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JoinedPosts by cakemonkey3
Beating your kids
by cakemonkey3 ini've been lurking here a long time.
one of the topics that i rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to?
if so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule?
Beating your kids
by cakemonkey3 ini've been lurking here a long time.
one of the topics that i rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to?
if so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule?
Thanks for your responses and for sharing your experiences. I was not beaten as a child so I cannot even imagine how that would make someone feel. Krstyann, you make a good point about parents beating on kids physically smaller and weaker than them. If the person did that to an adult they would be jailed. You are a smart girl. Ferret, I think you're very brave and admirable to admit to feeling badly about the corporal punishment. Would love to hear more from you here or on PM. What makes me sad is that my half sister insists that because her father told her jihovah had told them to beat her that it was done out of love and not anger it is okay. By the way he beat her with a belt and some sort of whip thing. My sister truly believes that it was the right thing her father did. She says deserved what happened to her. I cant get it through her head that it was wrong and awful. That he said he did it out of love makes it even creepier. If she had been an adult and had been beaten by her father he would have been arrested. He probably would have been arrested for the beatings if she had understood her rights as a child. But then what child knows this? It would be nice to hear from other reformed jws here who did beat their kids and how they feel about it now. It is interesting to see that most people posting are the victims of abuse. Where are all the olders or whatever u call them out there who are now seeing the light. Please speak up. (Flyinghighnow, I'm not talking about smacks and hand spakings here. That is anything but a great way to parent. Do yourself and your future peace of mind a favor and read. There is a lot of free education available online and in libraries on how to deal with small children and boundaries without resorting to even small acts of violence. Good luck to you on your journey.)
Beating your kids
by cakemonkey3 ini've been lurking here a long time.
one of the topics that i rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to?
if so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule?
I've been lurking here a long time. One of the topics that I rarely see disscussed is how many of you parents beat their kids because the religion told them to? If so did you really beat your kids (after reading from the bible) or did you ignore the rule? Those who did beat their kids, how do you feel now about having beat them? Have you apologized or made up for it in some way? Modern psychology and total common sense proves that beating children for whatever reason leads to a child's aggression and depression and emotional difficulties in later life. My half sister was beaten by her JW father and she still believes she deserved it. She said it was okay because the father said he was doing it out of love for god and the religion. Obviously, that is a very f---ked up way for her to feel. I would like to hear some intelligent answers from parents who have done this and if they feel badly now, and also from children who experienced it. Maybe something you say will help me help her. Thank you