Someone sounds a little horny to me... j/k
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
Sisters in Strength.
by Blueblades insarah, rebecca, bathsheba, ruth, esther, deborah and others are sisters in strength mentioned in the bibical stories as a complicated unpredictable band of sisters.
with that said, i was raised with seven sisters, ( keep that toilet seat down brother )
i want to express my thanks to all you ' sisters in strength' on this forum, who post here with imagination, courage, and intelligence.
Whats Your View on most JW's
by XBEHERE inits safe to assume that many jw's come on here and just read posts.
in fact i did it for several months before posting anything.
i have seen many, many helpful posts giving encouragement, etc.
Do Witnesses care about hurting the feelings of non-Witnesses when they paint them with such broad strokes? What about in that song "Make the Truth Your Own?"
"The world and its friendship you'll lose"
Please note, the italics are not mine. It gives me the creeps how hatefully that term is italicized, as if the writers were ensuring we sing it disdainfully. And what did the Pharisees call those who didn't share their beliefs?
People of the earth.
People of the world?
Worldly people!
If Witnesses think all others are misguided at best, headed to a brutal death at the Big A at worst, then its only fair they understand others see them as misguided at best, brainwashed at worst.
In the heat of the night.
by Schizm in
web-posted wednesday, november 17, 2004 .
couple jailed after encounter interrupted .
Once I decided that since I was a good Witness, and looked to the Bible for guidance, I'd be a hypocrite if I hadn't read it, cover to cover. So I began. I started at Genesis 1:1, read all the way up to Lot's daughters, and threw the Bible down in disgust.
Witnesses won't see R-rated movies. What rating do you think the BIble would get by the MPAA if it was on film?
HEY! anyone got a scanned copy of School and Jehovah's Witnesses?
by MelbaToast init would be great if i could get some copies of this booklet.
any information that you have, could you please post???
i need it for my psych paper....blondie, got anything?
I could never tell if that was a boy or girl on the front cover.
But that curvy Hispanic chick on the replacement brochure, from the 90's? Hot.
"Bless You!"
by kaykay_mp something any decent person would say if you sneezed.
but i was thinking, "surely some of the dubs would see something wrong with saying this.
" if you were at the hall, one of them would probably would cut in and say something asenine like, "you're not blessing him, jehovah and his holy spirit is...".
I dunno, Ozzie, the "sneezing out your soul" explanation is fairly well-documented. I tend to say "gesudheit" myself, it means "good health" in German. Nothing superstitious about that. I could never comprehend exactly what a "blessing" was supposed to be, anyway.
As far as tabboo idioms, when I was eight or ten I was forced to play with a JW boy from the hall. Every time I used the expression "I bet," as in "I bet if we climb that tree we can find a bird's nest," he'd interrupt me.
"Jehovah's Witnesses don't bet."
Why parts of Bible makes no sense
by MungoBaobab inyep, another day, another newbie.
i've been lurking on the board for quite some time, but i just got my password today b/c of some admin.
error or such.
Again, thank you all for your welcome.
To address your question, myelaine, let me tell you that itsallgoodnow is right; I do have an exit strategy, but I can't just up and leave for my own reasons and circumstances. That, however, is a discussion for another time. I seethe with resentment at any person or group that decieves people so thoroughly and so remorselessly. As Narkissos proved with his 17th century quote, people have been doing that for centuries.
Deja Vu?
by heart2heart indo you ever experience "deja vu" - the feeling of having experienced the exact same moment before?
sometimes this happens to me - usually when it happens i can vaguely remember having a dream about it, and sometimes i can remember exactly what is going to happen next because the dream is so vivid (funny...when i remember the dream, i can remember thinking "this is going to happen...i remember this too..." deja vu of deja vu???).
does anyone know anything about deja vu or have any explanations?
Sure! Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
"Didn't we cover this same pointless drivel last week?"
My Brother Can't Even Do Microphone Duty Because He Went To My Kid's Weddin
by minimus inmy mother just told me that my brother was told by his elders that because he attended my daughter's wedding, he was not going to be allowed any privileges, including "handling the microphones".
my elder friend that also went to the wedding told me he was being deleted too.
One congregation gets a body that is crazy like this and folks who can leave to another and even elders who don't want to be part of it.
That's what happened with me. I lost my microphone privliges for refusing to shave my sideburns a quarter of an inch to mid-ear length. Yes, you read that correctly. Can you say Pharisaical? I relocated to another congregation shortly thereafter, and guess what? ALL of the microphone handlers there had sideburns at least as long as mine. BUT, since I had that bad report follow me to the new Hall, I haven't had mic duty since then, and that was 1998. Good!
the last circuit assembly i attended..
by candidlynuts instill clinging to the hope that the brothers would have some kind of help for people like me.. seeking encouragement etc... the only talk that stood out and that made me totally angry was a talk about forgiveness and how in the new system king david would be resurrected along with the man he had killed so he could have his wife... and how the man that was killed would have to forgive david or would lose his chance at everlasting life.. 1. why would they even speculate on stuff like this .
2. how the heck did that help me or anyone else.
3. if i was the fella i'd be resurrected just to kick king davids ass.. 4.i was infuriated at the comment in the talk " if (was his name uriah?
There was a
Made-UpQuestions from OurWritersReaders not far back that stated you cannot divorce an adulterous mate without first forgiving them and trying to take them back. Then, if the adulterer refused, and only then, could a Witness obtain a divorce in good conscience. How dare they a) go against the Scriptures they claim to adore b) insinuate themselves into such an emotionally volatile... oh, never mind! -
The apostle Paul
by vitty inim not a bible scholar, even though i was in the troof for 20 years, but i really feel the apostle paul has got a lot to answer for.. i mean its because of his letters we have all this turmoil about the blood issue, shunning and judging each other, homosexuality.
he is not slow in saying how righteous he is , how humble he is and telling the christians off for critisizing him (um reminds me of some people).
now the gospels on the other hand are so simple, jesus was humble, told us never to judge a person, he never shunned anyone not even the pharises and ate with sinners (of his religion) and told us we only had two rules .
I dunno, you gotta admire a man who tells it like it is:
Galatians 5:12 I wish those that set you adrift would castrate themselves.
Gee, when was the last time you saw that scripture quoted in the magazines?