I suggested to Mrs. Searcher ...the loyal 'sheep in the new folds' could be "requested" to follow the org's new directions on how to donate to the K.H. fund/worldwide work - by automatic bank transfer. This would be "to reduce valuable costs in administration."
LOL. I explained this to my family years back. We will hear the explanation from the platform....
"Dear brothers, as a new and loving provision from Jehovah, 'The Slave" Mt. 24:45 has instituted a loving new provision that is both loving and new.
We all know that Jehovah, by way of His personal website, has provided an loving avenue of contributions of our "valuable things" which we are loving here at the big house.
Now Jayhovah has provided yet another loving and new provision. It is both loving and new, and it is called "Elders Shepherd Your Cash". You will be contacted as part of this new and loving initiative, and will be "offered" an opportunity to have the elders pay you a shepherding call, during which a loving elder will assist you in determining what percentage of your income would properly demonstrate your desire to live forever in paradise.
Then, as part of the loving new arrangement, you can get signed up to jwsmorgasb.ORG and your cash can be lovingly removed from your account without you feeling a thing.
We are all sure, here at the GB that all will be delighted with Jayhover's latest endeavour and each and every publisher will be eager to participate in this new and loving arrangement. Rev. 21:1
Much love from up here down to all you's down there. Your Chri666tian bro's"