Ever notices how everybody wants to take over a successfull biblestudy?
Yeah because its much easier to sit indoors with someone thats interested and count your hours that way than by going from door to door in all weathers.
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how many people did you bring into the truth, what was there reaction to you fading, daing or getting df'd and do you feel guilty about it now?
Ever notices how everybody wants to take over a successfull biblestudy?
Yeah because its much easier to sit indoors with someone thats interested and count your hours that way than by going from door to door in all weathers.
to what degree does the watchtower want every member to think alike?.
they will tell you what music you shouldn't listen to, what movies to avoid, places not to go to, tell you not to vote, and which poeple to shun.
i wonder if we can have a favourite color, or would this be a form of idolatry?
With this in mind, it's a wonder that the WTBTS doesn't make them wear standard uniforms so they can be readily identified while out on Service.
I'd make them wear little caps with propellers on the top
the travel channel aired a show, "most haunted" featuring the city walks and horribly, macabre underground vaults of edinburgh.
supposedly the poor lived beneath the streets in caves and caverns where robbery and murder took place.
the ghosts said to roam the underground rooms are angry and agressive with visitors, sometimes touching, pushing, or calling their names.
Awwwwww group hug for everyone
...Except Virgogirl who started all this and therefore should be covered in fishheads and fish oil so she stinks like a fish and thrown into Loch Ness so that the monster can get her
just thought i 'd mention it here first so that when they do start doing podcasts one we can say they nicked the idea from an apostate site and secondly i can sue them for nicking my idea :).
<kerching kerching>
I've got the 2005 Circuit Assembly in mp3, if anyone wants it...
Do you know anyone that can mix it with rap music?
just thought i 'd mention it here first so that when they do start doing podcasts one we can say they nicked the idea from an apostate site and secondly i can sue them for nicking my idea :).
<kerching kerching>
How would they make money from a free podcast?
Oh those money grabbers would make it a subscription site
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how many people did you bring into the truth, what was there reaction to you fading, daing or getting df'd and do you feel guilty about it now?
It would seem the org grows more through procreation than it does through its ministry.
I remember once yrs ago we were told it would be better not to have kids but to concentrate on the ministry because the end was near. I wonder how long it'll be before the org realises this and sends out the message to make more babys?
to what degree does the watchtower want every member to think alike?.
they will tell you what music you shouldn't listen to, what movies to avoid, places not to go to, tell you not to vote, and which poeple to shun.
i wonder if we can have a favourite color, or would this be a form of idolatry?
Maybe one reason why I quit being a JW, was because I felt the "need" to be different....to be "ME" !!!
I struggled with this for years and rebelled as much as I could and still get away with it. I had my hair crew cut when it was associated with skinheads, I was stopped from going on the service till it grew back, got my forearm tattooed and when the fuss died down got my upper arms done, went to meetings with stubble and claimed i worked to hard to find the time to shave and asked if they would rather not have me go to the meetings than turn up with stubble. I didn't want to look like a plastic shop room dummy.
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how many people did you bring into the truth, what was there reaction to you fading, daing or getting df'd and do you feel guilty about it now?
Credit to
for this one... Sorry
How many people did you bring into the truth, what was there reaction to you fading, DAing or getting DF'd and do you feel guilty about it now?
I only did the one and he was a kid who's family were in already, I was asked to give him his study when his daddy ran off. I changed congregations so lost touch with him. The fact he was already kind of in kind of negates my guilt. I would have felt much worst if I had destroyed a worldly persons life to bring them into the truth.
to what degree does the watchtower want every member to think alike?.
they will tell you what music you shouldn't listen to, what movies to avoid, places not to go to, tell you not to vote, and which poeple to shun.
i wonder if we can have a favourite color, or would this be a form of idolatry?
Blacks not allowed as its associated with Satanists and pink for brothers is definitely out.
just thought i 'd mention it here first so that when they do start doing podcasts one we can say they nicked the idea from an apostate site and secondly i can sue them for nicking my idea :).
<kerching kerching>
Just thought I 'd mention it here first so that when they do start doing podcasts one we can say they nicked the idea from an apostate site and secondly I can sue them for nicking my idea :)
<kerching kerching>