It's worth noting that Akhenaton's, aka Amenhotep IV's, endorsement for henotheism was certainly a bid to wrest power from the Egyptian priest class. What we have here is one of the earliest recorded examples of a ruler changing religion to consolidate his power. By the way, he was married to Nefertiti, one of the earliest recorded examples of a drop-dead gorgeous trophy wife!
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
question for history buffs..
by candidlynuts inlast night my honey and i watched the program about pharoah on discovery channel.. they did facial reconstruction of pharoah and his sons heads... it they discussed how monotheism began with the egyptians.. that led to my honey and i talking about how people worshipped "god" in isolated areas thruout history before christianity or any other religions came to them.
what we know of history people would have rain gods, sun gods, earth gods , fertility gods etc.
Awake Caption time!!!
by doodle-v inadd your own caption or title to this awake cover.
here is the original one:.
here is a blank one for you to use:.
LOL doodle-v!
Protect yourself from FRAUD
Ignore telephone witnessing
by nobodylovesme ingandhi
gandhi walked barefoot everywhere, to the point that his feet became quite thick and hard.
he also was quite a spiritual person.
17 years, eight months, eh? Just wait four months, sweetheart. I'll love ya!
by nobodylovesme ingandhi
gandhi walked barefoot everywhere, to the point that his feet became quite thick and hard.
he also was quite a spiritual person.
Welcome to the board, by the way. Care to explain your rather depressing screenname? I'm sure it's not true.
Every year that passes by should be a SLAP in the face for the Watchtower
by JH in.
every year, a new jw calendar comes out, and i say to myself, the watchtower should feel more and more stupid each year knowing that what they prophesized didn't happen once more.. i wonder what will be this year's theme written on the calendar?.
"You guys don't get it! Each year that goes by just means we're one year closer to Armageddon."
(Talk about a one-liner joke!)
by nobodylovesme ingandhi
gandhi walked barefoot everywhere, to the point that his feet became quite thick and hard.
he also was quite a spiritual person.
Man was that ever corny- and funny! I snickered.
Cute but very disturbing... Send your kid a letter from Santa...
by Elsewhere ini love to get into the whole christmas spirit thing, but i never take it to the point of lying to or deceiving children about it.
i try to teach kids that it is the spirit of christmas that matters... then i saw this thing.
parents are actively trying to deceive their kids by offering them "proof" that santa is real.
Hillbilly, I wasn't suggesting hat Santa and the GB are the same. Although I do think that Santa and God are the same!
-Oh no he didn't just compare God to Santa!
Some two-bit outfit that sends pretend letters supposedly from a supernatural being, now THAT'S worthy of the GB.
Cute but very disturbing... Send your kid a letter from Santa...
by Elsewhere ini love to get into the whole christmas spirit thing, but i never take it to the point of lying to or deceiving children about it.
i try to teach kids that it is the spirit of christmas that matters... then i saw this thing.
parents are actively trying to deceive their kids by offering them "proof" that santa is real.
What about those poor elves? Can you say SWEATSHOP?
Of course you're happier.
by kwintestal ini got to thinking about the wt study this week (i read blondie's version of it) and the statement that jehovah's witnesses are the happiest people on earth.. there are 2 groups of people in the jw faith and in any other for that matter, those who were born and raised who know no other religion, and those who were converted.. it's somewhat understood, by most, that jw's target those who are emotionally and spiritually vulnerable to convert, therefore they are unhappy.. those who were raised as jw's are told and given repeated examples of how everyone else is unhappy.
when they hear these examples where unhappy people add the jw faith into the mix and suddenly they are transformed into the happiest people on earth, they become convinced that everyone not a jw is like that.. the constant reminders that jw's are the happiest people on earth, for the convert trigger the memory of their poor emotional or spiritual state prior to entering the jw faith, and for the lifetime jw trigger the memory of the previously poor state of the convert.. additional thoughts anyone?.
It is a terrible cognitive dissonance to be raised in this religion and told that everyone else is unhappy while in fact YOU become the unhappiest person, and suffer further when you need to break free of this imprisonment.
True that, euripides. I wish every JW at every door would ask every prospective convert:
-Are you married? Because becoming a JW can shatter your family life. Even if it doesn't, if your spouse does not also join you'll be the odd man/woman out when it comes time for couples to socialize. Don't count on being invited out.
-Are you single? As if it's not hard enough to find decent companionship, you will have about 6 prospective mates you will have regular contact with. Even if you do find someone, you will not be allowed to spend any time alone with your fiancee without a chaperone until your wedding night. I hope romance isn't a priority.
-Do you have a hobby that brings you joy? Wouldn't your time be better spent underlining answers in Watchtower literature?
-Do you interact with people who aren't JWs? Don't be too friendly, they're bad association soon to be killed by God. Same goes for your family, btw. Same goes for you if you don't get baptized.
-Ever feel like hopping a jet to somewhere far away and losing yourself? Don't forget a pocket-sized library of Watchtower literature to preach to people along the way.
Man, the WTS sure knows how to crush the human spirit.
What would it take to turn the military from a cult to a religion?
by XQsThaiPoes init is a part 2 to my "what makes a cult a 'cult'?
" thread.
so what would it take to trun the marines for example from a military cult to a mainstream religion.
The Witness Home Bible Study program serves as the boot camp "tearing down process." Ever notice that this is when things in the house become demonized? After a thorough search of the house, some non-JW approved object or another is discovered, destroyed, then the prospective Bible student becomes a faithful pre-Witness pending baptism. My theory is the guilt of a non-JW life overwhelms the Bible student to the point where they project their inner "demons" outward until they find a mascot in the form of an old cross, Smurf doll, whatever the case may be. Getting rid of the "demonized" object serves as a ritual casting off of the old personality (did that f'ing phrase just come out of my mouth?!). Of course, most JWs aren't that crazy. Most.