I'd like to thank the folks at the Watchtower Society, especially the writing commitee and those who contirbuted to the August 1, 2002 Watchtower, for successfully talking me into leaving. Thanks guys!
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
Has anyone sucessfully talked a JW into quiting?
by JustTickledPink inmy mother doesn't speak to me although she will exchange emails with me.
we actually don't communicate much, but recently i sent her a few emails detailing things are wrong with the watchtower society.
her responses are laughable... but i am still printing out articles and mailing them to her about the un scandle, she of course doesn't believe it.. but has anyone sucessfully made any headway talking to a dyed in the wool jw and made any progress?
What about all the talk about the Great Tribulation? I was told by my mother at the age of about six or seven that one day people would throw us all in jail or "drag us out into the street and shoot us." My mind would race ahead to the Great Tribulation, wondering if my non-JW father or other relatives would sell us out to the United Nations. I wondered if any of my fellow students (I was in 3rd or 4th grade, mind you) would end up as armed guards at prisons in the GT and psysically abuse me. On top of that, I always figured I'd die at Armageddon anyway, because I never felt good enough for Jehovah, even though I was a model child in terms of behavior even by JW standards.
What a sick, disgusting religion.
Can a person believe that the Bible contradicts itself and be a Christian?
by booker-t ini am having some conflicting feelings lately that i need some advice on.
i am starting to believe that the bible contradicts itself but at the same time i love jehovah and jesus and have hope for some form of eternal life.
that will never change but i have never believed in the bible 100% coming from god.
Regarding the Adam & Eve account, God did indeed say that "in the day you eat from it you will positively die." Ask yourself, if God meant they would start to die, or they would die spiritually, then why didn't God say what he meant? Ask youself why Genesis 3:1 would refer to the serpent as "the most cautious of the wild beasts of the field" if the serpent itself was a dumb animal possessed by Satan. Ask yourself why Satan, or the devil, isn't mentioned at all. Ask youself why the serpent was punished in Genesis 3:14, when the devil is the one that caused trouble while in its body. Ask yourself if "the first prophecy" in the next verse really seems to be speaking about anything other than people stepping on snakes. Ask youself why a married couple would be ashamed to be naked around eachother when today married couples regularly see eachother nude with no shame at all.
Ask youself why in Genesis 3:22 God is afraid that man will eat from the Tree of Life and live forever. It's because this God is afraid his creation, man, will replace him. God, in the account, knew good and bad, and had eternal life. He was afraid man would become like him (and, since God always speaks of an "us," another group of gods), he lies about dying from eating from the Tree of Knowledge and forcefully restrains Adam from the Tree of Life, which I'm sure you hardly ever hear about.
There are far too many inconsistencies and lapses in common sense to take this account literally. Now, many people remain Christians while dismissing Adam & Eve, but then how do you justify the need for a ransom with Romans 5:12? Frankly, and although it is not always en vogue to do so, the Gospels can be decronstructed in the same way Genesis, and many accounts of Jesus can be seen to be fabrications.
It's a lonely feeling, when you realize the Bible isn't true, that there might not be a God watching out for you. But it can be exciting and liberating , too.
I hurt..
by Dirt Rocker ini got surgery on my hand a few days ago and it f-ing hurts!
i had an extra muscle in my left hand so i go it removed.
and now it really hurts... .
Hahaha! Just kidding. Hope you feel better.
Holidays: It's all about gratitude
by Fleur in"holidays" have nothing to do with religion anymore anyway!".
it looked like, to many of them, the most religious experience associated with the whole thing was knowing they got.
the fictitious bajorans supposedly have a great celebration every year known as the gratitude festival.. .
You bet! It's so funny I actually said "I knew I liked her" out loud as I read you post! Great minds think alike, I guess!
Peldor Joi!
would you go back if...
by what_Truth? ina member of the gb splits breaks away and takes a few billion with him.
he decideds to found his own church.
this church is almost exactly the same as the jehovah's witneses except for a few major changes .
I'd probably go back if it meant I could have a really smokin' hot chick. Then I'd get her to follow me back out!
Want a chip?...
by Brummie inwould you accept an identification chip beneath your skin?
i know this is about medication records, buto you think there will ever be a day when we wont be able to "buy and sell" if we dont have a chip to replace all our credit cards etc?
Would anyone like a chocolate chip?
Holidays: It's all about gratitude
by Fleur in"holidays" have nothing to do with religion anymore anyway!".
it looked like, to many of them, the most religious experience associated with the whole thing was knowing they got.
the fictitious bajorans supposedly have a great celebration every year known as the gratitude festival.. .
Wow! Somebody's been watching her DS9! Great post, Fleur!
I like your parallel between the Witnesses and Bajorans. I've always been amused by the comparison of the JWs to the Borg, ("Borginization," hehe), but I've always thought the WTS was set up more like the Dominion.
Founders = Governing Body: Cold, impersonal, oblivious / apathetic to the concerns of those in their charge. Viewed as gods by their subjects yet utterly fallible. Constantly changing shape to stay alive, live in a secluded location. Expel their own kind for not sharing their views. Some are centuries old!
Vorta = Elders & COs: Arrogant, condescending, in love with their own authority. Fawn over their superiors, say really mean things in nice ways. Will lie or distort the truth for organizational objectives. They are given the task of dispensing the "proper food at the proper time" that the R&F are addicted to (ketracel white vs. Watchtowers & Awakes). They have no sense of aesthetics!
Jem'Hadar = R&F Witnesses: Actually a honorable lot, for the most part. Fanatically loyal to the organization, some remain loyal and willing to die even when they know its not the truth (Remata'Klan, see ep. "Rocks and Shoals") Others break away and wreak havoc ("To the Death"). Most only have direct contact with their immediate superiors and never see a governing member. They're forced to grow up fast and kept addicted to a product made by the governing coucil!
Jackson's and Boy's Prints Found on Porn Mags
by Elsewhere inhttp://apnews.myway.com/article/20041212/d86tr8sg1.html
report: jackson prints found on porn mags.
dec 11, 10:01 pm (et).
For the record, I take no position on Jackson's innocence or guilt.
But does an older guy viewing porn with a younger guy, even underage, constitue or prove abuse? How else are kids supposed to get their hands on it (the porn, that is ). It sucks to be 14, horny, and unable to get any. I think pornography serves a very useful purpose in educating young people about anatomy and sexuality, provided they're sophisticated enough to understand its fantasy. It also serves as an outlet for sexual frustration; ex. would it be better for young teenagers to have sex or view porn? And for the record I'm not some porn addict, nor do I support all forms (underage, etc). I just feel it serves a useful purpose, mainly for young people.
I'd love to be approached by a Dub offering an Awake on pornography.
"Don't you agree that porn is a worldwide epidemic?"
"Umm, no. Not really!"
Your favorite JW made-up word
by dorothy in.
ok, they have lots of "witnessy" sayings.
but the best is the words they keep making up.. mine is "super-fine apostles" (from an awake a few months ago).
"Mesiahship" was mentioned in a bookstudy publication a few years back, as in "Jesus earned his mesiahship by dying on a torture stake."