It suddenly occurred to me that it would be a good way to convince the world of the Governing Body's intentions if they renamed the title the Kindly Governing Body.
Can we make an acronym from that?
i see the watchtower are getting extremely desperate now. out the professionally edited video, using professional equipment!
It suddenly occurred to me that it would be a good way to convince the world of the Governing Body's intentions if they renamed the title the Kindly Governing Body.
Can we make an acronym from that?
on 01/09/2016 a jw driving an 18 wheeler trailer full of jw literature dies as a result of an accident.
the trailer departed from guatemala and heading to honduras to drop shipment.
a local elder is interviewed as he arrives on the scene.
the world is filled with superstitious people.
and some of the most superstitious are jehovah's witnesses.. remember, i didn't say they alone are the most superstitious, nor did i say they are on an island.
how do we know that this is true?
How dangerous is that superstition?
On th evening of 911 we were at the hall. One very superstitious bro came to where I was and said "I can't wait to get home and hear the death toll". Exact quote. Not a word of a lie. I remember it like yesterday.
I replied to him, "you know there was a lot of brothers working in that building".
His demeanor changed instantly.
Witnesses believe, and Watchtower teaches it in unbending fashion, that earthquakes, war, pestilence and all kind of suffering, and oh yah, planes flying into buildings, is all an "act of God" and a sign to tell the world that Jesus is in town.
Wow! Suffering is Jesus' 'calling card'.
Yea, and this brother was demonstrating openly how simple-minded JWs think about the world. How they think about Jesus. Through the eyes of superstition.
Satan wins another battle.
But not the war.
(ps. If JWs understood correctly what Jesus taught on the Mount of olives, then they would understand that Jesus was fighting this kind of infantile and Satanic poison)
the world is filled with superstitious people.
and some of the most superstitious are jehovah's witnesses.. remember, i didn't say they alone are the most superstitious, nor did i say they are on an island.
how do we know that this is true?
the world is filled with superstitious people.
and some of the most superstitious are jehovah's witnesses.. remember, i didn't say they alone are the most superstitious, nor did i say they are on an island.
how do we know that this is true?
The world is filled with superstitious people. And some of the most superstitious are Jehovah's Witnesses.
Remember, I didn't say they alone are the most superstitious, nor did I say they are on an island.
How do we know that this is true? Well, there are many ways. I will point to one.
We know that Catholics are superstitious when we examine how they view the "Rosary". Sitting there counting their beads as if this will bring them life, health and prosperity. Catholics do not count beads thinking 'It makes no difference in my life, I will succeed or suffer regardless"... No.
But what about Jehovah's Witnesses?
Their superstitious thinking can be demonstrated in no better way than when one examines the Watchtower's 'Rosary beads', their icons, their "emblems". (their own word)
Yes, nowhere can it be seen more clearly, and also nowhere can Satan's victory over them be more aptly demonstrated, than at their yearly "Memorial Celebration", their version of the "Last Supper". And it approaches.
Visit the Kingdom Hall. See it for yourself. See it, with your eyes open.
I'll sit at the back, where the attendant will have to bring the plate and the cup to me personally, and I will have to hand it back personally. Doing this is like a magnifying glass, a microscope, peering at the base essence of it, seeing the event in all its nakedness. A trip behind the curtain.
I've actually done this. I will do it again.
When it is time, the ones who are acting as attendants, and shuffling the "emblems", will approach me singularly. The plate advances toward me and the attendant fully expects me to take it into my hand. But alas, a few steps away, I raise my hand as if to swear an oath in court and I gently say "no thanks". And then I look into his eyes.
Now, at this point, I have been offered the "emblems" the same as anyone else in audience, to eat or to decline. Persons in the audience take the plate or glass into their hand as a matter of convenience, a strictly mechanical act allowing the mass production of this event in the life of everyone present within the time given, because each has to give it to the next person and so on.
So the base superstition can be concealed there. But not if you sit alone, and pull back the cover.
As I look into the eyes of the attendant, I see fear. The longer I refuse to take the plate into my hand, the more grave his look becomes. And then I give him a break. I reach out and touch the plate. Just a touch. And I see it. I see the relief as it cascades through his facial features. The agony he was just feeling melts away, and he's better now. His ravenous superstition has been fed. The beast is kept at bay. Life goes on.
I didn't want to give him that relief. I wanted him to carry it home, that pain, that knot in his gut that would make him toss and turn all night. But I did. For the sake of peace in the family. To keep the charade going for the elderly loved ones in our life. I let him off.
But, I only gave a little the last time. Nay did he a full meal give his beast, that 'superstition within'.
Whereas the first time I did this, I eventually took the emblems into my hand, the last time I merely reached out to touch the plate, like a sinner stretching out his hand to be healed by Christ's garment. Like a Catholic that would reach for the Shroud of Turin. He got some relief. Just some.
The "Memorial". Did Christ command what Watchtower does? Jesus never said that there should be spectators. At what He instituted, there was 100% participation. If the Watchtower were to actually do something close to what He commanded, then their precious 144k remnant would meet privately and have it done. And we could hear all about it later.
But Satan wants otherwise. Every year, Satan goes to Jesus and says ..'here see, they don't want you, they let your offering, your sacrifice pass them by'. "Jesus", he tells, "you died for nothing."
Satan has won a battle. Not the war. No. But a battle. He has used one of his institutions to take millions away and turn them to men. To himself.
This year, perhaps I will take a rabbit's foot to the Memorial. When they offer me the "emblems" I will wave it too & fro. I will say..."thanks...I'm good... got it covered"
since there a couple of ex-bethelites here, and a lot of people from the greater ny area who have probably visited the bethel in brooklyn and patterson many times, maybe they can shed some light into this curious question we (my wife and me) have for awhile.. so a couple of years ago, we happaned to be in the states and also went to visit the bethels in brooklyn and patterson.
we had the full package, what i mean is, not only we took the tour, but we also had someone to invite us for lunch.
while we wanted to enjoy our stay there, there was always a weird feeling being there.
We have noted many giving the CO a nice gift or a golden handshake over the years. I imagine bethel speakers got the same. Not hard to imagine tour guides with their sweaty palms out.
I would never give COs or BS (bethel speakers) a dime. In fact, we haven't put anything in the contribution box either in two decades. 20 yrs!
But we have taken lots of literature and dumped it in the trash. That's where it belongs.
Like the old woman said, as she peed into the sea, every little bit helps.
ah just more evidence of the work "speeding up during the time of the end".
i helped build this hall.
was appointed as an ms & elder there.
in responce to the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse held in australia last year, the state government of new south wales has passed legislation that removes the time limit on civil claims for child sexual abuse.
while not applying to the whole of australia, its likely that the other state will follow nsw's example shortly.
for those living outside of australia, it may be interesting to note that nsw is australia's largest state (by population) and therefore should cover approximately 30% of the country's of child abuse victims..
trey bundy: one year of reporting jw child abuse.
it’s been one year since trey bundy first reported the watchtower’s child abuse problems.. twelve months ago the center for investigative reporting (cir) began publishing information about jehovah’s witnesses and their cover-up of child sexual abuse on their website, reveal.
the gb bit off more than they can chew.
they promised that the nwt revised would be available in so many languages by now, and they have failed miserably.. english stands alone.
as a result, they are in damage control mode.
I have to say I don't read the watchtower rag anymore and I don't pay attention at the study beyond having one comment for which I raise my hand. I prefer not to get asked, raising the hand for me is enough. Then I go back to what I was doing. I can be completely detached, as if I am not there.
That said, my wife was the one that initially noticed the idea that the paragraph was intimating that the NWT rev.ed. was available in another language. I was, at first, uninterested. I don't care anymore what the hell goes on in that bastion of stupidity. But she was adamate. So, I decided to copy some of the quote and search for it on -on line watchtower-
Lo and behold. It was from 2006/7