So sorry to hear that your dog died. Pets are really special, they show so much un-conditional love.We had a dog we nick-named "Smiley" because I taught him to smile. Everytime we came home, he had this silly grin on his face. He died many years ago, and of course I was the one who had to go to the vet. Something went wrong one day when he was in the yard, something happened inside his brain, and we went through a weekend of hell, hoping he would get better, but I new deep down he was not getting better. On the Monday off we went to vet. I stood there with my arms wrapped around his neck, as they were putting him to sleep, and all the time telling him how sorry I was to have to do this, and softly whispering in his ear good-bye "Smiley" To this day, I still think of him. So pets are very special, and I will always believe they have personality. This is good for a good (cry) Remember all the good memories of your dog.
JoinedPosts by bigfloppydog
My darn dog died
by LB ini've had this cowdog for nearly 11 years now.
today she went out in the sun and got heatstroke and just didn't recover.
i gave her cpr and brought her back twice but she was too far gone.
Thought for the day!
by SpiceItUp inearlier this morning i had a moment...and had a bit of a temper tantrum.
i want to thank all those that let me know i wasnt alone.
i have been going through some tough times and noone gave me grief when i yelled about it.
Here's one I found one day while reading. "Minds are like parachutes; they work best when open." BY; Lord Tomas Dewar.
My daughter will....
by Dawn inmy daughter is 5 today.
i was raised a jw but left long before she was born.
as i was getting ready for her party i started thinking...she'll be starting kindergarden soon and her life will be so different from mine.. she will............. 1) be able to participate in holiday celebrations.
That's how I feel about my grandchildren, they will enjoy things that I missed out on. HAPPY 'B
DAY' to your daughter, enjoy.
by Amazing indr. phil gave this test on oprah.
some folks pay a lot of money to find this stuff out.
don't be overly sensitive!
I got 42, pretty much describes me, altough not always wanting to be centre of attention, I am shy.
Freed 1 yr ago today; My B'D tomorrow
by Trotafox init was one year ago today, that i mailed my disassociation letter.
i had postponed my da'ng to spend months (many sleepless) gathering research to help "rescue" my jw friend of 26 years.
i called her finally on june 30. turns out, she could have cared less.
CONGRATULATIONS TROT. enjoy, enjoy your birthday, freedom is sooooo great. So glad you have a great relationship with your mom.
My chat with Elder Dad. (I'm angry!!)
by home_and_dry ini feel the need for a rant!
i had a conversation with my jw elder father tonight that has left me seething.
just to set the scene, i left the jws back in 1994. i was baptized, having been dfd and reinstated a couple of years prior to my final exit in 94. i was never dfd again and pretty much left to my own devices.
Home, first, I don't know you, but it sounds that you have done the best you can under the circumstances you have been through. You should be proud of yourself, living up to your responsibilities with your children and home. Your dad I believe loves you, but it is his duty to try his hardest to get you to realize your so called error of your way. Don't let people put you down for choices you made. Life is to short to get caught up in such a battle of if he is right or you are right. Enjoy life with your children, and hold your head high for what you have been trying to do be a good parent. The best to you in your future endeavours.
Double Standards
by Perfection Seeker indid anyone else have witness parents who the congregation thought were the "model" family, yet behind closed doors all hell broke loose?
i remember a time when my family was choosen to do a part at an assembly about the ideal family- yet behind the scenes, we were beat, yelled at, sworn at, never studied, had a family from hell, yet others always commented how "perfect" and christian our family was.
being a witness leaves deep & permanent scars.
This is a very good point, double standards in families, you just never know what goes on behind closed doors. I used to look at jw families and sort of put them on a pedestal, what a joke. I see now some of the up front double standards they have. It makes me sick to my stomach. Then when you see the doubles standards, you think, what hypocrites. That was part of the reason I left. I could go on and on and tell stories of many who had double standards in their home lives.
Where did you look at, at the conventions?
by fulano in.
not at the platform.. i always looked around if there were any nice coloured sisters (and i was married and an elder)...
Looking through my binoculars, at all the hot guys.
by Mary ini think it's time bethel got a new sign out front, one that really speaks volumes and is far more suitable to their "read god's word the bible daily.
i was thinking: .
oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!