfo in
trey bundy: one year of reporting jw child abuse.
it’s been one year since trey bundy first reported the watchtower’s child abuse problems.. twelve months ago the center for investigative reporting (cir) began publishing information about jehovah’s witnesses and their cover-up of child sexual abuse on their website, reveal.
I want to send Trey a fine bottle of wine and a card. Anyone got an address? It's not much, but it would send a message. -
GB bites off more than they can chew!
by biblexaminer inthe gb bit off more than they can chew.
they promised that the nwt revised would be available in so many languages by now, and they have failed miserably.. english stands alone.
as a result, they are in damage control mode.
I have to say I don't read the watchtower rag anymore and I don't pay attention at the study beyond having one comment for which I raise my hand. I prefer not to get asked, raising the hand for me is enough. Then I go back to what I was doing. I can be completely detached, as if I am not there.
That said, my wife was the one that initially noticed the idea that the paragraph was intimating that the NWT rev.ed. was available in another language. I was, at first, uninterested. I don't care anymore what the hell goes on in that bastion of stupidity. But she was adamate. So, I decided to copy some of the quote and search for it on -on line watchtower-
Lo and behold. It was from 2006/7
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
I've been saying it at home for a while. The Watchtower is into it with the Jews.
I've been convinced for some time that the Bible Students that went through the Nazi war camp's experience alongside Jews made some friends. And this resulted in an alliance of sorts, where old Jew's money helped Watchtower along.
But, I believe that a new generation of Jews is asking back their investment. I believe that the NY buildings are being sold to satisfy a debt to Jewish families. (children)
If that's the case, then the $1b forthcoming from the NY sales will disappear down the rabbit hole as fast as it appears.
I have also come to believe that Bros and Sis's who were encouraged to go to Israel last year were used as mules to smuggle wealth out of the USA and into Israel.
And before you call me a nut, I didn't come up with this on my own.
A CO sat at my dinner table and told me in detail how missionaries come home, and have cash stashed in their luggage to smuggle out of the country on their return. He even detailed an experience of how one couple was almost caught!
Eye opener for me.
Where did the cash come from, I thought. I couldn't ask him... But where does cash come from? The contribution box. That would mean they have to keep two sets of books. One for the government to see, another for slush.
Will we live long enough to discover?
GB bites off more than they can chew!
by biblexaminer inthe gb bit off more than they can chew.
they promised that the nwt revised would be available in so many languages by now, and they have failed miserably.. english stands alone.
as a result, they are in damage control mode.
More on the New World Translation REVISED ED.
Letter received.
Re: Pocket-Size New World Translation
Dear Brothers:
In October 2014, it was announced that the pocket-size edition of the New World Translation in English ... It was limited to congregation publishers... the pocket-size edition of the New World Translation in any language in which it is available may now be distributed in the ministry ...
Each of us treasures the valuable gift of the revised New World Translation ...Proper care and treatment of our personal copies reflect our high regard for God’s Word. For example, we endeavor to keep them neat, clean, and dry. By carefully keeping track of our personal copies,...
- The first paragraph is discussing the OLD NWT in pocket size, not the revised ed.
- The second paragraph is discussing the revised ed.
This is desperation. The WTS is trying to confuse elders and publishers, including in this letter a paragraph extolling the value of the revised edition along with the news of increased availability of the pocket sized OLD edition. They again are trying to make it appear that the NWT and Jah's chariot are moving ahead.
In reality, the letter has nothing to do with the revised edition. The second paragraph should be excluded. It's got nothing to do with the news in the letter.
The letter tells the congo that we can order more of the OLD NWT pocket sized and give them away at the doors AND that we can stock them as a stock item.
Further, they mention "in any language" in the first paragraph. There are no new languages introduced. And few have the pocket size in their language. But nothing is changed.
They plant seeds. And so pubs will run along to the literature dude and ask for the NWT revised in Polish, or Spanish or what the hell ever language and the guy will say it's not available.
And the gullible pub will run along, confused but still loving the GB.
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
This is not a joke. And the Rabbi died in '94.. yes.
You can't make this stuff up.
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
Orphancrow... yes. Good links.
The one link has a post by "theopug" that talks about the dead rabbi.
Other companies are mentioned.
Watchtower is scamtown bigtime.
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
I found out more. I called the phone number. Please call it yourself. I got the front desk of a hotel. That's right... a hotel.
The St. George Residence
I spoke to the clerk at the front desk. I inquired if the hotel was owned by Watchtower Inc. He said he didn't know. He was lying. I let him know about the dead rabbi. He was squirming.
Then I said "I am going to ask you one question". He said OK
Looooooong pause. I said "I am going to take that long pause as a Yes" He said "if you want to assume.."
I asked if he wanted to deny it.
by biblexaminer inin 2009, a new company, traded on the new york stock exchange was initiated.. watchtower inc. wtwr.
corporate headquarters.
100 henry streetbrooklyn, new york 11201united states.
In 2009, a new company, traded on the New York Stock Exchange was initiated.
Watchtower Inc. WTWR
Corporate Headquarters
100 Henry Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
United StatesPhone: 718-624-5000
Fax: --Executive Profile
Menachem M. Schneerson
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Watchtower, Inc.Age 58 Total Calculated Compensation This person is connected to 1 Board Members in 1 different organizations across 1 different industries. Board Members Memberships
2009-PresentChairman, Chief Executive Officer and President- What first jumps off the page in your face is the name of the fella who is running this show. Menachem M(endel) Schneerson
- Here's a wiki ink to tell you who this guy is.
- What jumps off the page next is the address. Here is a link to Google Maps.
- Directions from Governing Body Land to this shell company.
So, what do we know so far? Watchtower, in 2009, right after the market tanked, started a shell company under the name of a popular dead Rabbi when Watchtower.Inc assumed his name. They did so in a run down store front just around the corner from headquarters.The publicly listed shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange. It went defunct in 2014Now, how many shares were sold? Did anyone buy the silly things. Is there a class action suit?Something stinks in the kitchen. I'm going to find out what. -
GB bites off more than they can chew!
by biblexaminer inthe gb bit off more than they can chew.
they promised that the nwt revised would be available in so many languages by now, and they have failed miserably.. english stands alone.
as a result, they are in damage control mode.
OK. I am not sure, but I might be dropping a bomb here.
I am looking for dirt on Watchtower. Legal dirt.
I kind of feel today like I felt when I first called the UN to plead with Paul Hoeffel for a letter describing Watchtower's affiliation away back when. My pulse is up a little.
Start to research this symbol. WTWR listed on the New York Stock Exchange. I am going to make a new thread for this. For more info go there.