Yeah, Westcott and Hort, self admitted gnostic spiritists who not only translated the NWT, but also 'Christendoms" watered down NIV< and NASB bibles
JoinedPosts by Ianone
New World Translation Vs. Kingdom Interlinear Translation ... your thoughts
by Ianone in8: 58 footnote 1985 ed kit blue (01).
8: 58 footnote 1969 ed kit purple (02).
jesus, himself tells us just how important it is.
Books not found in other Bibles
by homme perdu ini found an oxford bible at a thrift store that included one or two extra books.
i dont recall the names.
can someone please give me some information on this subject?
THe Zionists bought Oxford Press, and printed their Scofield Reference Bible and many others. THey are the cause of this fake pre trib rapture doctrine lie.
The Trinity!
by ((Omega)) ini have done some research on the truth regarding the godhead and who the god of the bible truly is.
i have studied all the denominations of christianity, those who deny the deity of christ, and those who don't, those who believe in a trinity and those who do not.
after years upon years of diligent studies i have concluded:.
try = type, sorry for the typo
The Trinity!
by ((Omega)) ini have done some research on the truth regarding the godhead and who the god of the bible truly is.
i have studied all the denominations of christianity, those who deny the deity of christ, and those who don't, those who believe in a trinity and those who do not.
after years upon years of diligent studies i have concluded:.
Smartest thing I have seen you try Kenneson
I think you hit it on the head. That's why Jesus is called the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14) because he is good. Since he is said to be sinless (Heb. 4:15), that would indeed make him good. The question to the young man is why do you call me good, if you don't believe I am God?
Too bad you didn't have this much knowledge when it comes to foreign affairs.
"Babylon the Great", who is she?
by JH inin the book of revelation, talking about things to come, babylone the great is to be destroyed, in one hour.. .
some think that babylon the great symbolizes america, while others like the jw's say it's the false relgions that will be destroyed by the un.... .
who do you think babylon the great represents?.
Jesus Messiah Fellowship
Light To The Nations
THE GREAT WHORE OF BABYLON Is Israel & Old Pharisee Talmudic JudaismRome Or Catholicism is a daughter
By Cohen G. Reckart, Pastor
1.) Introduction
2.) Mystery Babylon3.) The Mark/Seal/Emblem Of Antichrist4.) The Pharisees
5.) The Snake Throne1.) INTRODUCTION:
Volumes of books have been written about Mystery Babylon. Nearly all of them are directed at the Roman Catholic Church. This error began several centuries ago when Rome claimed that the Apostle Peter went there and founded Catholicism. This could not be proven by history or actual accounts in the Scriptures, so some method was needed to make the claim appear valid. This was accomplished by a crafty twist of Scripture found in 1Peter 5:13: *The Church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son.* Here, the word *Babylon* was mysticized into Rome. It is alleged that Apostle Peter went among the Gentiles and started a Church at Rome. But is this correct? In Galatians 2:9 we find this: *And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.* Galatians was written about 60AD.
This proves that as late as the conference in Jerusalem in Acts 15, the Apostle Peter was ministering only to the circumcision (Jews). This was about 50-55AD. Right after the Jerusalem Council, the Apostle Peter actually went unto the circumcision that was still living at ancient Babylon and there founded a New Testament Church. What became of it we do not know. To mysticize Babylon as Rome just to get Peter as the founder of Catholicism is not only a careful and fraudulent lie, the Catholic Church unwittedly contributed later to the Protestant accusation that she was indeed now identified as Mystery Babylon. Rome has not been able to shake that Protestant accusation since.
The word *Babylon* means confusion. This means the place and orgin of language confusion or where having different speech that causes confusion began. Confusion or Babylon additionally meant not able to decide, determine, or think and understand according to one language or interpretation.
At the time of this *confusion* in Babylon among the seed of Nimrod and his mystic cult, we find a small, almost undetected statement that in the days of Peleg, the world was divided. Peleg was a righteous King of the ancient partiarchial faith and lineage of Jesus. There was then a division between the mystery of Babylon and the Messianic Faith that came down to Abraham. With a new religious interpretation manufactured by Nimrod and his wife Simeramus, a new religious interpretation was started and this mystic gnostic system was behind the building of the tower of Babel. The confusion God made of this ancient evil religion brought chaos at Babylon.
The word *Babylon* is now representative of religious confusion that is not in any way the original patriarchal Messianic faith. The cause of God bringing chaos then was to judge the work of satan in his attempt to interject into the world a false faith and a false religion not focused upon the Messianic Hope which was fulfilled in Jesus.
Satan's religion and kingdom upon the earth remains embodied within these ancient mysteries of Mystery Babylon. These in turn are the core of all Mystery and cult religions that have since that ancient time, infused into the world cult beliefs, practices, and rituals. These are the cause of all religious confusion.
At ancient Babylon the ancient faith of the Patriarchs was apostated or confused by Nimrod and Simeramus into gnostic mysticism. This new reinterpretation of the Messianic Hope was transfered via secret mouth to ear initiation and remains today in the practice of Talmudism (Jewish mysticism), Witchcraft, Wicca, Masonry, the Rosicrucians, Mormons, Woodsmen of the World, Eastern Star, the United Nations, organization, and other such fringe cults.
Babylon started as a gate to God (Babel), and ended up as the gate to hell *confusion*. Babylon then is the source of all religious and abominable confusion. All religious *gates* to hell will lead back to Mystery Babylon. If any religion has a root of doctrine or practice associated with the apostasy of Mystery Babylon, it is not of God. GET OUT OF IT, separate yourself unto the LORD your God. You must take a stand on the issues of Mystery Babylon or be lost forever. You must be willing to forsake father and mother, relatives, friends, religious groups, houses, lands, and take up your cross and follow Jesus without any mental reservation or equivication. You are not joiong a cult, you are fleeing from the den of vipers and saving your soul from an everlasting burning Lake of Fire.
Jesus pointed to the true religious focus of believers in Mathew 16:18 as the New Testament Church. Many use the word *Church* in their name, but inside they have several practices and beliefs that identify them as gates to hell, because several teachings and doctrines come from not from God, but ancient Mystery Babylon.
When Jesus said: *I am the door;* and *enter the strait gate;* he was rejecting Mystery Babylon, Jerusalem, the Temple on Mt. Moriah, and any other mystery cult that existed or might spring up afterward that was part and parcel with Mystery Babylon.
*BAREL* (Son of God), replaced *BABYLON* (gate to confusion). Jesus is the only gate or door to heaven. He is the fulfillment of the Messianic Hope. No religion, not even Judaism represented in Pharisee-Talmudism, has salvation or can bring it to the world. Jesus Messiah is the only gate or door to eternal life.
Mystery Babylon then represents all the present gates to hell. Her religious perversion bring chaos, division, and confusion upon the minds and lives of her devotees. In regard to Christianity, Pharisee Judaism, now known as Talmudism, represented Mystery Babylon at the time of Jesus and the Apostles. In fact, the headquarters of Pharisee interpretation and education was at Babylon. It was here that the famous Masorertes had their birth and assisted in the perversion of the Old Testament Scriptures which enhanced and supported the Jewish adoption of this ancient apostasy. Only one system is called the temple of satan (Revelation 2:9; 3:9). Since the time of Jesus Messiah there exist three Judaisms now to follow: 1.) The original Messianic Hope and faith represented in symbolism in the tabernacle; 2.) The Babylonian replacement known as Phariseeism, Kabbalah, and Talmud; 3.)The third and Biblical choice is to believe Jesus Messiah fulfilled and replaced that given to Moses and totally rejected as satanic that of Phariseeism, Kabbalah and the Talmud. (Note: Phariseeism, Kabbalah, and the Talmud are the *Traditions of the Babylonian Elders* Jesus rejected).
God is not the author of *confusion* or Mystery Babylon, meaning that with God it is either *black* (kingdom of darkness), or *white* (Kingdom of light). To suggest a *gray* area in any doctrinal discussion is *confusion* of darkness and light, ...or a mixture. Mixture is Mystery Babylon, Mystery Confusion. To mix *Truth* with *darkness* is then to fornicate and pollute the very nature and character of God. Israel was full of this Mystery darkness and professed that the *true Light* had come and those deceived by the darkness of satan's kingdom would not comprehend the Light then shining as the real *TRUTH OF GOD*. Mystery Babylon in the Jerusalem cult of the Pharisees fulfilled exactly the sin of Nimrod, and rejected the *true light*, the true revelation of Jesus Messiah predicted by Moses and the Prophets. How could Jesus leave the Temple *desolate* (Matthew 23:38), if he did not find it that abominable condition? He was rejected by the temple cult of darkness. In fact, Jesus said: this is your hour and the kingdom of darkness. Regardless of how many may try, no one will ever be able to apply this identification of the overspreading of the abomination over the Temple and Jerusalem. Jesus was crucified by the Temple cult?
Jerusalem is called a city of *confusion* in Isaiah 24:10. Here the same evils that made Babel into Babylon had turned Jerusalem into a religious harlot. The same devil, the same apostasy, and the same confusion. What was once a gate to God in Jerusalem became a gate to hell and this is the cause of Jesus prophesying its destruction at the hands of Titus. Once confusion was set up in Jerusalem and a counterfeit religion replaced the original ancient Messianic Faith of the patriarchs, Jerusalem and the Temple became the successor of all the apostasy of mystery Babylon or mystery confusion. Babylon was a *mixture* of the pure with the profane and Jerusalem also duplicated that whoredom and fornication of sacred revelation and truth. That the religion of Baal Nimrod was practiced in Israel for several centuries and even in Jerusalem and in the Temple, is all the proof we need that Israel was indeed part and parcel with mystery Babylon. How can anyone explain the Babylonian Captivity and this judgment without confirming the very words of Isaiah, Jeremiah and the other prophets of that time, except with this understanding.
The city of ancient Babylon at the time of Messiah had several hundred thousands of Jews still living there. It is said by scholars that more Jews lived in the metropolis of Babylon than that lived in all of Israel in the time of Jesus. Around the tower of Babel there are perhaps as many as a million or more graves of deceased Israelites who apostated and never went home. In fact, history records that the descendants of this large colony lived there until about 1054AD when an Arab King evicted them and they then migrated north into several other nations arriving in Europe slowly between 1100-1200AD.
Because of the mixture of gnosticism and Jewish mysticism within the Catholic Church, similar to what was believed and practiced by Jews in Babylon, many migrating Jews joined the Catholic Church as Donemehs and such a person was Ignatius Loyola. The Jews preferred not to go home at this time because the country was poor and the riches of the Gentiles (Romans 11:12), was still the delusion used by satan to blind them not to receive Jesus Messiah? Only when they abandon this lust and return unto their LORD whom they rejected and crucified in the person of Messiah, can they be saved and grafted back into the olive tree which is the true Israel of God.
This large colony living in ancient Babylon did not want to go back home. They and their ancestors had lived there nearly 630 years at the time of Messiah and many had no love for the ancient nation, its God, or its religion. They had totally assimulated into the Gentile fabric of the Syrians or Aramaeans until they spoke in the Aramaic language of Babylon and their race stock was polluted (mingled among the nations). The language of Babylon was carried back to Israel and replaced the ancient Hebrew, which few spoke in the days of Messiah. Not many make the connection that the Aramaic language (sometimes called *chaldee*), is really the official language of Nimrod's Mystery Babylon. Latin never was the language of Mystery Babylon. After the 70AD destruction of Jerusalem, several thousands of Jews fled to Babylon. For several centuries that followed, they could care less about the land of Israel. They even refused to aid or assist against Rome during several revolts of the second century. These Israelites could have gone home in peace mnay times over the next centuries but they loved Mystery Babylon. They chose instead to seek sin, pleasure, Gentile wealth, cult practices, and philosophy? According to the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia Volume 6, page 56 speaking of the two centuries after Messiah: *During this time period Babylon was coming into greater significance for the Jews, and was even called "the land of Israel."*
It is this "dark hole" of missing knowledge in the history of apostate Judaism, that goads the unskilled to look at Rome Imperial or Rome Papal as Mystery Babylon. Then they splash this over Revelation chapters 17 & 18, and presto, they have the errors of dispensationalism allegedly proven as fact. They have no research material to cause them to look elsewhere. They reject any information that suggests they should look at Israel. And the Judaizers (Law-keepers would never look at Israel because law-keeping gives them an affinity with her that forbids that system could ever be Mystery Babylon or *antichrist*). Rome is their Babylon by law-keeping and default, since in their opinion, the Scriptures reveal no other spiritual whore that can fulfill that destiny.
This error seemed to carry some weight when Attalus who was allegedly the heir of the Babylonian Imperial throne bequeathed his crown and dignity to Papal Rome (Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop, page 241). Supposedly the title *Pontiff* identified the Pope as the culprit of antichrist. And yet, Josephus as early as 60AD calls the Jewish High Priest a *Pontiff* and wearing *Pontifical* garments (Antiquities, Book IV, Chapter 4, paragraph 7; Ibid, Book XIII, Chapter II, Paragraph 3). It would appear that the Jewish High Priest had adopted the Babylonian mystical high-priesthood several centuries before Attalus was born to give Rome the same robes and titles. Before Attalus could give Rome a useless title of a defunct Babylon Imperial Kingdom, several Kings of Israel prior to 606BC and afterward, had already been anointed as vassal snake-throne rulers under Babylonian Kings (Jeremiah 52:31-32). Babylonian Judaism usurped and replaced ancient Judaism in the same sense that Catholicism usurped and replaced true Messianic Christianity. The Karites tried to throw off this yoke from Israel and were defeated by murder, persecution, and iniquity in high-places from Babylonian sources.
After the gift of Attalus it was alleged that Rome inherited the infamous damnation of being Mystery Babylon by a will, rather than by practice. But is this valid? Will history and the Scriptures back up this hasty and necessary invention to draw attention away from the great whore of God? Israel was practicing the witchcraft and abominations of Mystery Babylon over nine centuries before the Catholic Church was founded in 325AD. Who could be a greater whore of God, Israel the divorced wife for her whoredoms and sorcery (Jeremiah 3:8; Isaiah 57:3), or Rome who never had a valid covenant or was the wife or Bride of Christ? Is Rome not a usurper? Can Israel after over 961 years from 606BC to 325AD and down to us today (2606 years), escape being the great whore of God and Mystery Babylon so easily? Can she be the great whore of God for the last eight hundred years of the Old Testament and all of a sudden in the New Testament she is lilly white, pure, undefiled, and still has an unfulfilled covenant with God after Calvary? Is God an adulterer, or a bigamist, or is the Church/Bride a concubine of God to Israel? Or did the Church/Bride replace Israel? What does the New Torah (Testament) say?
3.) The Mark/Seal/Emblem Of Antichrist
The word *mystery* identifies a secret religion known among the cults as containing *esoteric* knowledge or gnosticism. Esoteric knowledge or gnosticism is conveyed by oral tradition from mouth to ear to a select group of initiates. In the mysteries it is said that the serpent gave these gnostic secrets into the ear of Eve and she in turn taught them to Adam. Thus, the female is the greater teacher of the secrets and mysteries in witchcraft and cults. Within this mysticism of the serpent, there are hidden symbols for the public religion so that the ignorant common people worship by one set of ideas, while the secret society sees in the symbols an entirely different satanic meaning and worships accordingly. Only when a person knows the hidden knowledge (gnosis) of the symbols, can they understand the secrets of the mysteries and thereby claim special privilege with lucifer the light bearer of darkness (Illuminatti, Rosicrucians, Masons). This system of making darkness into light is found in all secret orders. Jesus identified this mystery religion that cloaks darkness as religious light in Matthew 6:23. Symbols such as the hex, solar serpent, ankh, pentagram, swastika, ying/yang, crescent moon with a star, pyramid, eye, circle with a dot in the center, compass/square, obelisk, tetragrammaton, the numbers 1, 3, 6, & 13, etc. etc. are used consistently by the kingdom of darkness (look at the back of your dollar bill). The greatest symbol of lucifer is the hex, which also is a secret symbol of the Sefiroth of the Kabbalah and its 32 paths of alleged wisdom through ten levels of a mystical godhead. And the satanic hex is the star of Israel? And it came from Babylon as a symbol of the sun god. It was even the personal sign of Ashtoreth the whore goddess that answers to Simiramus. How did this ever happen? What could better identify the great whore of God more clearly? Among those who practice witchcraft, the hex is lucifer's own personal sign of union or marriage with Israel. The interlaced black border triangle with a white border triangle represents sexual union. Is this not a symbol of adultery and fornication of Israel with satan? Is this not the star of their god Rempham (code for lucifer), that Stephen preached about in Acts 7:43 that got him killed? What other star is associated so deeply and devoutly with Israel? Why does mentioning this truth about the *hex,* the death mark (to hex someone), incite so many to instant hatred against the person revealing its satanic purpose and meaning? The hex has 666 within it in several ways. And the hex represents the name of a man!
The Pharisees were a secret order who outwardly appeared to be orthodox Jews but inwardly they were of the mysteries of Babylon. That is why Jesus exposed them as hypocrites; that is having two faces. For in those days a hypocrite was an actor who played different roles by putting on different clothes to cover up his true identity. It would be totally out of character and wrong of Jesus to call them serpents and their father the devil, if behind those religious robes they were not secret members of the Mystery Babylon kingdom of darkness. Now, it is one thing to be a sinner and another to be an actual sworn member to a satanic cult that makes members take a blood oath and adopt pagan satanic symbols to wear. Are these not generational and congenital antichrist? The sinner is in the kingdom of darkness by default, the other is in the kingdom of darkness by blood oath and without mental reservation or equivocation. These sell their soul to the devil for *wages*, employment, business opportunity, political power, financial security, and lastly as a fraternity to cloak these schemes behind the tiled door, which in the secret mysteries is a substitute for the temple at Babylon (Jerusalem). Just check the 32 and 33 degree lines on the latitude and longitude of any world map, see what cities are close and get a revelation of the occult traveling oasis'. What does the Freemasonry cult say about their ancestors the Pharisees?
*The character of their organization is interesting to the Masonic student. They held a secret doctrine, ...they met in sodalities or societies, the members of which called themselves chabirim, fellows or associates; and they styled all who were outside of their mystical association, yum hararetz, or people of the land (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackey, 1921, pp 560,561).*
The Jews are not bashful or ashamed of their great mystical religious beliefs contained in the Babylonian Kabbalah. They even boast that the tarot and witchcraft along with magic are not evil. What is now called *orthodox Judaism* is fully a Kabbalah religion that has incorporated the tarot, witchcraft, and magic within it. Their own books boast of these mystical connections (See the Kabbalah by Charles Ponce; Kabbalah by Gershom Scholem; and Messianic Idea In Judaism by Gershom Scholem). These alleged orthodox worshipers are of pure Babylon descent. In order for the reader to understand this depth of satan and mystery of iniquity, he or she will have to study the Kabbalah and the Talmud on his or her own and see their inherent and congenital ties to black witchcraft and Mystery Babylon. In fact, no witch of any repute can achieve the high-priesthood of any cult without a through knowledge and practice of Kabbalah. Is Freemasonry connected to this Mystery Babylon?
*Masonry is a search after light. That search leads us directly back, as you can see, to the Kabalah (Morals and Dogmas, Albert Pike, p 741)*
Scholars recognize that the first snake throne of the serpent was Nimrod's kingdom of Babylon. Baal of the Old Testament is none other than Baal-Nimrod. Asthoreth is none other than Simiramus. And Tammuz comes through with his original name. Baal-Nimrod is then Nimgod. Although Nimrod's serpent religion was scattered all over the world at the time of the dispersion of the races, the headquarters of the mystery remained in Babylon. The serpent moved his snake throne to Jerusalem in time to use the Temple cult against Messiah to fulfill Genesis 3:15. This answers why there were so many demon spirits in Israel when Messiah came, and why satan was there immediately after his baptism to begin his attack. Truly the Kingdom of heaven was suffering violence. After the first attack, the devil then moved his agents in the Temple to finish his plot to destroy Messiah. Jesus conquered lucifer, not in ancient Babylon, not in Rome, but in Jerusalem. Regardless of how hard many try, the evil deed of rejecting and plotting the murder of Messiah can never be attributed to Rome Imperial or Rome Papal. And, regardless of how hard some deny it, the Apostles always accused the Jews of this wicked and evil deed (Acts 2:23; 3:14-15; 7:52; 1Thessalonians 2:15; James 5:6). The Romans were trapped into this murder by the Sanhedrin and coercing Pilate with threats of reporting him to Rome for allowing another man in the Roman Empire to be called a King. The Romans were never blamed by the Apostles.
Mystery Babylon is a three-fold serpent system: a profane Religious power, a profane Political power; and a profane Economic power (these are the principalities and powers of high places that wars behind the scenes against the Messiah and his Kingdom). The latter two profane powers are secretly controlled by the first. The first is controlled by a secret society of the ten or the minyan styled after the ten sefiroths of the Babylonian Kabbalah. These secret societies had their head in Babylon and switched it to Jerusalem. The work of every Freemason and Easter Star woman is to rebuild Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem with the Kabbalah as their guide (the tracing board). Solomon apostated to Mystery Babylon. God spoke to him twice and he refused to repent (1Kings 11:8-9). He died a male witch of the Babylonian order. Hiram of Tyre was his deceiver and damned his soul. Ezekiel was shown Solomon's secret cult that met under the Temple in Jerusalem in the tunnels and caverns (Ezekiel 8:1-18). This whole underground system of banquet rooms for the occult, was patterned after Mystery Babylon that had them first.
Mysticism and satan's throne or *seat* through the ages up to Messiah was the entire focus of the metal-man in Daniel 2:32-44. It is against that kingdom that the stone comes out of the mountain (Calvary) and crashes into the clay feet to destroy it. The succeeding religious systems of the conquering empires would adopt the mysteries and pass them on to the next, finally arriving at the iron and clay feet. That the iron represents Imperial Rome is accepted, but the clay that is not of the Iron and does not cleave to it, can be none other than Israel (the clay of Jeremiah 18:1-6). All mystery religions of Babylon. Media, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Israel, would have as their head, Mystery Babylon. Only Israel the clay, would contain the headquarters of the mysteries at the end of the metal-man image. The image would last stand on clay feet. The devil moved his satanic throne from Babylon to Jerusalem and this proves Israel was the clay and why the Temple became an abomination of desolation (Septuagint Version Daniel 9:25-27).
Where ever the snake throne was located, the devil would be there to protect it. Ever wonder why the devil and demons were hanging around Israel and in Jerusalem and able to go in and out to the Temple without any alarm to the official religious hierarchy? Ever wonder how Genesis 3:15 could be fulfilled by the Temple cult as the serpent's seed to bruise the heels of Messiah, and yet so many still want this very Babylonian Talmudic system revived in the endtime as a move of God to allegedly restore these so-called *elect* to salvation? The Pre-Tribs are now circulating a false doctrine that Jews and Christians can both offer animal sacrifices if done in faith, and these will be accepted by God! With this heresy being taught, *antichrist* will have no difficulty getting people to worship the image of the Beast (the Temple), and damn millions. Ever wonder what Jesus meant when he quoted Jeremiah 7:11: *Ye have made my house a den of robbers*. The word *robbers* here is translated *thieves* (Matthew 21:13), but the Hebrew word is *per-eets* from which we get our word *pirates*. What does a *pirate* do but steal something and make use of it for himself. Was Jesus identifying mystery Babylon here by using this word quoted from Jeremiah's *pirates*, or was he just concerned with money changers which were a public sign of a deeper apostasy lurking in the underground secret chambers?
What makes this all so important is that according to Daniel in 2:44: in the days of a series of ten kings of Imperial Rome (Augustus to Vespasian), the God of heaven would set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, and it will consume and destroy all these prior Kingdoms and his shall stand for ever (1Corinthians 15:24). It is no secret that the stone out of the mountain will smite the clay feet and the whole satanic system destroyed. This stone is the Lord Jesus Messiah and his Kingdom brought to the earth, which we call the New Testament Church or the true Israel.
The true New Testament Church will oppose Mystery Babylon, be persecuted, and at the end win big, when Messiah returns to destroy all who obeyed not the Gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:8).
Here are the cold and unrefutable facts: Israel went to the land of Shinar as the great whore of God and there her wickedness was set upon its base (Zechariah 5:1-11). Rome is identified by many as Babylon by simularity, whereas Israel is identified as Mystery Babylon by her whoredom and living there for nearly 1600 years from 606BC to 1054AD, away from God in deep apostasy. Mystery Babylon was adopted by apostate Jews who incorporated the esoteric secrets of Shinar into the Mishnah, the Gemarah, the Babylonian Talmud, The Kabbalah, and the Old Testament by numerology, temura, and symbols (the Bible Code book is based upon Kabbalah numerology or as they claim the holy and sacred Babylonian Aramaic alphabet and numbers of God). They merged Babylonian gnosticism into the Kabbalah. This in turn became the foundation of the oral traditions that were claimed to have been given secretly to Moses and hidden from the common people.
It was alleged that the ignorant common people worshiped by an exterior worship and animal sacrifices while secretly there was an entirely different interior worship that included human sacrifice. The latter by the mystical cult was based secretly upon the cosmos and universe (Josephus--Antiquities, Book III, Chapter VII, Paragraph 7; See also Philo's apostasy of Judaism, both proved to be pantheism). These Kabbalah secrets were further merged in the fabric of the Traditions of the Elders which Jesus openly opposed as making converts two-fold more the children of hell. In fact, the word *Kabbalah* means *Traditions*. And it was the exposing and confronting of these traditions of Kabbalah that had really replaced the laws of Moses, that got Jesus nailed to the Cross. The Jews used Jesus' claim of being a King as their cover to have him killed because he confronted and exposed the snake-throne in control of the Temple. With the High Priest sitting in it as God. The pope can never equal this!
Only within Judaism remains today the fullness of the Mystery Babylon religion. The Catholic Church along with Islam and Protestantism have been infiltrated and caused to adopted these mysteries of Babylon. The Mother and her daughters now meet together in their secret world-wide lodges and pass their oral secrets and mysteries to one another by mouth to ear. The United Nations is totally a lodge of these members. The dome above the sacred general chamber is nothing but the eye of lucifer. They know what they are doing and not ashamed of the Kabbalah that guides their goals and purposes of a one-world government under the snake-throne of lucifer.
Mystery Babylon is apostate Judaism in all of her adulterous fame. Only by Rome joining the secret societies through mystical connection to Judaistic gnosticism has she become a daughter of the great whore. Only by Islam also being brought into the family by joining the secret societies and producing Arabic freemasonry has she become a daughter. Judaism claims that she is the mother of both mystical Catholicism and mystical Islam. The whore and her harlot daughters are thus identified. The Whore of Mystery Babylon can not hide her endtime identity any longer. Several other facts will identify her:
Israel is a whore, an adulterous rejected queen, and a witch practicing sorcery: *but draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore (Isaiah 57:3* (This is illegitimate Israel. The remnant of the Godly Israel all came into the New Israel, the New Testament Church).
The city of Jerusalem became a harlot, full of murderers: *How is the faithful city become an harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers (Isaiah 1:21)*.
Israel was a fornicating wife: *But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornication on every one that passed by; his it was (Ezekiel 16:15)*.
Israel was old in her adultery: *Then said I unto her that was old in adulteries, Will they now commit whoredom with her, and she with them (Ezekiel 23:43)*?
The judgment of the great whore: *And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth (is scattered) upon many waters (Revelation 17:1)*.
The whore of Babylon further proven: 1.) Jeremiah 2:20-Israel played the harlot. 2.) Jeremiah 3:1-Israel played the harlot. 3.) Jeremiah 3:8-Israel is divorced per Deuteronomy 4:1-4. 4.) Ezekiel 16:15- Playedst the harlot and whore. 5.) Hosea 1:2-Israel a wife of whoredom. 6.) Hosea 1:9-Lo-Ammi, ye are not my people.
It is obvious that there are two different views of Israel: First, that in all her evils and sins she can do no wrong and God cannot divorce her because he made a vow to Abraham that he must fulfill, or make himself a liar; The second view and Biblical, is that because of her evils and becoming the great whore, God divorced her (Jeremiah 3:8), and Calvary was the place where it was fully proven, by the Covenant sealed to a new Bride/Wife, the New Testament Church. That the vow to Abraham's seed was conditional and also fulfilled in Jesus Messiah (Galatians 3:29). Therefore, there is no covenant or vow to Abraham to be fulfilled to Israel apart from Jesus Messiah and the Acts 2:38 plan of salvation. This salvation which included securing the promises of Abraham, was to the Jew first and then the Gentiles.
Mystery Babylon can not change, did not change, and her Mt. Moriah (one of the seven heads) that was wounded by a sword in 70AD, will be healed and arise again in the endtimes and the image of it (the Temple) speak once again and exert her claim as the spouse of God, claiming she is still the queen wife and Calvary did not make her a whore widow. The Catholic Church can never fit this role or this person.
Perhaps no other easy proof can be forthcoming than to show Israel took the cup of spiritual whoredoms and damnation into her hands and made the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication:
*For thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it (Jeremiah 25:15)*.
Here, Jeremiah has been ordered to take the cup and cause all nations to drink. Babylon also was made to drink. Here the cup passes from Israel to Babylon and back again to Israel:
*Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD'S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad Jeremiah 51:7)*.
The cup did not start with Babylon, but according to Jeremiah 25:15, was given to her to drink. Babylon drank and passed the cup on to other nations arriving at our time and being drank at the United Nations. The cup started in the hands of the great whore of Israel. Jeremiah gives us the purpose and the scope of this bloody bowl that will return vengeance from God in seven bowls or vials of wrath, seven times to her evils. Although Rome is a bloody killer, she is not the whore of Mystery Babylon, she is instead her harlot daughter! Like mother, like daughter!
This then agrees with Revelation 17:2 to identify the great whore of God:
*With whom the kings of the earth (Gentiles) have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth (Gentiles) have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication Revelation 17:2)*.
Why would God care if the Catholic Church committed spiritual fornication if this system never was a part of the true New Testament Church or a part of old Israel? And if the word *wine* is here spiritualized into *doctrine*, would not Rome's secret mystical doctrines that are rooted in Judaistic gnosticsm and mysticism, make apostate Israel more the Whore mother than the Catholic Church that obtained her *false* teachings from a prior apostate woman?
Has there been no effort among the Jews to correct this Babylonian evil? Yes. The attempt was made by the Karites, but they were defeated with murder, secret schemes, plots, and infiltration until they were reduced to extinction. At present there is no movement anywhere within Judaism to bring these evils into focus and to condemn them. If there are willing hearts, there may yet arise from Jewish Messianism a voice of protest and truth. We await with expectation and wonder.
Can Jews be saved today? Absolutely! They are not cast away. But they have no special entitlements because of race. The are equal to the Gentiles. The wall between the Jews and the Gentiles was torn down by Jesus Messiah. The only threat of Christianity to Judaism is that the Law has been replaced by *Grace*. Since Babylonism has replaced original Judaism, there should be no complaint about the original law of Moses being eternal. But as Paul said, they are blinded by their traditions not to see the end of the old Covenant. Another reason why many Jews refuse to accept Jesus Messiah is because of the hatred taught to them and because the Catholic Church was very cruel and sponsored hate crimes against them. The first Messiahians did not do this and the endtime Messiahians will not do it. Any Jew or Gentile however who reviles Jesus Messiah and rejects him as a Saviour because of the Catholic Church, cannot turn and say that mentioning their spiritual apostasy is antisemitism. Such is not a valid cry. Although true Christians will tell the truth about the mystery of iniquity in Judaism, they would never encourage or participate in any form of physical injury to any person. The conflict between Judaism and Jesus Messiah is theological and will continue until the very end of this present age. It is our prayer that any Jew or Gentile that has not received Jesus Messiah as Lord and Saviour according to Acts 2:38, do so without delay. Mystery Babylon and all who are in her will be lost. Come out from among her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and of her plagues.
King James Version (KJV); Beth Jesus Version (BJV); Josephus; Philo; Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert Macky; Morals and Dogmas by Albert Pike; The Kabbalah by Charles Ponce; The Messianic Idea in Judaism by Gershom Scholem; Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop; Kabbalah by Gershom Scholem; Septuagint Version Old Testament; and The Babylonian Talmud Rabbi Dr. I Epstein, London England, The Soncino Press.
"Babylon the Great", who is she?
by JH inin the book of revelation, talking about things to come, babylone the great is to be destroyed, in one hour.. .
some think that babylon the great symbolizes america, while others like the jw's say it's the false relgions that will be destroyed by the un.... .
who do you think babylon the great represents?.
LeoLIE is aiding the Jesuit shill story of Rome being the Whore of Babylon. Completely unbliblical, complete garbage, I posted a dozen or so scriptures earlier in this thread which are pretty obvious about who the whore is.
Enough with your Jesuit/Masonic lies
"Babylon the Great", who is she?
by JH inin the book of revelation, talking about things to come, babylone the great is to be destroyed, in one hour.. .
some think that babylon the great symbolizes america, while others like the jw's say it's the false relgions that will be destroyed by the un.... .
who do you think babylon the great represents?.
stop lying leo, Rome was never married to God, only Israel was. Than in Jeremiah 3:8 God divorces Israel for her WHOREDOM.
Jeremiah 3:8 And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also. Jeremiah 2:20-Israel played the harlot
Jeremiah 3:1-Israel played the harlot.
Ezekiel 16:15- Playedst the harlot and whore.
Hosea 1:2-Israel a wife of whoredom.
The Trinity!
by ((Omega)) ini have done some research on the truth regarding the godhead and who the god of the bible truly is.
i have studied all the denominations of christianity, those who deny the deity of christ, and those who don't, those who believe in a trinity and those who do not.
after years upon years of diligent studies i have concluded:.
"Babylon the Great", who is she?
by JH inin the book of revelation, talking about things to come, babylone the great is to be destroyed, in one hour.. .
some think that babylon the great symbolizes america, while others like the jw's say it's the false relgions that will be destroyed by the un.... .
who do you think babylon the great represents?.
Rome is a diversion. Scripture is clear who the whore is.
God is not the author of *confusion* or Mystery Babylon
Jerusalem is called a city of *confusion* in Isaiah 24:10.
Israel is a whore, an adulterous rejected queen, and a witch practicing sorcery: *but draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore (Isaiah 57:3* (This is illegitimate Israel. The remnant of the Godly Israel all came into the New Israel, the New Testament Church).
The city of Jerusalem became a harlot, full of murderers: *How is the faithful city become an harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers (Isaiah 1:21)*.
Israel was a fornicating wife: *But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornication on every one that passed by; his it was (Ezekiel 16:15)*.
Israel was old in her adultery: *Then said I unto her that was old in adulteries, Will they now commit whoredom with her, and she with them (Ezekiel 23:43)*?
The judgment of the great whore: *And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth (is scattered) upon many waters (Revelation 17:1)*.
The whore of Babylon further proven: 1.) Jeremiah 2:20-Israel played the harlot. 2.) Jeremiah 3:1-Israel played the harlot. 3.) Jeremiah 3:8-Israel is divorced per Deuteronomy 4:1-4. 4.) Ezekiel 16:15- Playedst the harlot and whore. 5.) Hosea 1:2-Israel a wife of whoredom. 6.) Hosea 1:9-Lo-Ammi, ye are not my people.
Mystery Babylon is apostate Judaism in all of her adulterous fame. Only by Rome joining the secret societies through mystical connection to Judaistic gnosticism has she become a daughter of the great whore. Only by Islam also being brought into the family by joining the secret societies and producing Arabic freemasonry has she become a daughter. Judaism claims that she is the mother of both mystical Catholicism and mystical Islam. The whore and her harlot daughters are thus identified. The Whore of Mystery Babylon can not hide her endtime identity any longer. Several other facts will identify her:
The Woman = Jerusalem
The Woman has killed the Saints - the Prophets, Apostles, and Jesus (Revelation 11:8; 17:6; 18: 20,24).
Jerusalem has killed the Saints - the Prophets, Apostles, and Jesus (Matthew 23:29-36; Luke 6:22-23, 26; 11:47-52; 13:28,33-34; Acts 2:23,36; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 7:51-52; Romans 11:2-5; 1 Corinthians 2:7-8; 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, James 5:10).
The 7 Mountains (Revelation 17:9) refer to Jerusalem, not Rome. The seven mountains upon which Jerusalem was built are Mount Zion, Mount Ophel, Mount Moriah, Mount Bezetha, Mount Acra, Mount Gareb, and Mount Goath.
Notice of Divorce
In Jeremiah 31:32, God said he was ?an husband? to Israel. In Jeremiah 3:8-14 and Isaiah 50:1, God states that he was married to Israel, and gave Israel a bill of divorcement, because Israel committed adultery. This occured around 721 B.C.
Who owns the Kingdom Halls?
by No Apologies inon another thread ( ) i saw these comments:.
think again, the kingdom halls are paid for by the local witnesses, and when its paid off, its donated back to the wt society, what an elaborate scheme!!!
when the construction is finished the congo finally has it's own kh, right?