Will dubs get this letter and give more cash? I don't know. But I think the point is, this Watchtower letter looked pretty official and I know how I'd feel if my stinking' neighbors were reading all the hate pouring out of my religion at them.
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
For the better part of a year before any of this LOGO business started, I'd be pulling into the Kingdom Hall for da meetin' and say to my wife, referring to the big ass LOGO on the front of the hall... "That'll be coming down soon".
Ask my wife if she was getting annoyed. She's on here.
I kept it up. She didn't like it. (Sorry hun. enjoy the humour here)
Now, why I was saying it is probably different that what really happened, but I'l tell ya'z the story anyhowz'
There was a letter going around town here. A lot of them. Whole neighbourhoods. Now this letter arrived in an envelope with the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society's name and address in the return spot, and the official LOGO was on it.
I saw one. I saw the letter too.
At least one of the elders here got one. Not just him... his whole damned neighbourhood. This elder freaked. I mean he freaked.
The letter was saturated with every vile, bigoted, hateful, despicable, repulsive, self-righteous and derogatory statement ever made by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and was a run-on hate-filled rant demeaning every religion and non-JW all of whom, and their children, were subsequently condemned to die when the big A hits and this letter was the final warning to the damned of the world as "only Jehovah's Witnesses have any hope of surviving the coming end"
And it finished up by asking for money, can you believe it.
It even cited the "giving brochure". It asked for cash and jewels too.
Everything it said was a quote. Believe it or not. All the locations in the publications for the things said were given in the thing.
The elder went coo coo. He even announced in a service meeting from his seat that he had got this despicable thing and had to go door to door in his neighbourhood "to tell them we aren't like that". (I will never forget it.)
The letter had the LOGO at the top too. It all looked completely authentic.
At the circuit assembly, they had a discussion about it, telling everyone "if you get some apostate mail, DO NOT OPEN IT". Well, what the hell good does that do, I thought, all my freaking neighbours are reading it and they know I'm a dub!
So, I was talking to the Circuit Overlord in the hall, at the time, and he said... his words.... "and they stole the LOGO too"
He was freaking too.
By the way this elder is not an elder anymore. He's quit. I hear he has nothing to do with anything anymore.
And he moved.
Front cover of the 2017 Watchtower - unbelievable!
by freddo instudy edition.
january 2017.
(can someone put up a link please?).
The next edition of Watchtower will have a sister doing cart witnessing on an oil rig.
JW's Are All About Free Will Now
by pale.emperor infrom the january 2017 watchtower:.
first paragraph reads: when faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a friend: “do not make me think; just tell me what to do.
that is easier.” the woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her creator, the gift of free will.
Each of us can choose to do what the GB tells us or not.
Wonderful, free choice.
"Choose to do exactly what you are told to do, and you will be the wise one"
The Writing Committee Needs Higher Education!!!
by The Searcher inwatchtower january 2017 - how was fire transported in ancient times?.
"the biblical account found at genesis 22:6 states that, in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location, abraham "took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son isaac.
then he took in his hands the fire and the knife, and the two of them walked on together.
Abraham put the wood on Isaac because that was a general labour job. The Firecarriers Union would have screamed if Abraham had allowed Isaac to touch the Firepot.
The trades are touchy that way.
Front cover of the 2017 Watchtower - unbelievable!
by freddo instudy edition.
january 2017.
(can someone put up a link please?).
They were flown in and out by helicopter.
An ANALYSIS of Watch Tower of Britain’s last (January 2013) Child Safeguarding Policy by Barbara Anderson
by AndersonsInfo inan analysis of watch tower of britain’s last (january 2013) child safeguarding policy by barbara anderson.
last year, i was asked to review watch tower of britain’s child safeguarding policy and its implementation.
what i discovered was depressing and disappointing especially because the policy contained just a single statement (#18) directing elder/trustees on how to protect children in their congregations from avoidable harm - they were to restrict a repentant abuser “…from being alone in the company of children.” the policy did not explain what procedures to follow to assure that abusers would obey that rule.
I'll have a read Barb. And I'll give you a call regarding the other issue.
Also, I was watching Jackson's testimony over again. At one point, when being asked the two questions, he contradicted himself. The first question, in my own words, was 'Does the GB make the rules" and the second question was "Does the Branch Coordinators follow these rules "
I wrote down the times, 00:00 but I don't have them with me. In any case he referred to the Branch Book as "not a constitution" and shortly thereafter openly called it such.
I hope the Royal Coom. people had their thinking caps on.
Elder asking for help
by untruth inthis is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
Educate yourself. This is paramount.
Know what you are talking about first. Get your facts straight. Humble yourself to the truth and let it do the job for you.
Do not allow yourself to think you will accomplish this on your own. If you fail at this first thing, then call a good divorce lawyer.
As you come to understand clearer the truth and the facts, then it will become clear to you what to do.
If you have a family study, do not miss it. But know the whole truth thoroughly and when you sit down to study, this is your opportunity.
If you don't have a formal study, I think most JWs do not study in actuality, but regardless, any opportunity to discuss the material at hand is an opportunity to insert some truth into 'the tr00th'.
As some have said, little things... Never a barrage. Restraint. Patience. Thick skin and prayer.
This weeks Kingdom Book study was a golden opportunity. Learn what the material is actually saying. Think of different ways to express it, and short.
For example. Ask your wife, who are the "close associates" the article speaks of that were part of CT Russell's little circle. Research and know who the men in the article mentioned were. Know what the article says, and more importantly know what it doesn't say, that will be understood by dub readers, to have been said. Articles many times are intentionally written and designed to infer something untrue so as to benefit Watchtower.
Does wife know that the article is teaching that CT Russell was the fulfillment of prophecy, specifically the one that refers to the coming of John the Baptist (Baptizer in JW lingo)
Does wife know that CT Russell and George Storrs had nothing to do with one another. Storrs had a magazine called "Bible Examiner" through which Russell learned the truth about the Trinity and Hellfire. Russell was 27 when Storrs died at 83yrs in 1879 and when the "Bible Examiner" didn't have its owner, Russell started The Watchtower magazine.
This is a smattering of he facts. Use them. But use them cautiously, do not shove a clump of food down the drain, it'll plug.
Steve Hassan. Can some one verify if this is true.
by joe134cd inhttps://culteducation.com/group/1289-general-information/8227-disclaimer-regarding-steve-hassan.html.
Was Jesus recognized as a court expert?
When I hear that one of the posters here has died, I get to feeling like a fellow soldier in the trench has fallen, and there's an eree quiet as he/she is not there anymore. It's an aloneness. It feels a little like Watchtower has won a victory and we will lose the war.
But we trudge on.