There was a young brother that fell down the elevator shaft at Squibb in '73.
Several brothers had fingers cut off in the press room. Phil Wilcox was one of them. I helped take the press apart to look for the finger.
Almost had a bad accident at the farm when I had an all night night watchman duty. On the top of the factory before it was complete I walked to inspect something but stopped (I don't know why I stopped) and noticed that I was one foot away from the edge of the slab. There was no barrier! I would have fallen 3 stories. Another time I had an all nighter at farm 2 and around 1 in the morning a calf got out of the feed lot. I grabbed the calf and put him back in the lot only to look over my shoulder and see the mother coming at me with head down and charging. I rolled under the enclosure (made of steel pipe) and got out just in time. I would have been dead if she had caught me.