I went on a shepherding call with this one older elder ("R") a few years back. He was intent on getting a 'sit down' with this one older couple who hadn't been at the hall in quite a while.
We went to their house and "R" banged on the door (neurotic) till the old man came down. The old man said quite begrudgingly...'oh yeah... your here so I guess you gotta come in'.
Up we went.
We sat down and R commenced. Yes, R was going to set all matters straight.
This is the interesting part.
R was trying to correct the old man's viewpoint and started to get off track. Before long, R was telling them about his own history, and how the Society said 'that the end should have been here long ago'.
R went on and on about how R worked for this big bottling company and R was offered to put money into a retirement package and how the company would meet his contributions. "But", as R went on, ..."'the end was so close' we were told and so I just spent all my money and put nothing away and now I am putting money away and I am old and I have to keep working until I die...."
The older, non attending couple stared at R as he ranted.
I thought to myself... 'R... what are you, some kind of freaking idiot?' ...'you're here to encourage them and you are giving them the very reasons for staying away from the KH.'
But, older couple is brain dead. They began back at the hall. There they all are since then, R and the older couple, sitting in their chairs chanting the Watchtower endsong.
They should make a tv series about the walking brain dead. JWs staggering down the street to the hall to feed. Their arms outstretched, their heads tilted back and to one side as their eyes are rolled over in their heads. And you can hear them moaning 'the slave, the slave'.