JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
Baby Dies in Texas After Mother Reports Cutting off Arms
by Mecurious? indid anyone else hear about this?
here is the link:.
Woman as Teachers
by sandy in.
1 tim 2: 11,12 and 1 cor.
14: 33,34 says woman should be silent in the congegation.. how do the witnesses explain it is ok for woman to give talks and demonstrations in the congegation?.
Come on, Sandy! Nobody in their right mind would get converted at all! hehe
The subtle distancing of my Witness past....
by logansrun inhello folks,.
it has been said by many long-time ex-witnesses that the greatest stage of "healing" we can go through is when we feel like an ex-ex-jehovah's witness.
more and more i have been feeling this way.
GREAT post, logansrun. Truly profound. I'm glad to hear you've found a way to "renew!" I hope to be where you are in three years, but only time will tell.
As a JW did you "take a turkey" or accept the Xmas Bonus?
by confusedjw ini felt it hypocritical to take a turkey abviously meant for thanksgiving.
i didn't like buying the easter candy after easter either as it was "food sacrificed to idols".. years ago at a place i worked they gave out a xmas bonus which i returned.
( a few hundred dollars which we sure could have used) they assured me that it was an "end of the year" bonus.
I would have accepted, had I ever been presented with anything. In fact, I went to the company Christmas party once, but that was only because I went out drinking with co-workers beforehand, and didn't trust myself to drive home. Shame on Brother Baobab!
What TV/movie characters could you see as JWs?
by MungoBaobab inreligion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows?
there could be a plethora of jw characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!.
for example, what about bill lumberg (the boss) from the movie "office space?
Religion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows? There could be a plethora of JW characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!
For example, what about Bill Lumberg (the boss) from the movie "Office Space?" From the way he talks down to people in such a nice way, he's got elder written all over him.
"Yeah hi, Brother Gibbons. Haven't seen you out in service for awhile."
"Yeah, I know. I guess I just-"
"You know, we are living in the time of the End, and all those who don't have a full share in the ministry will be cut off. We wouldn't want that to happen now, would we! So if you could just go ahead and come out Saturday, that would be great, mmmkay? In fact, gonna have to ask you to come out Sunday, too, mmmkay? Gotta keep the congregation's numbers up. Thanks!"
Will Money Cause the Watchtower to Dump Statistics?
by metatron inthe watchtower has a problem that's been emerging over the past few years.
worldwide growth still exists, it is increasingly compensated for by decreases in the .
economically advanced nations.
Countries like China were left out ostensibly because the JWs are under ban there. I've never questioned this before, but I don't recall stats from any banned country. Wouldn't keeping records seriously jeopardize their membership in those lands?
Author Claims Abraham Lincoln was Gay
by Kenneson inthere's a new book coming out next year, "intimate world of abraham lincoln," by dr. c.a.
tripp which claims that abraham lincoln was gay.
he asserts that lincoln was predominantly homosexual and only incidentally heterosexual.
Hmm... Was the play he was shot at a musical or something?
I'm embarrassed to be related to my brother.
by ColdRedRain inonly a few days ago, my girlfriend wanted to suspend our relationship.
naturally, i was hearbroken about it, because i loved that woman to the point where i dreamt about her every night.
so today, when i hear about my brother dumping his gf because according to him, she was too skinny to be his wife, it made me want to wait until he got home from florida and beat him up.
That's a shame about your girlfriend. Break-ups can be hard, but the sooner they come the better. If it was a doomed relationship (and I'm sure you didn't feel that it was), the sooner it ends the sooner you can move on. And you will.
As far as your brother, I don't think it's just men in the troof who are as shallow as a kiddie pool! Sure seems like the shallow ones get all the chicks, though, dammit.
Biggest cat I ever seen
by JH indid you ever see a domestic cat this big before?
i wonder if his name is brummie?
this picture can be found here.
The biggest cat I ever seen was Barry White. Man, that brotha was HUGE!
Can someone explain to me the story of the tower of Babel?
by tippysock inin genisis 11:6 jehovah appears to be worried that mankind will be able to do anything they desire.
did jehovah scatter men and use different languages as a controlling measure to make us dependent on him?
what happened to freewill?
I guess you have a right to believe what you want, noko. The truth is I respect that. But I also believe that a person's beliefs should hold up under scrutiny and conform to logic.
How did the plans for Babel fall apart at the end? There are many "towers" all over Mesopotamia (ziggarauts). Now we have buildings many, many times taller. Why doesn't God try and stop us from building skyscrapers now?