Its nearly my dogs feeding time, i just wondered if anyones fed the trolls yet?
*Chucks a couple of billy goats to Gods Child and BlessedStar*
....and i'm not sure how to handle it.
actually, if she were getting too close to a boy, i probably wouldn't know how to handle it
but, as a parent, i'm not sure how to talk to her about it, as it's something i'm familar with.
Its nearly my dogs feeding time, i just wondered if anyones fed the trolls yet?
*Chucks a couple of billy goats to Gods Child and BlessedStar*
....and i'm not sure how to handle it.
actually, if she were getting too close to a boy, i probably wouldn't know how to handle it
but, as a parent, i'm not sure how to talk to her about it, as it's something i'm familar with.
If not take her out into the KH car park and stone her (he added sarcastically)
hi everyone!
was there ever an issue as to whether you were / weren't allowed to wear shoes at a group book study in someones house , so everyone had to dump their shoes at the door?.
judging by the posters on here it would seem that its the done thing in Canada... oh well that's another thing Canada should be proud of, that and Terrence and Philip
....and i'm not sure how to handle it.
actually, if she were getting too close to a boy, i probably wouldn't know how to handle it
but, as a parent, i'm not sure how to talk to her about it, as it's something i'm familar with.
I'm sorry I was only explaining homosexuality and then gave one solution to this behaviour
And what credentials do you have to back up your claim to be such an expert on the subject?
....and i'm not sure how to handle it.
actually, if she were getting too close to a boy, i probably wouldn't know how to handle it
but, as a parent, i'm not sure how to talk to her about it, as it's something i'm familar with.
Homosexuality is among the list of deviate or abnormal sexual practices. God did not create any human being as a homosexual. They are not born that way, just as murderers are not born that way. However, these spirits can be transmitted to children, especially if someone who had this demonic spirit seduced or raped a child--or even if they were close to gay people
Can I swear in here?
Do you live under a bridge and eat billy goats?
Heres a person asking for help and you come out with some superstitious crud about child rape and demons.... Geeze!
hi everyone!
was there ever an issue as to whether you were / weren't allowed to wear shoes at a group book study in someones house , so everyone had to dump their shoes at the door?.
I don't think it is a Brit thing...It is only human decency to do so!
*Holds out hands to be slapped* lol
....and i'm not sure how to handle it.
actually, if she were getting too close to a boy, i probably wouldn't know how to handle it
but, as a parent, i'm not sure how to talk to her about it, as it's something i'm familar with.
She has spent the last couple of weekends with this other girl and as I told her dad, if she was interested in a boy I certainly wouldn't allow her to spend the weekend at his house, so I don't feel I can allow her to stay at this girl's house anymore and he agreed
I don't see a problem with that line of reasoning, if you don't think your child should be having sex then that's fine. One thing I would suggest to you though is that you point out to her that this is based upon your desire for her not to be having sex and that is nothing to do with who she is having sex with, be it male or female. If she gets it into her head you are being homophobic she'll do the typical teenage thing and become a martyr to it just for the attention. As others have and will point out this might all be a phase shes going through, experimenting with her sexuality or trying to become more popular by claiming shes trendy. However if she is a lesbian try to remember that shes still you're little girl and that who she sleeps with isn't going to change that fact.
hi there, i was just thinking about the whole thing.
when your are raised as a jw you cant have girlfriend or boyfriend and you must "feel that the other are superior than you", you must be very humble.
youve become an socially inadpted wussy.
Still have to disagree with the title of this thread.
Looking back at the BS i took for being a witness kid at school and the crap to took at work (I worked on building sites back then) that kind up an up bringing made me resilient and it toughened me up. Definitely not a wuss here.
hi everyone!
was there ever an issue as to whether you were / weren't allowed to wear shoes at a group book study in someones house , so everyone had to dump their shoes at the door?.
Maybe its a brit thing but in every BS i went too you were expected to take your shoes off
have you ever seen a "ghost"?
if you did, were you scared, fascinated or straight to denial?.
if you did see one, were you a jw at the time and therefore did you believe it to be an apparition projected by the demons?
Last year I had and extension built on my house with a glass roof. Shortly afterwards weird things started to happen, we'd hear footsteps in the kitchen, a few times myself or my other half would feel or see someone walking pass behind us (It was always out of the corner of our eyes)and a number of times we felt that "hair standing up on the back of your neck thing". Quite often you heard about "hauntings" happening when an old house has been disturbed in some way, i did a bit of research and came up with those infra sound sites. My experiences matched those of the researcher mentioned on those sites and i now reckon that my haunting was nothing more than my glass roof vibrating thanks to passing tube trains.
The extension settled down and the "haunting" stopped