one pet peeve I can think of is cleaning up after people, and oh yea the I'm the only one who knows how to put toilet paper roll on the roll. Happens everytime I sit down, and having the toilet seat up, so when I sit in the middle of night, I fall in, that's damn cold on the butt.
JoinedPosts by bigfloppydog
Pet Peeves
by patio34 inanyone have any pet peeves they'd like to air?
here's one that just happened at work that is an annoyance for me: when you are speaking and the person interrupts the conversation with a corny play on words or the like.
for example, "i had to sit on the phone on hold for about 5 minutes, waiting .
I've been away - COME SEE WHY!!!
by conflicted inkaitlyn marie is born
8 pounds, 5 ounces.
21 3/4" long.
Just read your post A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR WIFE. The baby is adorable.
Who is actualy a jehovah witness here? I mean Jeez
by ShyGurlie inim a young high school girl who thinks that this is crazy.
It truly shows that you are indeed a young highschool girl, because if you more mature, then you would realize, that even coming to a chat room as this is totally the wrong thing for you to be doing. You better hope that the elders never find out, because you could get into alot of trouble. A true mature JW would not even consider getting involved. Maybe you should search your conscience and ask yourself if you are doing a good thing.
What's yer favourite TV Comedy of all time?
by VioletAnai inmine would definitely have to be the young ones.
i'm such a sucker for brit humour.
just the thought of viv and rick - cracks me up.. what gets you giggling away?
My favorites are
My Wife and Kids
Whose Line Is It Anyway
Cosby Show -
Hi - I'm New!
by Aunty injust wanted to say hello - i've been lurking here for about a month and decided to join.
i was raised a witness, but have been out for almost 10 years.
i just faded out - it was easy since i moved to california from ohio.
My mother Noticed
by metatron inyears ago, when my mom was alive, she was very active.
in the door to door work.
she always had bible studies.. but she started noticing a change in the kind of people.
I truly believe the posts that have been written here, there is alot of very good points made by everyone. I would like to add a point, I really believe any organization that brings divisions amongst family and friends is truly the wrong one. How many have lost loved ones and many,many good friends through these divisions. If you get df or leave on your own accord, then many people shun you, turn their backs on you. Someone said once, blood is thicker than water, well if this statement is true, then where is the proof. I thought in my heart of hearts that nothing ever should every seperate, or be the cause to seperate families. The truth has taught me that all it does is cause deeper pain within a person. So many of us have lost out on, and miss the love they once had from our families, son, daughters, husband, wives etc. This is truly a sad sad thing. WHERE HAS TRUE LOVE GONE? I mean to this day, I still feel the lose, some days stronger than others. When you grow up with a brother or sister as an example, then you leave the org. or are put out, you still have the memories from childhood, and nothing I believe can erase such memories. Now you have nothing but memories, this is sometimes to overwhelming for me because all I ever want is the normal life, the family life I was forced to leave behind. Yes you can surely go on and make new friends and start fresh so to speak, but what's left behind is still in your head and heart. I cry for the lose of a sister, but feel she probably doesn.t give to hoots about how my life is, because if she did, she would truly be apart of my life now.
by gilwarrior inwell today i went to my trainer and i weighed myself.
i weigh a disgusting 258 pounds!
i new record for me.
You should lose weight just by eating what you are planning to eat, lots of veggies, fruit, and white meat. Watch those apples though, I hear they help retain water. Another good idea is drinking plenty of water 6 to 8 glasses per day, I know that not many people like water, but it will clean out your system, help give you energy. That and being active, should give you excellent results. I also have always had a bit of a weight problem, but lost 40 lbs by doing this kind of eating and exercising. I used a stationary bike and a gym 2000, I loved working on that, especially in my own home, I could watch TV and work out. I eventually was doing it everyday for 3 quarters of an hour, and never even realized how quickly time went by. Swimming is another great way to get a good work-out.
WindRider needs your love and support
by Skeptic inwindrider is seriously depressed today, dangerously so.
she really needs your support, friendship and encouragement.
she would have posted on the board herself, but her system is down.
I just want you to know I am thinking of you and hope you are feeling better soon. It takes time for things to heal. But let it be known you are in my thoughts.
SWEET MIXED taste great in a tuna sandwich, and DILLS, no garlic on a hamburger.
What to you do when you are being shunned?
by aprostate ini used to be quiet around witnesses who were shunning me.
i changed my mind after my dad's funeral a couple of years ago.
i was their alone since i live in a different state; but, i guess everybody still knew who i was because of my mom.
Same thing happened to me at my dad's funeral, some shunned me, because they were afraid of what would happen to them if they did talk to me, even a family member came up to me and said, well I guess under these circumstances, I should give you a hug, I never said anything at first, but later when I had time to think it over, I felt like saying, well if you can't hug me because you love me, then just don't bother. I didn't even know that he knew I was DA, so someone in the family must have told him, yet another member of my family kindly gave me a hug and asked how I was. Figure that out how come some can and others can't, even some sister's from my ex-congregation hugged me and expressed their sympathy. Now when someone meets me on the street, I do not back down, I may not say anything, but I don't hang my head in shame, I give them straight eye contact, and more often than none, they back down first. It's hard enough at a funeral then having to go through stuff like that.